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Tuesday 20 August 2024

Reginald D Hunter And More Bad Faith

As this blog has pointed out many times in the past, the power of our free and fearless press rests not only on what they choose to publish, but - sometimes more significantly - what they choose not to publish. The most recent instance of the latter rests with two hacks: Dominic Cavendish of the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph, and Sabrina Miller in the Mail.

Ms Miller’s last comment on the incident at Reginald D Hunter’s Edinburgh Fringe show was two days ago: “All day people have tried to discredit, gaslight and intimidate the brave Jewish, Israeli couple who spoke up about their experiences at Reginald Hunter’s show. Thank goodness [Dominic Cavendish] was in that audience to tell their story”.

But from Cavendish there has been silence, and neither hack has addressed the subsequent exposure of the couple Ms Miller called “Shimon and Talia” as Mark Lewis and Mandy Blumenthal, or indeed whether the only comeback they managed to a Hunter joke about Israel was to say “not funny”.

Maybe they recalled the saying attributed to the late Denis Thatcher: “better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”. Maybe they also noticed that the aftermath of the exposure was turning nasty, with one Twitter user being doxxed to his employer, and failed judge Simon Myerson claiming that Sangita Myska had been “sacked” by broadcaster LBC, information that is most certainly not in the public domain.

One Twitter presence not fazed by the unpleasantness, though, is James Wilson, who knows Mark Lewis of old. He is “the Wilson in Wilson v Mendelsohn, Newbon and Cantor”. He won that one; Lewis was advising his opponents. And what he has been told about the polite response of “not funny” is that there was rather more than Cavendish and Ms Miller told.

We know this as information has emerged, despite the doxxing and bullying, including a video showing the moment Lewis and Ms Blumenthal left the show. Hunter can be heard quietening the audience and telling them “let’s end this peacefully”, only for Ms Blumenthal to shout back “enjoy your racism”. The audience response suggests this wasn’t her first effort.

James Wilson has told “I’ve been given some quotes as to the sort of thing Mandy Blumenthal was shouting at the audience”, and reminded us that “Sabrina Miller described Mandy as ‘charming and friendly’”, while letting Ms Blumenthal know that “I’m happy to post your response”. He may not get one, given the rather obvious toxicity of what she’s alleged to have said.

Brace yourselves. “Your children will be raped and murdered by terrorists … Your women will be raped by terrorists … You are supporting terrorism. You are supporting women being raped”. Small wonder that one Tweeter musedThis will run and run … So many complicit parts … There will be a Netflix series called ‘Shimon and Talia' very soon”.

Meanwhile, Mark Lewis’ reputation is being put through the shredder as so much more attention is focusing on James Wilson’s observations. Such asHaving dealt with Mark Lewis in my litigation for over three years, I have to say this is all of a piece. I’m reminded of the two times - that we know of - that Mark Lewis provided untrue information to the Court and then got found out”.

OUCH! And he wasn’t finished: this one he addressed to Ms Miller. “If Sabrina Miller trusted what she was told by Mark Lewis, she won’t be the first person to get her fingers badly burnt. The Defendants in my case trusted what … Lewis told them and it turned out to be terrible advice”. Bad enough that one of them now faces losing his house in order to pay costs.

It’s almost as if Lewis and Ms Blumenthal didn’t think through what would happen when (not if) they were rumbled. Someone in the audience would call them out, possibly with the aid of audio and video. The subsequent doxxing and bullying only goes to show the bad faith behind all of this; the deliberate attempts to lose people their livelihoods should concern us all.

Two hacks still stand devalued. Neither appears to have a credible way out.

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Anonymous said...

Far right smears and lies. Standard currency in Britain 2024.

Plenty more where that comes from. You ain't seen nothin' yet. Wait until it REALLY gathers speed.

James said...

We went to a gig and the comedian, sniff, commented on current affairs, sniff!

They are repulsive and entitled as the Zionist Israels, I saw in video, who went to Japan and intimidated a Japanese bloke and a women who were protesting in the street peacefully, in a Japanese city. And that ironically, reflects what the Palastinians put up.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Anyone know if Victoria Derbyshire is back from holiday yet?
Another interview with Mork & Mandy could be very interesting.

And their 'your children will be raped and murdered' sounds very much of a piece with their language in the original interview about the 'enabler' Jeremy Corbyn having 'moved the rock and the antisemites crawled out from under the rock'.

Anonymous said...

I deleted my tweet about being doxxed as it occurred to me that if my employer was investigating me it probably wasn't a wise move. I just locked my account down instead. I went to a comedy show one day and an event happened. I didn't think much of it - I only recorded it for my own entertainment - but then the next day I read the Telegraph article. If you read any of my tweets on the subject I didn't go on about "zionism" or "anti-Israel" or anything like that. I just said "I was there - this isn't what happened" but I was subjected to a torrent of abuse, accusations of lying and doxxing. This has all happened because I thought telling the truth was the right thing to do but now I'm worried about strangers walking past my house.

Anonymous said...

"...deliberate attempts to lose people their livelihoods should concern us all."?

That "concern" hasn't bothered Britain for decades. It won't change now. Too many are shit scared to open their mouths. Which is why corporate media "news" employs only cowards and Yesmen and Yeswomen.

Anonymous said...

Even some self-styled "centrist" and "pragmatist" mugs are beginning to fear Britain is on the verge of outright fascism.

But they are wrong. It's already here.

Former ambassador Craig Murray explains how and why it is happening:

Anonymous said...

Murray's article serves to highlight a growing reality in the UK, that while right snivel that they are 'silenced', its actually those on the liberal/left seeing their rights steadily eroded.

The last govt used terrorism laws with gay abandon to silence dissent. Journalist are joined by green protestors and 'untermensch' or the 'disabled' to normal people (yes, the DWP and right do see us that way), in being charged under terrorism clauses.

If China, Russia or any other non US approved nation does this, it's an 'abuse of power'. Here, the boomers in a poll a few years back, backed the draconian protest laws by a massive 75%, and cheer on the Police bundling people in wheelchairs into police cans.

But then, hypocrisy over abuse of civil rights in the West is nothing new.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

There's just no pleasing some people, Anonymous.
Just as we in the mug community were waking up to the imminence of outright fascism (OF) as evidenced by authoritarian laws on protest and dissent, you tell us Too late! It's already here!

So the so-called election of a 'Labour' government was a cunning ploy by Quiffed etc Starmer and his duelling-scarred elitist clique to usher in the ultra-nationalist, corporatist, militarised death cult of OF bent on colonial expansion and the subjugation of die untermenschen (but only as and when prudent and responsible fiscal constraints allow).

Now I get it! And the locking up this week of hundreds of pissed-up streetfighting neanderthals up in your neck of the woods is the equivalent of the Night of the Long Knives when Hitler purged Ernst Rohm's SA thugs and thus consolidated the power of the Reichswehr and the elite SS.

Genius! Thanks for the explanation, and please keep us updated so we mugs don't slip behind again.

Viva la Muerte!

Anonymous said...


But you don't "get it".

Your M25 ghetto type never does. And never will. But Craig Murray does.

Have a"nice" Daily Heil day.

Anonymous said...

Oo look. A racist fascist policy to be continued by the "Labour" Party. Exposed in detail. Cooper no different to preceding blue tory gobshites, as are all the other Quislings:

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

I would do, Ioseb Besarionis, but I can't get out the door for bloody Squadristi.

Anonymous said...


Tsk tsk.

Must try harder to "get out". Collaboration always ends in suffocation.
