Sadly, the probability of his wish being granted was vanishingly small, not least because he possessed a criminal record - which had already led to his having been barred from the States - and that to get round the refusal to grant him a visa, he had entered the USA on a false passport, been rumbled, and had his criminal record further extended as a result.
But, as Sky News reported at the time, “In an interview on the right-wing channel InfoWars on Monday, the former English Defence League (EDL) founder said: ‘I feel like I'm two days away from being sentenced to death in the UK … I beg Donald Trump, I beg the American government, to look at my case. I need evacuation from this country because dark forces are at work … This is a direct appeal on behalf of my family”.
He loved the USA, honestly, despite the USA not loving him and his criminal record. It looked pointless and pathetic, but as the Guardian has now reported, some of those Stateside who were favourably disposed to Lennon really were working to get him asylum in the country: “his team approached the Republican senator Ted Cruz’s office about securing a visa … [he] discussed moving his family to Texas in 2019”. There was more.

Perhaps he and his supporters thought that he should have protection from the consequences of frequently, and flagrantly, breaking the law. But do go on. “A record of a meeting between Robinson and his most influential supporters at the Four Seasons hotel in London in early 2019 describes Giles, 72, as ‘actively working with Senator Cruz to advance Tommy’s visa’”. And who else was present at this impromptu summit?
It “was also attended by Robinson, his solicitors, a Ukip adviser, the rightwing Canadian pundit Ezra Levant and Lisa Barbounis, an executive for the Middle East Forum”. All the usual bigots, then. But sadly, Lennon “lost interest in moving to the US ‘once he realised that he couldn’t go back to the UK if he declared asylum’, according to the files”.
Which shows just how serious his situation wasn’t. He wasn’t a political prisoner, he was just trying to evade the consequences of his own actions. All wind and piss.
Asylum seekers are “fake refugees” - unless they’re white, and called Stephen Lennon.

He's going to self-immolate isn't he.
The crumbling fruitcake.
If the country that gave birth to Trump, the KKK and dipshit rednecks who lurve their guns, cousins & sisters won't even take the racist little prick, we're never getting rid of him and the UK branch of the redneck racist neanderthal goon platoon. What a wasted opportunity.
The notion that anyone — even Ted Cruz — would be able to persuade the INS to overlook the criminal micromind's lengthy and varied rap sheet is laughable and merely serves to reinforce the widely-held view that Tiny Tommeh Ten-Names is not very bright.
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