So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I’ve given up trying to find some more domestic stuff to do later. So there.

6 Tommy Robinson Has Left The Building Stephen Lennon flees to Spain - so what’s he up to this time?
5 Malicious Communication The Zelo Street house has received an anonymous threatening letter - do you recognise the handwriting on the envelope?
4 Maajid Nawaz PWNS HIMSELF The LBC host tried a Wiley guilt by association smear of Ash Sarkar. The problem was, he had the same association.
3 Libel Claims - So It IS About The Money That’s the name of the game - Rachel Riley says so.
2 Jane Heybroek’s Unanswered Questions The libel action brought against the barrister by Rachel Riley and Tracy Ann Oberman collapsed. So why was it brought in the first place?
1 Tommy Robinson - LOCATED No need to guess - the idiot doxxed himself.
And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!
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