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Sunday 4 August 2024

Hello Rioters - You’ve Been Had

So here we are, the morning after a day of gratuitous and unjustifiable rioting and indeed looting, perhaps with some afters to come in a few of those towns and cities not already scarred by the attentions of The Fash, or as the more gullible of them like to pretend, “Concerned Citizens”.

He won't be going to jail, and ...

The violence meted out - for no good reason at all - was supposed to have something to do with three little girls dying as a result of a stabbing attack in Southport. But the reality was that it was just a lame excuse, trotted out to give cover for an orgy of violent conduct. Muslims, not involved in the stabbings, got most of the blame. It was just an excuse for racist and bigoted behaviour. Many of the participants did not stop and think about that.

They didn’t stop and think about a sudden surge of bad faith actors sounding off at new Prime Minister Keir Starmer. How, if the problems that led to the riots had been brewing for some time, was the bloke who only came to power last month to blame? How was he the originator of “Two tier policing”, when this pack of lies had been in circulation for months beforehand?

On top of all that, how was getting aled up and kicking off honouring the memory of those killed and injured in Southport? What kind of tribute was served up by trashing phone shops, travel agents, citizens’ advice centres, libraries, and looting the nearest Sainsbury’s Local? And why the constant obsession with Muslims, when they had nothing to do with the stabbings?

Then the $64,000 question, which those rioting may not have considered asking beforehand, but may be doing so now: what happens when all that video is pored over by the authorities, which it will be, with the certainty of night following day? Who gets to wear the electronic tag, get heavily fined, get sent down for a few months and lose their job afterwards?

Already, scores of those accused of rioting have been visited by the cops and taken away for a little chat, after which some will be bailed, and all of those proved to have taken part in the disturbances will get a criminal record. On the other hand, those who egged them on will get off Scot Free. There will be no consequences for those who nudged and winked the rioters into rioting.

... he told protesters to be peaceful. But shouted a bit, too

You listened to Reform UK OberscheissenfĂĽhrer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage, sitting there at his desk with Union flags behind him, like he was the President of somewhere unstable? More fool you. You took Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, at present on the run somewhere in mainland Europe, on trust? Big mistake. They don’t care about you.

They, along with Richard Tice (he’s not very nice), “30p” Lee Anderson, anyone else at Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”), those at Murdoch noise floor occupant TalkTV, and the dubiously talented convocation of hacks and pundits at our free and fearless press, which hasn’t been whipping up the mob against Muslims, honestly, won’t be there.

Won’t be there when, as barrister Joanna Hardy-Susskind recalled from 2011, “I have never forgotten telling man after man in cell after cell how long they would get in prison for the 2011 London riots. Once enthusiasm for lobbing bins at police has waned, once your pals have been arrested, once the booze & adrenaline subside - you realise. Then regret”.

Farage can (thus far) get away with borderline incitement such asWhat you have seen happen in London, Liverpool and Hartlepool is nothing compared to what you could see in the next few weeks” (a privilege not enjoyed by any followers of The Prophet), but if you take that as the green light for kicking off after a session in the local Spoons, you’re up shit creek without a paddle.

And claiming that Starmer is to blame for “insulting” ordinary hard-working people won’t wash, either. As James Ball has pointed out (thread HERE), the PM only tied those rioting to the far right, and that “all violent disorder that flares up, whatever the apparent cause or motivation - we make no distinction…Crime is crime” would be tackled. No two tier policing, sorry.

Hello rioters. You had no excuses. You’re on your own. Repent at leisure.

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Anonymous said...

That's just the problem - they don't care. Anyone who's had close contact with these hardcore racists and bigots can tell you that they, to quote Porridge, see arrest and imprisonment as an 'occupational hazard'. They simply roll in, and roll out of prison on a regular basis, and simply do the same things over and over again. It's also interesting to note how many of them are sent down for serious assault on people from ethnic minorities. Yet our beloved former govt claimed there 'is no problem with the far right in the UK' and claims of attacks on minorities were being 'exaggerated'. If one local group alone sees members constantly charged with assault, that somewhat contradicts the Tory line? Unfortunately, if people think simply rounding these thugs up and sending them to the grey bar hotel will stop the violence, they are going to be disappointed. What's needed is proper rehabilitation, separation from their cronies on release, and jobs that they don't want to lose. Alas, that all costs money that govt doesn't want to spend.

James said...

If these scum are rising again, then I believe that groups like Red Action are desperately needed once more

Anonymous said...

All tories blue, red and yellow are the main root of a British dysfunctional far right racist society. A society deteriorating by the day into its present condition. Nobody else has been in government since 1979.

Lest we forget, these gangsterist regimes have taken part or encouraged mass murder wars, promoted racism, deliberately impoverished whole communities, lied about and smeared genuine dissidents, reduced Britain to a US vassal state, and helped further enrich their already-obscenely wealthy backers.

Given the public record of the words and actions of the Starmer gang it would take a monumental act of wilful ignorance or stupidity or outright malevolence to deny their role in the state of the country. They and preceding governments have directly helped create the corrupted culture that drives the latest bout of insanity.

