The viewer numbers envisaged were mentioned in an article by Adam Sherwin for iNews early last month, along with how they might be monetised: “The GB News business model envisages turning its audience into a ‘community’, which will pay a monthly fee to access additional content behind a digital paywall … Insiders believe around 135,000 ‘superfans’ … could pay a fee of £5 a month for the privilege”. There was more.
It was conceded that “GB News, which will air on Freeview, Sky and all other main platforms, cannot rely on advertising revenue alone”. However, “The channel believes it can improve on the daily audience of about 110,000 viewers a day which watches Sky News”. Improve on it to the extent of having 135,000 paying “superfans”.

GB News’ breakfast offering that day drew an audience of 56,000, fewer than Sky News Breakfast, fewer than 10% of ITV Good Morning Britain’s audience, and around 4% of that for BBC Breakfast. Worse still, Brazier & Muroki, GB News’ mid-morning offering, drew a paltry 36,000 viewers. Even the claimed 100,000 plus for former Murdoch editor Andrew Neil’s evening hour was short of that dreamed-of 135,000 figure.
Worse, some of those viewing are only doing so to record the gaffes, or monitor the advertisers as part of behind-the-scenes lobbying to suggest that those advertisers plug their wares elsewhere. Worse still, there has not yet been any effort to make the all-important pitch to those thus far mythical “superfans” for £5 a month subscriptions.

There is, of course, a solution to shortfalls in viewer engagement and advertising revenue: those who already sank £60 million into GB News can just sink a little more.
Where have all the viewers gone, [not so] long time passing … where have all the viewers gone, far, far away. GB News’ campaign is developing not necessarily to its advantage.

I'm sure the Germans have one of those lovely compound nouns for this state of affairs…
Far right racist tabloid propaganda TV.
The ether equivalent of the Rothermere Daily Heil and the Murdoch Scum.
Just as evil, just as doomed.
To 11:57,
How about aktienlyingbullshitgesselschaftwerk?
Tim. If this is true then I am a very happy bunny indeed AND the sooner it goes down (with all hands) the even happier little bunny I will become.
Jesus Christ, Wootton had Andy Ngo on last night. This is piss taking of the highest order.
Just done a retune on my Humax Freeview recorder because it was showing ITV4 on channel 24 instead of 25 and I don't want it to self-immolate during the Tour de France. So…
Menu…Settings…Edit Channels…Edit Channel List. Scroll down to 236, press red button, press “Back”, confirm you want to save changes. Bye-bye, Brillo!
This has been a public service announcement.
First week guests - Epstein isn't a paedophile just a bloke into teen girls!
Next up Kim Jong-Un, just misunderstood little psychopath..
GB News. A shopping channel attempting to read the news! Makes the fictional 'Globelink News' from 'Drop the Dead Donkey' and 'KYTV' look like paragons of professionalism.
Just delete their far right shite from the channel list.
I have.
Now that were ten days in I'm sick to death of seeing the same rota of guests,'marginalised' hermits such as Farage and Calvin Robinson who haven't been seen on a tv screen in years and now seem to be permanent fixtures.
Any outfit that considers Tory troll Tom Harwood to be a credible 'political reporter' is to be pitied more than anything else and I'm so looking forward to the obnoxious Dan Wootton being censured by the regulator,he really is a toxic individual.
Even the shockingly bad production standards and blunders have lost their initial charm.
It would appear you are wrong! Andrew Neil's 8pm show has three times the audience of Sky News & 26% more than BBC News Channel. This at a time when it's core audience, the knuckle-dragging racist gammons much mentioned on here, are watching the football! Wishin' and Hopin' things are the way you would like is delusional. Zelo has 0.0025% of GB news audience, better than S4C & Alba.If it improves I will let you know.
Meanwhile perhaps those that have been watching GB News with increasing irritation could learn to use the remote, batteries will be needed, the red button should solve your problem.
Sauce? The news today, do your own research or buy a newspaper, even the Graun reported it !
Your sources are exactly?
Why if so successful has Andrew Neil decided to take a leave of absence after just 2 weeks?
Brillo's taking a holiday after 2 weeks, either he realsies that GB News is shit and doesn't want to be associated or he's repairing his hair.
Beautiful Jon, let us know what you intend to be doing at 72 then have a go at Mr Neil.
PS Sauces - Do some reading, seek and ye shall find. Start here lazybones https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/andrew-neil-gb-news-bbc-sky-rating-b942539.html
the Graun?
Oh my aching sides.
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