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Tuesday 10 March 2015

Sun PR Makes Tit Of Himself AGAIN

[Update at end of post]

Dylan Sharpe, who has obediently taken the Murdoch shilling to become the Super Soaraway Currant Bun’s PR man, was gravely offended yesterday when he discovered that the deeply subversive Guardian had exercised its right to interview whomsoever it wanted. But his principled defence of the idea that the larger part of the Fourth Estate should be able to effectively censor free speech soon came undone.
Dylan Sharpe - not sneering at all, honestly

Sharpe, who joined the Sun last year from Business For Britain, which claims to be a “non-partisan” organisation, but in reality is a clone of the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance, is another of those right-wing Clever People Who Talk Loudly In Restaurants. He takes great exception to the idea that he can be other than totally right about everything, so much so that when he did mess up badly last January, well, it was someone else’s fault.
This is totally normal behaviour, you understand, and not creepy or intrusive in any way at all

The decision had been made to end the “tradition” of publishing photos of topless women on Page 3 of the Sun. But, just to show an eye for a little free publicity, after leaking the story that Page 3 was, er, no more, the Murdoch faithful splashed one last topless model all over it. Sharpe was so full of himself that he got a little too carried away, and sent samples of the photo to several well-known women.
Don't attack me - I'm a victim!

That this campaign had progressed not necessarily to his advantage became clear as poor Sharpe had to leave Twitter for a few hours - yes, just like I did a fortnight ago when otherwise engaged travelling, being interviewed, and attending Parliament. The self-pity was trowelled on. He was now a victim. The thought that he’d offended a range of people, from Kay Burley to Harriet Harman, was not allowed to enter.
Not really obsessed with Page 3 at all, you understand

In fact, Sharpe was still teasing that Page 3 prospect the week after he overreached himself, suggesting that those more politically correct than he were “saying they never did hope that page 3 had disappeared”. Being PR for the Sun means not only never having to actually say sorry, but shameless enough with it to carry on as if nothing had happened.
Not trying to censor the Guardian at all ...

And that carrying on meant Sharpe opening mouth and inserting boot in no style at all yesterday, first goading Peter Jukes with “don't get so anxious Peter, I'm sure @mediaguardian will also do a nice profile on you soon as well” before overreaching himself by following up with “Peter you seem a little obsessed with breasts”. Yes, someone else was obsessed with breasts, and not Dylan Sharpe!

The clown who sent unsolicited topless photos to several well-known women was not, repeat not, repeat NOT obsessed with breasts. And he’s totally the right person to sit in judgment on the Guardian for interviewing a blogger who calls out right-wing hypocrisy, like, oh I dunno, that practiced by Himself Personally Now.

Dylan Sharpe, nobody with brain engaged will be taking lessons from you on what should or should not be in the papers any time soon. Not while you’re making a tit of yourself.

[UPDATE 1820 hours: meanwhile, as the Guardian has reported, "The Times’s media editor, Alex Spence, has left the newspaper after writing an article about the decision by the paper’s sister title, the Sun, to drop Page 3".

Spence told that Rupe had "signed off on the change of policy". Guardian again: "Spence’s article was therefore widely viewed as confirmation that Page 3 had come to an end. He had been given the inside track. But the Sun published a further Page 3 picture on 22 January, undermining the truth of Spence’s exclusive and casting aspersions on his journalistic credibility".

The report went on "Spence, in seeking to defend his integrity, reacted by letting it be known that he had been briefed from within the organisation about Page 3’s demise. He is also said, by Private Eye, to have lodged a complaint with the editor of the Times, John Witherow. The result was his disappearance from the office after 30 January, reported the magazine".

And who was it at the Sun who leeringly previewed the one-off "Return of Page 3"? That would be Dylan Sharpe. Sadly, an experienced real journalist had to walk the plank, instead of a puerile spin artist. Such is life at today's Murdoch titles]

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