Doctor, I can't keep my mouth shut
Not least of these has been Christian Calgie, the creep who recently became apprentice sandwich monitor to the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines at the Guido Fawkes blog. who has seen that there was one Twitter exchange between Wiley and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, cropped off the date, and presented it to anyone watching.
Sadly for Calgie, he was quickly rumbled: the exchange was last November. Maybe Jezza should have been a little more psychic, but then, so should whoever nominated Wiley for that MBE. But the idea of blaming Corbyn for Wiley’s Tweets did not stay with those in the service of The Great Guido. Not when John Mann was around.
Lord John Mann is hot on anti-Semitism, providing someone explains it to him patiently and slowly. It’s not his fault he missed all those Tories indulging in anti-Semitic tropes - notably Suella Braverman, Priti Patel and Jacob Rees Mogg - and did nothing about it. But he does know enough to go in with both feet on anyone who displeases him.
Like, er, the NME, which committed the heinous crime of reporting the Wiley affair. “Appalling from NME. They have breeched the society of editors code of practice and will be held to account” ranted Mann. So what part of the Editor’s Code have they breached? On he went. “This maniac has stopped tweeting for now. This tweet is about a violent racist attack. There will be consequences including for Twitter allowing his putrid hatred to continue for so long”. He stopped because Twitter temporarily suspended him. And then removed Tweets that contravened its Ts and Cs. As the BBC has reported.

And then Lord John Mann did it. He blamed it on Corbyn. “[Jeremy Corbyn] a fan of yours has been on an antisemitic hatefest for 14 hours. As you have exchanged salutes with him previously, why are you not directly challenging him to stop his antisemitism [sic], rants? The possibility is he might listen to you”. He’s not a fan of Jezza, the “exchange of salutes” was Jezza saying “thank you”, and there is otherwise no relationship here.
It was sad but inevitable that Lord John Mann would try to blame Jezza. Prince William, who conferred the MBE on Wiley, probably had a longer conversation with him that Corbyn. One Jewish Tweeter concluded “Eventually history will view this as Anti-Semitism too.What Mann (a non-Jew) does is use Jews as a political football to hit his opponents. Jews are a tool/weapon/football to use when he needs. Maybe for now it’s seen as acceptable but in future it'll be seen as Anti-Semitism”.
Is John Mann on a mission, or just pursuing a personal feud? Don’t all shout at once.
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Anyone remember when Louise Mensch called Theodor Herzl, the father of modern Zionism whose birthday is an Israeli national holiday, an anti-Semite?
You couldn't make it up! Oh, they just did.
People dismiss Mann as a simpleton with a loud voice, but they do him a disservice. I have seen him both shout and point at one and the same time. I think he was also shuffling in the direction of his target, glancing at the conveniently-placed camera crew for confirmation, quite the multi-tasker!
He's labour's mark François
Tim, while you're looking at the people pointing the finger at Corbyn, will you spare a moment for that wonderful Fleet Street pair, Toby Helm and Michael Savage of the Observer? Today they're threatening a "cash crisis" for the Labour Party because of the leaking of the report on anti-semitism cases. "The Observer can reveal that lawyers from the Manchester-based firm 3D Solicitors... will notify the party’s high command early this week of the detailed basis of claims they are making for breaches of data protection...". It's all Corbyn's fault of course. Our old friends "A source close to the latest cases" and "Another informed source" make their appearance too. Every week Corbyn was leader they were brewing up disaster for Labour, and they surely can't resist kicking someone when they're down.
mann thinks the ONLY form of racism is antisemitism (And he even gets his own accusations wrong).
I have evidence. When mann appealed to people to provide hime with evidence of racism from labour party members in order to have them expelled, I emailed him with the odious stella greasy's overt casual racism with a tweet.
greasy's excuse to her BAME colleagues that she didn't realise the tweet was racist in any way.
Now pay attention to the date that story was in the link...Feb 12th. Tweeted before that day so that's Feb 11th at the latest.
Just over EIGHT WEEKS earlier, greasy took umbrage (rightly so) to a gobshite who was 'blacked up' as a snide, racist dig at Diane Abbott during a darts event.
Take note: 'She added if the bookies does not understand why it is “out of order” she hopes venue Alexandra Palace will.'
So it took just EIGHT WEEKS for greasy to conveniently 'forget' what constitutes casual racism and what doesn't. But then of course, she WOULD do, seeing as what her boyfriend got away with his diatribe about Jackie Walker (Black AND Jewish yet mannn did nowt there, neither)
Yet mann didn't even deign to reply to me, despite further follow-up emails.
I would suggest mann, like greasy and the useless mouthpiece jess 'cunty chops' philips has a problem with black people in positions equal to their own, and use their overzealous hounding of people accused of antisemitism as a cover for it.
Let them prove me wrong.
I had the same reaction but I think you've cited one of the more innocuous parts. The two stenographers continue: "The nine individuals are all understood to have lodged confidential complaints to the party while Jeremy Corbyn was leader about what they saw as cases of antisemitism. But their WhatsApp messages were contained in a report by party officials loyal to Corbyn that was leaked and reported in the media in April." Since it's all innuendo, it's impossible to know for sure who the complainants are but the reference to WhatsApp messages give us a clue that they are former officials and not "normal party members and councillors".
This is speculation but I think we can intuit what the nature of these complaints are likely to be on the basis of interviews given by officials in documents that are not the subject of legal actions. In the Panorama programme, the following exchange takes place, accusing Seamus Milne of illegitimately involving himself in the complaints process:
John Ware: How did you interpret that email from Mr Milne?
[head of disputes]: The same way that all staff in Labour’s head office did, which is that this was the leader’s office requesting to be involved directly in the disciplinary process. This is not a helpful suggestion, it is an instruction.
Similar accusations were made in the JC where Labour’s former head of disputes at the GLU reveals:
“They were now gaslighting the Jewish community and everybody else about what they were doing.
I knew this because I had been privy to emails where Jeremy Corbyn’s Chief of Staff, Karie Murphy, was responding on a case by case basis on antisemitism in order to not suspend someone who they all knew damn well should be suspended.
I thought I just can’t countenance this.”
I direct interested parties to page 444 of the contested report where they can read for themselves the email chain resulting in Milne responding to a REQUEST from the GLU to give his opinion on a single case. Section 4.4.7. on pages 560 to 562 contains the emails where Karie Murphy asks the GLU that she NOT be included on a case by case basis.
The quote from the stenographers appears to be a precis of what "A source close to the latest cases" says in the following paragraph so I can't for the life of me think why they weren't challenged by reprentatives of an organisation which believes "everyone deserves access to factual information, and analysis that has authority and integrity".
Me again. 'Another informed source said: “If the party agrees to settle this, which it will if it has any sense, it will cost Labour a few hundred thousand pounds. If it reaches court and Labour loses, it will cost the party many millions.”'
Did you think this translates as "That's a real nice Labour Party you've got there; be a real shame if anything unfortunate was to happen to it"? Or was it more like "Please settle out of court as we know we haven't got a leg to stand on"?
Has anyone yet discovered how the wretched Mann "coincidentally" showed up with a TV camera crew during the Livingstone Saga? And who authorised the camera crew and how did he/she know Mann was about to vomit yet another of his twisted-face, hate-filled diatribes? And who coached Mann to ensure he always stood side frame during the encounter to enable "full drama" shots of his crackpot finger pointing and lying abuse?
How sad that good people of the East Midlands have been stuck over the years with the likes of Mann, Soubry and Lynx. Doubtless there will be others.
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