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Saturday 17 August 2024

Farage Minted - Fans Skint

As they troop slowly and sadly through the courts en route to an extended stay at the kind of hotel run on behalf of His Majesty, those involved in the recent riots in towns and cities across England might stop and ask what effect the uprisings have had on those whom they revered, those who are not appearing alongside them in the dock, and certainly not going to jail.

While those gaining, or in more cases reinforcing, a criminal record live from hand to mouth, from one week to the next, from one visit to the Job Centre to the next, the figureheads to whom they pay so much attention have no money worries. For them, the world is excellent, untroubled by rioting, looting, violence and the rest. They enjoy peace. And a lot of disposable income.

One enjoying more disposable income than most is self-appointed Reform UK Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage. This we know, as Nige is now an MP, and so must declare his income from extra-Parliamentary work. And what an income it is! More than the proverbial Cool Million a year, mainly from Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”).

I kid you not: consulting The Register of Members’ Financial Interests As At 4 August 2024, we see in the entry for “Farage, Nigel (Clacton)” the following. “Role, work or services: Presenter … Payer: GB News Ltd, Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, EC4R 3TT … Remuneration: £97,928.40 a month … Hours: 32 hrs a month”. An annual rate of well over a million notes.

The Guardian has reported on this minor detail: “Nigel Farage appears to have become the highest-earning MP, having made almost £1.2m a year from GB News. In the first register of interests of the new parliament, the Reform UK MP declared that he was earning £97,900 a month as a presenter for GB News, the channel co-owned by the hedge fund billionaire Paul Marshall”.

And then comes Taking The Piss 101:”Farage also revealed that his visit to the US on 17 July - in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump - cost £32,000 and was funded by Christopher Harborne, a Thailand-based crypto investor who previously gave millions to the Brexit party. The purpose was recorded as ‘to support a friend who was almost killed and to represent Clacton on the world stage’”. And a straight-A Fuck Right Off.

What the article does not tell, and obtaining the information is proving less than straightforward, is what Farage is doing to represent Clacton, er, in actual Clacton itself. Like the number of constituency surgeries he’s done, and whether he’s visited Jaywick after that devastating fire, as he promised.

He has other earnings, too, as the Guardian pointed out. “The MP’s social media earnings were also revealed, showing that he made £1,550 through X and £853 through Meta, as well as £4,000 from Cameo videos. The Clacton MP is also paid £4,000 a month by the Daily Telegraph”. The Telegraph pays rather a lot for Mr Thirsty to talk well, but lie badly.

Meanwhile, those who revere Farage - who, in any case, vehemently denies having anything to do with inciting the mob - are looking first at the inside of a prison cell, then later on, a slog to get anyone to give them gainful employment, and after that, more of that hand to mouth existence, and at the end of it, the crap pension that their younger serves approved of so readily.

Someone here is being had for a mug. But it certainly isn’t Nigel Farage.

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David Lindsay said...

You can be as famous as Nigel Farage is, and as beloved of the Telegraph's base, but it will still pay you only £48,000 for a column. What times, so to speak.

Anonymous said...

There are two sad truths here. One, the bulk of these hoolies for hire couldn't give a flying toss about (yet) another trip to the grey bar hotel. For them its, as Ronnie Barker put it, 'an occupational hazard'. Their lives already consist of poor, 'who cares if I lose it', jobs, a cycle of violence, either through assaults on people from minorities (they aren't fussed which), outside pubs, or at football grounds, and then arrest and trial.

As such, for them another stretch in stir simply reinforces their belief that they are somehow in the right. Whether the keyboard warriors, figures caught egging them on, or young people caught up in the moment are as blase remains to be seen.

Second, the vast majority of Faragites will still worship him, Tommah, Muskrat, and the Orange Goblin regardless. The above are the 'generals' as these people warped World view sees it, they, by contrast, are the foot soldiers. And how many generals do you see at the 'front line' these days? No, the punishment they receive, as opposed to the continued fawning and total lack of consequence for their Reichsfuhrers, will put them off them not one jot.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Fair play, Tim. It was Thailand-based crypto investors that made this countrey great!

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Country? All typos mine own.

Steve Woods said...

Farage did eventually visit the scene of the fire in Jaywick and the local fire station, but only one week after it happened.

The local rag shows the frog-faced fascist gurning in the midst of firefighters.