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Tuesday 18 August 2020

Nigel Farage’s Damaging Doxxing

The leisure and hospitality sector of our economy is suffering rather more than most as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, with pubs and restaurants shut, hotels empty away from tourist spots as business travel remains more or less absent, and a lot of people out of work. So when a hotel gets a block booking from a Government department, it is not about to decline it. So it was with one establishment in Essex.

Why the booking was made was straightforward: there was a need to place a group of people seeking asylum in the UK. Then Brexit Party Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage heard about it, discovered that the hotel was in alleged Home Secretary Priti Patel’s Witham constituency, and rocked up in order to score some self-publicity.

That might not have been so bad, except that Mr Thirsty needlessly doxxed the hotel at the outset. So now the assembled gammonati are spreading misinformation about the Rivenhall Hotel, on the A12 between Witham and Kelvedon. Not that Nige cares. He’s got his publicity and embarrassed Ms Patel. Some of the responses are sickening.

[Priti Patel] Rivenhall Hotel on the A12 in Essex has been filled overnight with somalians - all men” … “thank you PP for housing the immigrants at [Rivenhall Hotel] witham essex . A local was brutally attacked by 6 of them this weekend. Bet that doesn’t get reported does it” … “Oh dear oh dear. I’ve stayed in the Rivenhall Hotel many times. Will not be staying there again!” … “What a disgrace you taking in illegals. Shame on you”. There was more.

Boycott! [Rivenhall Hotel]” … “RIVENHALL HOTEL.. Witham Essex TEL 01376 516969” [yeah, ring them up and be abusive, dead brave that is] … “Go and leave the RivenHall Hotel a lovely review” … “Just added [Rivenhall Hotel] to our page of migrant foothold hotels” [that last from one of many white supremacist Twitter feeds]. And more.

I have tried all dates this year and including the New Year -at The Rivenhall hotel. No vacancies!!! Keep up the good work, Nigel. Thanks good guy” … “Home secretary declares that the illegal immigrant crisis Britain is facing is shameful! She is to send in the navy, but will it be used to taxi more in? Rivenhall hotel in her own constituency of Witham is booked up for the entire year with illegals!” And yet more.

Including Rupert Lowe, who despite his political affiliation, might be expected to be sensible enough to stop and think. “I've been a staunch defender of Priti Patel in the past, so it really pains me to say this. What is she playing at? Putting up these illegal migrants in fancy hotels and trying to keep it hidden from us. Totally unacceptable. Tory members and voters must be appalled”. Room for one last slice of misinformation?

You got it. “Due to public uproar, the illegals staying at Rivenhall hotel are being moved to an RAF base in Norfolk”. But nobody is “illegal” if they have applied for asylum in the UK and their application is being considered. They are, though, fair game for rabble rousing politicians with their own chauffeurs and nothing productive to do.

How many more businesses would Mr Thirsty like to force into eventual closure in order to score a little more media attention? Patriotism - truly the last refuge of the scoundrel.

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Darren G said...

There was a Hotel on the A127, near Romford

It been derelict for years and boarded up.

The plan to open it up and use it to house people, got leaked and the local Tory run Council and the Tory MP for Romford Andrew Rinsdale (You may remember him, he said changing the colour of the passport from black was a surrender) and Tory MP for Hornchurch Julia Lopez, then blew their minds about it. bringing out all the same cliches used here.

That plan was shelved almost immediately after it was leaked.

Anonymous said...

So Pritti Vacunt wants "to make the Channel route 'unviable' for small boat crossings", presumanbly in the same way Idi Amin made life in Uganda unviable for the Acholi and Lango peoples. And yet this still isn't enough to satisfy her 'staunch defender[s]'.

Jonathan said...

Narcissits do what they do best, scream and stream till they're sick

Anonymous said...

Where’s mark gammonati ? Still flogging dinghys ? Klomph

Anonymous said...

Hmmm bit of a double edged sword this one. While no fan of feckwit farage, one dies wonder if the recent block booking of hotels (it’s not the only one after all) is way to keep owners and shareholders (often shaded offshore companies) Snouts firmly in the public trough during these hard times. That these bookings seem to be being made in tory held constituencies is also shady, keeping locals employed etc. As I say So personally I do wonder whether If this is ttoryism at its best ... helping their friends to help themselves to the public purse. Worth a thought ... and fuck you farage you’re nobody’s friend but yourself and your backers you grubby little shitespreader.

Gonzoland said...

Anon @20:53
A neat way of exporting wealth.
Property owned by a company registered in a tax haven.
Business managed by a company registered in the UK.
Both companies owned by the same people.
Rent paid in $ to an offshore account.

Anonymous said...

Discount rates for block bookings ... helping our friends to help their friends to help themselves


When all’s said and don’t they all drink out of the same trough

Anonymous said...

I reckon you have shares in Serco.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps farage is the one with the serco shares because he certainly isn’t telling the whole story. Just the bit that suits his jackbooted narrative.

david walsh said...

Interesting article on this theme from today's Observer. This time the problem isn't Farage, but the local Epping Forest chapter of Britain First.