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Sunday 29 September 2019

Tories’ 40 New Hospitals AREN’T

There it was on the front page of the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph: a clear commitment by alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to the NHS, a new building programme like no other. “Johnson: I will build 40 new hospitals … PM tackled Corbyn on NHS as he ups the ante over ‘Abject Capitulation Act’”. He’s going to build them himself? It will, at least, keep him from groping young women.
No he won't

The Tel goes on to claim “Taken alongside the extra £33.9 billion the Government has pledged to put into the NHS every year by 2023, ‘this is the largest sum that has ever been invested in the NHS’, Mr Johnson says”. And to that I call bullshit.

For starters, the actual number of new hospitals is, by the most optimistic calculation, just six. And it gets worse: Bozo The Clown has admitted that the building programme will depend on someone else putting up most of the cash. We know this as a result of his inquisition before the host on The Andy Marr Show™ this morning.
He was very keen to talk about the initiative; it is not as if Marr had to coax the claim out of him. Thus, way before the subject was brought up, and after he had gone on ad infinitum, and indeed ad nauseam, about “getting Brexit done” by the end of October - fraudulent in the extreme, as whatever happens by the end of next month, Brexit, if it happens, will not be done for many years afterwards - he wanted viewers to know the good news.

We’re announcing today that we’re going to be building 40 new hospitals … 40 new hospitals as part of the biggest investment in hospital infrastructure for a generation. And I have to say that I think that is what the British people want to hear about … I’m so proud to be coming on your show this morning to discuss NHS funding … We are going through the biggest investment in the NHS for a generation”. Then he got to make his pitch.
A complete Muppet - and Elmo from Sesame Street

Marr put to him “40 new hospitals, you say. Actually it’s six new hospitals over five years … At £2.7 billion. And the rest is aspiration, it’s hope, one day maybe”. Bozo took issue with that. “No. There is a long term infrastructure plan for 40 hospitals, and there is going to be seed funding for all 40. Six are going to start immediately: Whipps Cross, Epsom and St Helier …  Princess Alexandra and three others. That is all going ahead, and I’m incredibly proud of that. But there are then 34 more than are coming down the track”.

See the giveaway? Quite apart from “Long Term Infrastructure Plan” being a rip-off of Young Dave’s equally meaningless “Long Term Economic Plan”, Bozo said “there is going to be seed funding for all 40”. That means the Government is going to pay for, perhaps, securing the land, doing the legal stuff and ensuring access. Someone else is going to have to pay to actually build - and then maintain - the hospitals.
That sounds like either the PFI that began under John Major, was carried on by Tone and Pa Broon, and even though Cameron and Osborne slagged it off, they did it too - or it means someone else will own and run the hospitals - not necessarily the NHS.

Bozo just confirmed what we already knew - you can’t trust the Tories with the NHS.
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Anonymous said...

It's worth noting that when media righties produce this trash they do so VOLUNTARILY. They KNOW they are peddling lies.

Nobody forces them to behave so. They can't claim to be "Just following orders". They can't claim "There is no alternative." We still have a small remnant of democracy that enables them to refuse - if they had the moral courage - to manufacture and circulate this cultural poison and moral corruption.

These are the same evil mindsets who continue to launch brutal far right propaganda against victims everywhere, who lie that dissenting communities are "scroungers", who ignore or at best brush past the criminality of organised thievery of our national assets, who propagate racist and religious hatred, and who thereby help to keep criminal politicians and "business men and women" in possession of robbed wealth.

And this is precisely why they are held in such widespread contempt by free thinkers everywhere.

Arnold said...

How does he propose to staff them? Hospitals are already short staffed.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Arnold, it's not like we'd do anything stupid like remove the rights of the citizens of our 27 closest neighbours to freely come here to help staff our NHS is it? Oh...

Jonathan said...

So six new hospitals, mmm, he wants a No Deal Brexit to please his paymasters. That extra money set aside by Hammond will all be gone having to do lots of emergency imports, slaughter of cattle, patrolling fishing grounds in case Johnny Foreigner from Iceland decides to snaffle some extra fish.
Oh how is Bozza going to find all those extra staff to fill the 100,000+ vacancies in the NHS?
As a Mental Health Nurse wanting to return to practice, there are NO return to practice courses for my speciality despite the huge shortages.

So I have had to contact my Labour MP to find out from Hancock Half Hour and his lousy department.

Anonymous said...

Bozo muttered something about "seed finance for hospitals" before blustering about something else.

So after the "seeds" are planted where does the rest of the money come from?......Wouldn't be tory and New Labour PFI* sources would it? You know, like the ones that scammed major hospitals in Birmingham and Liverpool, fucked them up, then were quickly brushed under the carpet by corporate media......

* The same sources brought in by New Labour sell-out Milburn. For which he got a "Duchy". Milburn also took a post for £30,000 a year as an advisor to Bridgepoint Capital, a venture capital firm heavily involved in financing private health-care firms moving into the NHS, including Alliance Medical, Match Group, Medica and the Robinia Care Group.Later he joined PepsiCo and hoodlum "accountants" Price Waterhouse Cooper. A case of "networking" mobsters looking after each other.