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Friday 12 February 2021

TalkRADIO Neo-Nazi Love-In EXPOSED

Recently, self-promoting TalkRADIO host Julia Hartley Brewer gave a platform to Andy Ngo, a name which is familiar to media people, and especially those of a liberal disposition, on both sides of the North Atlantic. By her own admission, Ms Hartley Dooda “invited him on my show to discuss his book about [covering violent protests]”. What she did not do was to question his role in many of those protests.

She invited The Fash on her show. And she doesn't care

She may have got away with it, but after bragging “here's [Andy Ngo] talking about his new book on my TalkRADIO show” yesterday, Ash Sarkar began the push back, asking “is this the same Andy Ngo who's circulated utterly discredited conspiracy theories after a far-right terrorist attack in El Paso? Who is said to have had a 'protection' arrangement with a white supremacist organisation and was party to their plans to cause violence?

Her response to Ms Sarkar shows a total dereliction of journalistic duty. “I've no idea. I'm not responsible for what my guests do … Yawn. You think everyone who doesn't share your views is a neo-Nazi collaborator, Ash. It's boring now … If you want to ask him different questions, why don't you DM him? I'm just not interested in your tired agenda … More importantly, my husband has just brought in a cup of tea”.

She will, no doubt, in the retelling become a victim of the Woke, the Cancel Culture, and the Rotten Lefties™. But what Ms Hartley Dooda cannot wave away is the fact that she invited on a known Neo-Nazi collaborator, agent provocateur, proven liar and enabler of domestic terrorism - and apparently failed to mention any of that to her listeners.

She claims to be a real journalist. So let’s see what a real journalist, and indeed anyone else, could have found out about Andy Ngo before he was given a platform by TalkRADIO. As Ms Sarkar has noted, after a mass shooting in El Paso, TX, where more than 20 lives were lost, Ngo pushed a conspiracy theory that Antifa were involved. He then pushed the theory that the man behind the Dayton, OH, shooting was a member of Antifa.

He has form for smearing Antifa activists by lying about them. A real journalist would have found that out and interrogated their guest. Ms Hartley Dooda did not. She also failed to ask him about his doxxing of other journalists - which got them on an Atomwaffen hit list.

Nor did she notice Zelo Street point out Ngo’s modus operandi more than a year and a half ago: “Andy Ngo was a key participant in a filmed Nazi attack on a Portland bar on 5/1/19 in which an antifascist had their neck broken. Andy, after meeting with the group of attackers ahead of time, arrived first with a group of Patriot Prayer affiliated videographers”.

There was more. “Patriot Prayer videographers partner with the group to capture viral footage for themselves while promoting the fascist organization. Everyone who has experience with Portland rallies knows that Andy Ngo is a key player in the violence that Patriot Prayer has brought to Portland”. But Ms Hartley Dooda says that’s just boring.

Worse, Patriot Prayer have some less than totally savoury friends: as an article in the Portland Mercury from August 2019 tells, “Past Patriot Prayer rallies have attracted members of white nationalist organizations like Identity Europa, misogynist alt-right clubs like the Proud Boys, and anti-government militia groups like the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters”. Identity Europa is mainland European Neo-Nazism.

And then there are the Oath Keepers. As the New York Times Twitter feed has told, apropos of the January 6th storming of the US Capitol by far-right groups, “New details emerged on Thursday about the plot by the Oath Keepers militia group to attack the Capitol. Members discussed a plan to ferry ‘heavy weapons’ into Washington and began to train for ‘urban warfare’ even before Election Day, prosecutors said”. Well, well.

Also, Andy Ngo’s reputation for dishonesty had become established in the UK back in 2018, as Alex Lockie told in Business Insider, after Ngo had been given a platform to write an op-ed by the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal. “The Wall Street Journal ran a cowardly, race-baiting article on 'Islamic England': I live there. They're dead wrong” was the headline. Ngo painted a dishonest picture of London’s Whitechapel neighbourhood.

Andy Ngo. Never knowingly honest

This was a blatant attempt at fear mongering and race-baiting. It was called out as such. Ngo’s article and the pushback are well-known. But Julia Hartley Dooda, who claims to be a real journalist, managed to miss it. And something else she missed bringing up with her guest was in Lockie’s article:”Andy Ngo, an editor at Quillette”. Or rather, he was.

As the Portland Mercury article had noted, their informant had told “Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene. ‘There’s an understanding,’ he says, ‘that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them’”. Quilette was not impressed.

The Washington Examiner then reportedConservative journalist Andy Ngo is no longer an editor for the website Quillette after the publication of a video apparently showing him witnessing a right-wing group planning a violent attack and doing nothing about it … the Portland Mercury published video on Monday that appears to show him watching the right-wing group Patriot Prayer making plans for a violent clash at a bar, which he did not report or try to stop”. That’s from 2019. It’s readily available. To real journalists.

Except, it seems, Julia Hartley Dooda. All that stuff is just so boring! So she invited Ngo on to her TalkRADIO show, and allowed him to plug his book unchallenged.

Julia Hartley Dooda just welcomed a Neo-Nazi provocateur. I’ll just leave that one there.

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Arnold said...

You think he's done important work covering violent protests? Not researched it so you can ask intelligent and relevant questions?

Anonymous said...

Hartley Spewer is neither "journalist" or "presenter".

She's a far right propagandist clerk, a sort of female equivalent of Julius Streicher.

A woman with a back-catalogue of poison bullshit.

She's getting worse too. Desperation writ large in an ageing face.

iMatt said...

Not responsible for what your guests DO? No Ms Brewing Hate. But you ARE responsible for inviting them onto your program knowing full well what they have done. Would you use the very same excuse if one of your guests was a convicted fraudster or paedophile?

grim northerner said...

Candace, Ngo, the hispanic proud boy and the rest soooooooooooooo want to be white! They must be full of suppressed self-loathing, a bit like that BNP leader who was gay all along.

Anonymous said...

Thick as shit, nasty as f*ck, right-wing, racist, misogynist, entitled, dullard, creepy, posh. Lamp posts are much more interesting, plus they're fit for purpose. Soooo, yeah... she's not right.

Unknown said...

Has anyone told him that there is an elephant in the white nationalist room. Perhaps Mr Magoo is an Aryan or Saxon or something. Glaucoma is a bitch, believe me.

Unknown said...

That was the legendary Nicky Pearce. Poster boy for the Oi movement. The owner of the Car any Street stall which sold their music, posters etc was a Jewish gentleman. Major spokesman of the Proud Boys is also Jewish but I believe that he has had a Paulian U-turn. The UVF much lauded , much tattooed bald thug was outed and fled to Germany safely in the well muscled boyfriend. Oh yes, Nicky was often chaste and occasionally caught. A coup, right??