Danno Hanks
In other words, the promise was made, and then, on the quiet, flagrantly broken. Because the Murdoch Sun, as soon as it had an inkling that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were dating, set an infamous private investigator on her. The results of his inquiries included obtaining her social security number. This was obtained by improper means.
Byline Investigates - doing the journalism that the mainstream press finds inconvenient - has told “The Sun’s US Editor James Beal tasked Los Angeles PI Dan ‘Danno’ Hanks to target Meghan Markle - which he went on to do unlawfully. The Sunday Express rival tabloid broke the story of Prince Harry’s new girlfriend on 30th October 2016, setting off Beal on his hunt for a follow-up. Hanks was immediately contacted by The Sun, producing a same-day 90-page report, packed with private data, which he obtained by deception”.

“In 2016, the Sun made a legitimate request of Mr Hanks to research contact details and addresses for Meghan Markle and possible relatives using legal databases which he had a license to use. He was paid $250 … Mr Hanks was not tasked to do anything illegal or breach any privacy laws - indeed he was instructed clearly in writing to act lawfully and he signed a legal undertaking that he would do so”. Except for one small problem.

Who might have been News UK CEO at the time Hanks was tasked?
Also, Hanks “said the Sun wrote to him after the Leveson Inquiry into press standards and asked him to sign documents, seen by the BBC, committing to act within the law and he repeated this assurance when he billed the Sun for his work. But he claims no-one ever asked where he got his information. ‘They didn't care. They just wanted the information,’ he said”. Byline Investigates has the story. They also have the receipts.
The press is still dealing in illegally obtained information. So no change there, then.

Damned corporate media rats the lot of them.
Rotten to the core, criminal, lying, corrupt, hypocritical scumbags.
Hated by everybody. And the scumbags deserve it.
Unfortunately, as long as people continue to buy these rags, said rags will continue in their evil ways, so there is no way an appeal to the editor's better nature will have any effect. It will take legislation to bring them to heel and make them behave. Good luck with that one.
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