Krishnendu Majumdar ((c) Harry Richards Photography)
Yesterday came the inevitable “correction”: “In 'Bafta boss Krishnendu Majumdar worked with scandal star Noel Clarke on diversity' (News, May 3), we reported concerns that Krishnendu Majumdar’s close links with Noel Clarke and their work together to promote diversity could have hampered Bafta’s handling of the sex allegations against Clarke. We accept that this suggestion is incorrect. There are no close links between the men”.
And so? “We apologise to Mr Majumdar and Bafta for the distress”. The magpies of Northcliffe House had lifted the article, republishing the libel. So Mail Online has now told “An article on 3 May reported claims in The Times that BAFTA chairman Krishnendu Majumdar had close links to Noel Clarke, the actor facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct. We now accept that the reference to close links was incorrect … We are happy to make this clear and apologise to BAFTA and Mr Majumdar”.
So who among our free and fearless press would like to report this news? Come on, let’s be having you, there must be some space left over from the prurient coverage of ministerial hypocrite Matt Hancock and the gratuitous doorstepping of his poor wife.

Deadline has also reported the news: “UK broadsheet the Times has issued an apology to BAFTA and its chair Krishnendu Majumdar … The Mail Online has also agreed to issue a similar apology … after picking up on the original report”. The Hollywood Reporter has added “BAFTA, which issued legal complaints against both publications, says 'The Times' has also paid damages and costs, and that the 'Mail Online' is expected to follow suit”.
But among those who scrabble around the dunghill that is Grubstreet, it’s a no comment all round. Not even Press Gazette has (yet) mentioned the story. Even the racist element: as Bafta has noted regarding the case, the Times “also implied that because both the Chair and Clarke are men of colour, this also influenced the decision to present Clarke with the OBCC award. Both claims were baseless”. Casual racism is also not news today.
Once again, the Murdoch press is caught dabbling in racial smears. And once again, the iron law of press Omertà means they all keep schtum about it. That’s not good enough.

In Murdoch/Rothermere cowardly Newspeak "incorrect" replaces "lies and smears".
What a loathsome bunch of scumbag creeps. Not a gramme of civilised decency between them.
Isn't it about time insurance companies refused to unsure newspapers for libel, while they may have to cough up large premiums. Refusing to insure these RW goons would leave them and their bosses picking up hefty legal bills.
Or is it time for criminal sanctions? Threat of publishing stories that are known to be fake/false/deceptive that could lead to time in prison could change the industry.
Or how about Leveson 2 ?
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