Christopher Hope - another stenographer pretending to do journalism
This has made the front page of the Tel today, with the headline telling readers “‘Boris burrow’ tunnel to N Ireland set to get the green light”. We learn that “It would be the same length - 31.5 miles - as the tunnel under the Channel”. Yeah, right.
Now, one hates to rain on this particular parade too heavily, but this is total crap. It’s not going to happen. Not now, and most likely not ever. And should it ever be built, the cost would not be a mere £10 billion. It would be several times that amount. So let’s look at why this is less likely than seeing a flock of flying pigs whizz past your window any time soon.
One, the proposed route, from near Stranraer to near Larne, could not be used - not without a long detour around the northern end of Beaufort’s Dyke, a deep trench in the Irish Sea where more than a million tonnes of surplus munitions, including chemical weapons, has been dumped by the MoD. The Dyke has also been used to dump nuclear waste. So you can make that 31.5 miles more like 40 miles.
Two, the Channel Tunnel has a maximum depth of 380 feet. That gets it under the deepest water. A tunnel under the Irish Sea would need a maximum depth of at least 600 feet. The Channel Tunnel cost, at 2016 prices, £16 billion. Double that and add a bit more.
Another wizzo wheeze bites the dust, eh Bozo?
Four, once rail traffic got through any tunnel, it would encounter a problem with the network in Ireland. Because main line railways on the island are laid to a wider track gauge than those on mainland Britain. Sure, the technology exists for variable gauge passenger trains - but would it be worth using, given the low demand? Also, the rail link to Stranraer, and railways throughout Northern Ireland, are not electrified. The tunnel would have to be. So add on the electrification bill - or add on time for traction changes. Plural.
Five, there is no demand for a tunnel - except in the increasingly fevered imaginations of some Tory politicians, and their stenographers in the press. Compare the volume of ferry traffic between mainland Britain and Northern Ireland, and that across the Channel before the Tunnel was opened. A fixed link would be a waste of scarce resources.
And Six, building a fixed link between mainland Britain and the island of Ireland will not have any effect on the Northern Ireland Protocol. Merely making it easier for goods to transit the Irish Sea crossing will not mean those goods escape customs checks.
Christopher Hope needs to try doing some actual journalism. This is one for the bin.
They should build the tunnel to the Pitcairns. After joining CPTPP we'll have a direct link to our physical presence in the region.
Seven Even if possible, it will link a reunited Ireland and an independent Scotland, both EU members
Any day now expect the useless twats in the Bozo Barrow Boys gang to promote an Atlantic Tunnel.
They should've waited until April 1st to release this noxious brain fart of an idea...
This is Elon Musk-level demented shit. Wasn't it a plan pushed years ago? I definitely recall them talking about a Scotland/Ireland tunnel back before Call me Dave was an ex-PM.
"Among all the speculation concerning easing of restrictions previously imposed to arrest transmission of Covid-19"... yes, the new plan is the old herd immunity. Now that most of the older Tory voters are being vaccinated, it'll be back to work for the plebs and it is hoped that no one will care if a few hundred under 50s die of the Rona every day.
In fact they're already preparing the PR onslaught with Galaxy brains like Anthea Turner hating on fat people and weird half-assed non peer- reviewed papers 'proving' Vitamin D is a miracle cure.
So the media will basically be saying if you get Covid is your own fault, thus yet again allowing them to cover-up the government's genocidal mess.
Welcome to Conservative Britain, peasants!
As Bozza and the gang are going go sign us upto the CPTTP on the promise of shiny new trade deals..
One thing missing is brains, the UK already had FTA with countries of the CPTTP like Canada, why fecking reinvent the wheel?
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