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Sunday 27 May 2012

Top Six – May 27

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, it’s warm and sunny this morning and I’ve got to get out later and do some photo stuff. So there.

6 Adrian Beecroft And His Report The Maily Telegraph has been blatantly going into bat for the right wing of the Tory Party, culminating in “leaking” Beecroft’s frankly barking report, followed by interviewing him and revealing a petulant and insulting streak. Another less than auspicious move by the Tel which got them nowhere.

5 TPA – Media Nodding Donkeys Speak Following the report from the 2020 Tax Commission, a joint venture of the Institute of Directors (IoD) and the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance (TPA), a number of fawning pundits declared this to be A Very Good Thing, because, well, it was. Actually, no it wasn’t (see below).

4 Make My Day, Squire! The Tory Party awarded its head of press job to former TPA spinner, and current SpAd to Iain Duncan Smith, Susie Squire. This was heralded by those who should have known better to be A Very Wonderful Thing. Here’s why this could be a good time to get the popcorn in.

3 Guido Fawked – No Research, No result (2) After the Testimony Of Pax Jeremiah before the Leveson Inquiry, there was much finger pointing at the appalling Piers “Morgan” Moron, especially by the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines, who styles himself Guido Fawkes. Here’s what you should read before taking him on trust.

2 TPA – 2020 Tax Commission Speaks (4) The TPA and their pals at the IoD released their report on taxation, citing “fairness” while not telling how they would cut the public sector down to a size last seen before World War 2, when there was no NHS. Here’s why you should be even more suspicious than usual about them.

1 The Puerile Smearing Of Mehdi Hasan Following Hasan’s move from the Staggers to the Huffington Post UK, the Usual Suspects emerged from the woodwork to invent stories that he had been sacked (he hadn’t) and attempting to portray him as some kind of intolerant Islamist (he isn’t). It was out of order, but typical of the level to which some on the right regularly sink.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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