“The hearing on Monday was the culmination of events that date back to October 2018. That month, a video went viral showing how Jamal Hijazi, a Syrian in West Yorkshire, had been attacked by another teenager at school. Yaxley-Lennon then posted his own response to one million Facebook followers alleging that his investigation had established that Mr Hijazi was a violent thug, a claim that was untrue”. And there was more.
“The Yaxley-Lennon video spread widely and the Syrian teenager and his family received death threats. Three years later, Mr Hijazi won £100,000 in damages when the High Court ruled Yaxley-Lennon’s claims against him had amounted to defamation. The court imposed an injunction on Yaxley-Lennon, banning him from making the false claims again”. So what did he do?
“In February 2023, Yaxley-Lennon, who founded the long-defunct English Defence League (EDL), began repeating the claims and went on to post online a film claiming he had been ‘silenced’ by the state. That film may have been viewed at least 47 million times”. Very brave of him. Or maybe not.
Because, as the report also tells, “Eventually, this July, the anti-Islam activist showed the film to thousands of his supporters in London's Trafalgar Square, saying he would not be silenced. The following day he left the country”. Only now had he returned. The Judge was especially severe on Lennon.

There were attacks on the court artist, because Lennon and his fans did not consider the likeness to their taste. There were appeals for more money, despite Lennon having pleaded guilty, which fact was also ignored by his faithful followers, who have decided he is a “political prisoner”.
Talk of “two tier” policing, justice, and of course Keir Starmer, followed. And the deeply sinister calls for the Judge’s hard drive to be examined, because, well, you know, nod’s as good as a wink to a blind bat. Worse, the attacks on the Judge have featured his photo, as well as demands to know where he lives. Which, one hopes, is being gathered up by Hope not Hate.
One might be disappointed to see that group being distracted from Lennon and the rest of the populist far right by whining at those showing empathy for innocent civilians in Palestine and Lebanon being blown to pieces, incinerated, targeted randomly by snipers for shits and giggles, bulldozed, and all the rest of the bad behaviour indulged in by the IDF.
Stephen Lennon is not a political prisoner. He is not a fearless independent journalist exposing the truth. He has not exposed grooming gangs. He has not exposed corruption. He broke the law, and the law won. So he has been transferred to Belmarsh Prison, where, who knows, perhaps he will write a book about his struggle. While the rest of the world forgets about him.
The time of Stephen Lennon was for a time, but not for all time. Now he has been banged up and can harass no-one. Just rejoice at that news.