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Thursday 22 August 2024

Toby Young’s False Fake News

Such is the desperation of those at Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”) that, in an effort to blame the false claims circulating in the wake of the Southport stabbings - in this case, that someone in Pakistan had started it, honestly - that they invited the loathsome Toby Young to share the benefits of his allegedly superior insights with their remaining audience.

What a happy bunny

So it was that Tobes told viewersYeah, I think it’s interesting [that] the Pakistani authorities are accusing this guy and his news agency of being the first news source to identify the attacker as an asylum seeker, which we now know was false. But it does suggest that Keir Starmer’s analysis, his initial claim, that these riots were organised by far fight agitators, many of them from outside the areas where the disorder took place, was itself fake news”.

Would Sir like to dig himself in a little deeper? “So, one of the ironic implications of this … is that the Prime Minister himself may be guilty, under the offence created by the Online Safety Act, of knowingly publishing false information which has a harmful effect”. And Starmer may not. But do go on.

You could argue that, by blaming far right agitators from outside the areas where the riots were taking place, Keir Starmer effectively encouraged … Muslim counter-protestors, for the most part, to form mobs, to police areas, to identify and attack people they thought were far right agitators from outside their area … you could argue that Keir Starmer’s misinformation regarding who was behind the riots contributed to a harmful outcome”. There is more.

He could therefore be guilty of an offence under the Online Harms Act”. And I have to tell Tobes that this is total bullshit. It is certainly false that the attacker was an asylum seeker. It is also - demonstrably - false to claim that the initial claim making that assertion emanated from a source in Pakistan.

Time after time after time, the old adage that something that looks too good to be true probably is too good to be true is ignored or forgotten, or as one Tweeter put it, “Seems completely baffling why a Pakistani (and probably Muslim?) journalist would want to stir up racial tensions and make British Muslims a target”. Also, Sunder Katwala has more. Rather a lot more.

At same time [Toby Young] defends Bernie Spofforth, who posted the fake name earlier. She seems clearly the source from which this 'news' article [in Pakistan] took the fake info, when it published the same name *an hour later*”. You can see the whole thread HERE. But the idea of deflecting from Ms Spofforth was now in full flow. Again, blame the Scary Muslims™.

So it was that Richard Tice (he’s not very nice) of Reform UK Limited (which isn’t a political party) mused “If this is true…..well well well [It wasn’t true] Seems a gentleman in Pakistan spread the fake news about Southport [he didn’t] Perhaps he was of the Far Left, deliberately creating division [perhaps Tice could stop telling whoppers]”. Matt Capon had his number.

He's being deliberately misleading here in order to whip up needless speculation from the keyboard detectives and ignite outrage from his base. The timeline for Channel3 amplifying Bernie Spofforth's tweet has been made public for several weeks now”. So Toby Young is talking out of the back of his neck in trying to shift blame to One Of Those Nasty Brown People.

Racism takes many forms. Even if it did somehow make it to Oxford.

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Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Desperation. Hasn't been a good two weeks for Tice, Frottage, Tommeh and their apologists, has it?

I'd pick you up on one small point though, Tim: Toby Young 'talking through his neck'.
A contributory factor to the little twat's diminutive stature is that he doesn't actually have a neck. He's all arse, though, so maybe that's what you meant and were just too fastidious to say.

Anonymous said...

Young, Tice..... these ranting righties are all the same thick-as-pigshit hysterical getts.

Someone must have rolled over a stone to find Young again. Or dragged him out of an East End ale house.

Anonymous said...

Is Toby Young still around?

Anonymous said...

Was this genuinely shown on GBscrews? If so, a few complaints to Ofcom might be in order. Not to mention the PM's office warning that defamation can have serious consequences. I know, a) Ofcom are too supine to actually do anything about blatant lies and conspiracy theories being peddled by GBnews despite clear prohibition of the latter, and b) Starmer and co are too terrified of the media to do anything that may annoy them, but hey, you can always hope...

Anonymous said...

Young's racist trigger word is of course "Pakistani". As is the Starmer Quisling's "Bangladeshi".

Far right shithouses, both.

Anonymous said...

Now that Young has crawled out from under his stone..... expect to see him on assorted corporate media propaganda "news" outlets, jazz handed far right bullshit and all. It's what they do.

Anonymous said...

it would appear she has "form" (unsurpringsly)


Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

What an excellent link. Thank you.
Might the climate denial stuff be an oblique marketing ploy for her swimwear business though? If we ignore climate science, as she advises, we'll all be underwater by 2050 and sales of cossies should go through the roof.

Still, we can take heart from the fact that, according to her message to the Times, her lying tweet 'has literally destroyed' her.

Anonymous said...

If only Bertie. The whole point of GB'abovethelaw'news shit stirring, and of course the Tory press, Dictat.., sorry Spectator, and our beloved BBC all running it was 'really down to some '****'s' article', with often no mention at all that, err, no, he got it from Spofforth, not the other way around, is too get her off, and Starmer on the hook. Not to mention in the tiny minds of their followers, a '****' being to blame somehow justifies, or at least excuses, going on the rampage.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

And I suppose the last person they'd suspect of wishing to dementedly stir up racial hatred would be a South African emigree pandemic-busting swimsuit designer with loopy conspiracy theory leanings and a belief in The Great Reset.
Kith and Kin innit.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Still, the latest poll will no doubt please our fave Spart, as Reform have surged, and Farage is more popular than Sir Kier. Proving once and for all that the great British public truly are as gullible as some allege...

Anonymous said...


Of course Starmer already got himself on the hook with his Bangladesh comment and his support of Zionist mass murder, kid starving and pensioners hypothermia.

Thus making himself a standard module far right red tory shithouse.

"Change" my arse. Just another tory hoodlum in a suit. A lying empty headed hypocrite on the make.

Anonymous said...


Yeah. "The great British public" just voted proven racist accessories to mass murder into Downing Street. Far right red toryism in "action".

The self-styled "centrist respectability" that waves a white flag and wears a white feather. Actually just stupid cowardice, as events will continue to prove.

Anonymous said...

Starmer exposed for his lying hypocrisy. It took a 70 years old woman to confront him and his gutless betrayal as he cowers behind a dead brained minder. So much for his "centrism".


Anonymous said...

But THIS isn't fake news: More than half a million children will go hungry in the next school holidays if plans to cut crisis funding for vulnerable families goes ahead. £1 BILLION of funding is set to end on 30th September.

Kid Starver in "action".

Anonymous said...

Here's the Forde Report which proves in detail just how far right racist are the Starmer Quislings:

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

It would be nice to hear from Anonymous on some of the issues raised above.

Anonymous said...

Young: "But it does suggest...may be guilty.... effectively encouraged.... could argue.... could therefore be guilty...."

Tice: "If this is true...."

Typical weasel words from far right weasels "attacking" another far right weasel. How the "centrists" all deserve each other.

The kind of verbal shite vomitted by the Micawbers and Magoos.

British "centrist" democracy" 2024.