It isn't as though there were no warnings....

Anonymous said...

What I say to people who, whilst condemning the riots, still say that the rioters 'have a point' is this. How does lobbing bricks at a mosque, looting shops, roughing up people and endlessly rabbiting on about 'the Muslims', 'small boats' and 'our culture' going to get us decent health and social care, reliable public transport, jobs with good pay and conditions, affordable housing and all the other things that the vast majority of people in Britain see as essential?

An obvious question, so it seems to me. But will the Labour Party actually address this? Its spokesmen and women seem merely to condemn the rioters without giving more than platitudes. They need to address the question that I have raised, or else the ideas that lay behind the riots, so insidiously raised by Farage & Co, will remain unchallenged.

Dr Paul

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Good points, Anonymous @ 12.27.

You have to feel for us though. All our problems used to be caused by 'Brussels', so we hated 'Brussels' and those who defended it and we got it out of our lives.

But after we did that and we still didn't like our lives, we were a bit confused. And really angry. But Tommy and Richard and Nigel and the others helped us out by explaining that we hadn't got rid of Brussels 'properly'. We'd been stabbed in the back by traitors.

Not only that but they gave us the REAL reason we weren't happy: refugees, asylum seekers and particularly Muslim ones.(And particularly when psychopathic teenagers who aren't Muslims go berserk and slaughter children). So we've got to get THEM out now.

And if that doesn't work we're going to get REALLY angry but it's ok cos Nigel and the lads will give us a new reason we're unhappy. Maybe them Cosmopolitans they talk about sometimes. They run EVERYTHING.

And we're quite partial to a ruck anyway. Culture innit. Bulldog breed and that.

But the REAL reason we're getting pissed and kicking off and throwing bricks at coppers and looting vape emporia and trying to kill foreigners is that nonce Keir Starmer: he sent us the wrong message when he took the knee!

Ben Lapointe said...

Those "riots" very much looks coordinated and pre-organised. Of course some centrist pundits are blaming the Rushans without any proofs (it is possible though: far right thugs are cheap and easy to egg on so if I was a despot involved in a proxy war of attrition with the West I'd think "why not." I'd back Trump as well: the surest way to bankrupt the US), but totally ignore the tabloid press *predicting* riots if Labour is elected, an elected MP "warning" of riots to come and of right wing pundits excusing them.

It should be taken for what it is: an organised terror campaign.

Anonymous said...


Looks like Starmer didn't get the Micawber Tendency memo about use of "far right". You know, the one about, well, "nuance".

Those poor bastards at the Tendency just keep getting everything wrong.

Oh my aching sides.

Anonymous said...

They clearly are. Pointing fingers at the likes of Putin and Trump is just a diversion though. It's no coincidence that Reform have just seen five mps elected, done well across the UK, and that's followed by a campaign of coordinated violence by fellow far right thugs. Farage and co are flexing their newly gained political muscle and seeing how far they can push the boundaries. Thanks to the Tory leadership candidates talking the same 'people have a point' gibberish, they're succeeding in doing just that.

Anonymous said...

Well, good grief, look who is allegedly funded by, er, sort-of-Zionism. If true it might even lead to a nuanced connection elsewhere in British politics.


Anonymous said...

Internet crashes again as the entire world rushes to check out obsessive Bertie-obsessive’s latest link.
Entire political universe reassured by the knowledge there’ll be at least 15 more by Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Probably the best comment so far.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's time for some Orgreave-style policing, forty years on. Complete with squaddies dressed as coppers.

Mr Larrington said...

Yaxley-Lennon, meanwhile, has been tracked down by the Daily Heil to Ayia Napa and is absolutely FUMMIN! How dare they actually do investigative reporting, says the self-styled “journalist” with a penchant for banging on people’s doors at Gestapo o’clock in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Where’s George Grivas when you need him?


Anonymous said...

Talking of two tier policing, I was thinking just that. Not just Orgreave either. The Police enjoyed giving the miners a good kicking at various pits. If they adopted the same tactics as at Orgreave at just one demo, followed by the same doctoring of events, these cowardly thugs would quickly decide it's not worth it.

Anonymous said...

I understand the Metropolitan Police commissioner refused to answer - when asked by a journalist - "are you going to stop two-tier policing?". Anybody know from whom that question came, or is it a case of "no surprises there"?

Anonymous said...

22:38, the only one 'obsessed' with you is you.

Anna Nonnamouska said...

GBN, unsurprisingly. Very much in the "when did you stop beating your wife?" category.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to the radio earlier and the presenter remarked that a common theme amongst callers was "no-one asked us about immigration". Well, here's a thought for you: if you weren't such lazy, thick and entitled twats who were actually capable of being educated to do the jobs you can't - or won't - do, then you wouldn't need so many immigrants, would you?

Arnold said...

"Who gets to wear the electronic tag, get heavily fined, get sent down for a few months and lose their job afterwards?"
Only a few months when non-violent climate protestors were given 4 and 5 years last month?