He took part in a podcast with writer and promoter Steve Wraith, the contents of which will not be linked to - because as a result of that podcast being aired, the Metropolitan Police are now in hot pursuit of Lennon. Wraith has claimed more than once that “He mentioned the journalist’s name. He did not know he wasn’t allowed to”. But Lennon himself has now put out a video where he admits his arrest is imminent.
“The Police have raided my Mother’s house [and] been to my ex-wife’s house. I have a warrant out for my arrest, for the Steve Wraith podcast. Now, if you’ve watched that podcast, ask yourself this: should there be any law, in any way, that should prevent me speaking, and simply giving facts? Should there?” And there was more.
“I wasn’t even aware there was … but I’ve got a warrant out for my arrest. I’ve been told that I will … my solicitor’s tried to make an appointment for him to come and see you [presumably ‘you’ means the cops]. No, because … but I’m not going to be bailed by the Police, they said, so I’ll be held … I’m tired of it all, to be honest. It’s ridiculous. Watch that podcast back [unwise suggestion] with Steve Wraith and ask yourself if there’s anything in there that a man should be getting charged, getting arrested, and imprisoned for”.
Well, I’m all broken up about Lennon being “tired of it all”. I suspect that the bloke who lost his job at that solicitor’s office in Luton, because Lennon and his pals kept turning up there, is also “tired of it all”. I expect that the family in Cumbria who had Lennon and his fellow thugs on their doorstep in the dead of night are “tired of it all”.

Steve Wraith may not have been aware of the conditions imposed on Stephen Lennon by that Judge at Westminster Magistrates Court last month. But Lennon certainly should be. It seems he’s broken them, and so he is in the process of getting nicked. Again.
Stephen Lennon’s little Wild West Show is finally over. Just rejoice at that news.

I understand that Ms Dearden has form for winding up members of the Gammonati; last November it was James “Bedwetter” Goddard. This is a laudable trait for a journalist to have, and should be encouraged.
I suspect said Lennon knobhead will get "tired of it all" even quicker if he gets banged up 23 hours a day with a priapic Sweet Pants.
He's got it coming, if you see what I mean.
Ex wife? Is this the latest or a previous? I think we should be told, as Lord Gnome would say. I have long wondered why Lennon manages to keep custody of any children too
Ex wife?
Sudden divorce, transfer of assets, bankrupt Tommy?
It's almost like someone won a huge settlement against him and he's trying to avoid paying.
Tommy R ... the poor mans norman wisdom ....
"ex wife"... I think what he really means is: "my wife who's pretending to be an ex so that I can hide my money in her bank account for when I get clobbered in court."
I do hope the courts actually do their job, and go after it all. Every last damn penny. And that they don't fall for the oldest con job in the world: "its not my money". I mean, even the mob doesn't get away with that rubbish these days. If he does get away with it; then it proves he's deffo been a police informant all this time.
This is just what the Goblin Smurf King does. Grifts from his dim-witted flag nonce followers, spunks it all on coke, fast cars and prostitutes, shits himself then takes bad law breaking advice from his coke addled narcissist brain, comes down and shits himself even more before falling out with his brain, then in a state of despair does something stupid while knowing the risks and pretending he doesn't, before finally pulling the same old free speech bullshit to the same old dim-witted flag nonce followers followed by the obligatory and predictable, customary crying faced TR plea "sow if yow can help me aht, please downate, anyfing at all to help me foight this injustiss.. oi onnistly hate ta ask but oi downt ave a choiss.. oim countin on ya.. please downate... anyfing at all.. bye".
He's nothing but a grubby, shameless little conman who spotted a gap in the bigoted, far-right, racist UK market and exploited it to the full. The fact that he isn't doing a long stretch speaks volumes about him and this country.
E's a villain sir.
Rap sheet as long as yer arm.
Seems Mr Yaxley-Lennon does complain far too much, seems he either he is unable to learn from his mistakes or he sees himself as a 'Freedom Fighter'.
@ 17.30 ... if this is supposed to be a parody it’s a shame, cause you’re actually mail on the head about every single point you make. Well done cock.
Oh Tommy Tommy.
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy you're a liar son.
@ 22:56 lol Cheers.
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