And what's more, Ron
And that should have been that: Morgan needs no sympathy, and indeed no future employment, such is the pile of folding stuff that he has amassed over the years. But the iron law of the media establishment dictates that he must be reinvented as a victim, and so it has come to pass, including, to their shame, from those at the BBC.

That has not stopped Morgan himself appearing in front of his bijou petite maison in a suitably fashionable and expensive part of London to continue milking the martyrdom angle. “I believe in freedom of speech [except for all those guests he used to shout down]. I believe in the right to be allowed to have an opinion [ditto]. If people want to believe Meghan Markle, that’s entirely their right”. But he was above such considerations.

Piers who?
There was more, but it’s even less worthy of anyone wasting their time than that which had gone before. Nor was this gem from LBC: “Spiked Online's Brendan O'Neill claimed that Piers Morgan left ITV due to Meghan Markle's ‘creepy woke cult’ preventing people from ‘blaspheming against her’”. Creepy Bren calls creepy on others. For money.

He kept complimenting Megs even after she cut him off, clearly believing that there would be an invite to the wedding, because he somehow merited it. When that didn’t happen, the sad and bitter tantrums began. He, the great Piers Morgan, had been shunned, and being an old media stalwart, would not allow that to happen without appropriate retribution.
It was that series of tantrums that led him to throw one final mardy strop live on GMB. He’s not a free speech martyr. He’s a sad and obsessed middle-aged no-mark. That is all.

As a newspaper journalist and editor, can Moron really hand on what passes for a heart really say he never penned or published a story in the News of the World or Mirror that others considered harmful or disrespectful to the Windsors?
Not that I am a monarchist. I am anything but. However, the faux concern from Moron over the feelings of the Windsors in nauseating.
Like his old mate Trump, Morgan the Moron is a big crybaby who goes into a tantrum when things don't go his way.
Piers was right. Who the heck is Beresford to talk about being black when he lives a life of white privilege. He can't even get the weather right, a wannabe who doesn't realise that a big gob doesn't make up for lack of talent.
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