Grgory "Lauder" Frost of the TBG
Which brings us to the Traditional Britain Group, domain of faux posh bigot Gregory “Lauder” Frost, a refuge for some of those forced out of the Tory party when Iain Duncan Cough called time on the Monday Club. Yes, they were too extreme even for him. The TBG are deeply concerned at the prospect of a Sunak premiership, and have put out a statement to that effect.
First comes the fantasy: “The BBC have brazenly led the rest of the left-wing media campaigning against Boris Johnson for the past year, at least. Now they have won”. No mention that Bozo’s downfall was brought about by his own colleagues, but when propaganda is your bag, reality matters little.
Then comes the flat-out racism. “The TBG also note with the usual disgust, the state of the fake Conservative Party and this latest proposal to potentially install an alien-origin Minister as the Prime Minister of the UK, with questionable citizenship, taxation and loyalty questions”. Er, hello?
They’ve just bemoaned the Tories disposing of someone of alien origin (Bozo was born in New York City), and his loyalty, well, one has to wonder. But this whining has nothing to do with factual analysis. It is because Sunak is not white, something that comes clear from reading the rest of the TBG screed.

He called me WHAT?
But here a problem enters: talk of alien origin individuals and people who are “European / Caucasians” lets out the head man of the TBG. Because Gregory “Lauder” Frost is of alien origin. And that origin certainly isn’t European.
The TBG’s leading light affects a posh accent, but no amount of trying can totally erase the residual hint of Strine: Gregory “Lauder” Frost likes to claim a link with Scots entertainer Harry Lauder, and suggest he was born in London’s Mayfair, but he was actually born plain Gregory Frost, in a Salvation Army maternity hospital in Newcastle - as in Newcastle, New South Wales.
Worse, he comes from a family of economic migrants. Gregory “Lauder” Frost’s mother had a grandfather called Matt Lauder, who was the brother of Harry Lauder. That’s as close as he gets. Matt Lauder had a son, also called Matt. They emigrated from Scotland to Australia, but by the early 1920s had emigrated again, this time to the west coast of the USA. There was more.

That TBG statement in full
That’s a tricky detail for someone who told the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph “Most of the refugees [to Britain] are economic migrants, and the government should deport them as soon as possible”. Someone so racist and hypocritical that he smears Sunak as “alien origin” while managing to miss that Sunak was born in Southampton, and is British by birth. Gregory “Lauder” Frost is not. His is the real “alien origin”.
Good of the TBG, though, to let us know what used to be considered acceptable to the Tory party, and the racist hypocrisy of those whose real purpose is to support White Supremacy above all else.
Pity no-one who matters is listening to him nowadays. Sad, really.
Never let it be said that the Tory leadership race is short of diversity.
Conservative Party members have a choice between two PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics) graduates, one from Merton College, Oxford (Truss) and the other from Lincoln College, Oxford (Sunak).
"Alien origin".
Good grief.
Sounds like something from the Ridley Scott saga.
Confirmation that tories never change.
The TBG no doubt sees soomeone from Australia or the US as being from the 'Anglosphere' rather than a 'shithole' as they and Trump would call Sunak's ethnic origin - even though he is more British born than Lauder Frost or Johnson being born in Southampton!
We must also be aware that the very racist TBG is the organisation the ghoulish Rees-Mogg courted when he attended and spoke as a guest of honourat one of their black-tie events in 2013, even though advised by an anti-fascist group Searchlight not to. When exposed, the goul claimed he had no idea what the TBG stood for. I think people need reminding.
More here on Rees-Mogg's appearance at the TBG and his apparent 'surprise' at their racist views:
Rishi wouldn't have struggled against Corbyn but will do so against Keir.
As a playwright, Starmer understands that we shouldn't encourage everyone to take up the arts. Sadly, not everyone has a song or poem in the.. some are, as Swift so memorably wrote, just "yahoos"
The Starmer Quisling is "a playwright"?
How can that be......the useless twat doesn't have a plot. Or a clue.
Starmer is a classic example of someone who shouldn't take up politics. Not when, like virtually the rest of Parliament, he wouldn't know a decent or honest principle if he tripped over it. He's an establishment dipshit and tenth rate conman who looks like he doesn't believe his own words.
Playwright my arse.
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