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Monday 5 August 2024

Oh Tommy - The Mail Gotcha

During the campaign of intimidation, harassment, threatening, doxxing, and, one has to say it, flagrantly lying in order to pursue his agenda by Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, the thought has occasionally entered as to how he would like it if it was him getting that treatment, if the boot were to be firmly on the other foot.

Now we know: Lennon does not like it one bit. Worse, while he has been whining about articles in the Guardian and Murdoch Times, it is the paper most skilled in the art of spiteful monstering of its targets, the Daily Mail, that has come for him. Now he knows how all those victims of press misbehaviour felt. But his response means there will be no sympathy for him.

Worse, there will be rather less than a snowball’s chance in hell of the Mail cutting him some slack and maybe backing off, of which more later. First, the story: Lennon has arrived in Cyprus, more specifically somewhere in the area of Ayia Napa, at a five star all-inclusive hotel. It’s possible it was not the Mail that figured out where he was. But now they have him in their sights, well.

On the front page you go! “Tinderbox Britain … STOKING RACE RIOTS FROM HIS SUNBED … Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson relaxes in five-star Cyprus resort while fuelling violence across UK with inflammatory online posts”. There was more: “Robinson, 41, shared a series of fake stories over the weekend including claims that Muslims had stabbed protesters in Staffordshire and attacked three women in Scotland”.

Just wait until Northcliffe House’s finest get to work on his film SILENCED, which is chock-full with packs of lies from one end to the other, even though he declaims them loudly and aggressively, while calling anyone opposing him a liar. So how did Lennon take the attention from the Mail?

Not at all well. “If you haven’t all noticed their plan is to pin all of this violence on me . My documentary is at 30 million views, it’s a huge blow to their corrupt judiciary’s credibility. They want pay back”. Not a good idea to brag about how many views your dishonest and defamatory film is getting.

There was more. “My kids are crying , we come here so I could spend some quality time with them . Now they are scared people are coming here to get them. The daily Mail have purposely doxxed the exact location of my family . How can they be allowed to do this”. Thought you had an exclusive on doxxing your targets, eh? The Mail did not give the exact location. And why do the kids think someone is coming to get them? Who told them that?

Then he lost it: “these lies have a direct result on threats to my family . Is it ok if I track down the journalists addresses & families details & dox them? Would that be journalism. This has been coordinated from the top down because my latest documentary humiliates their lies. They have purposely doxxed where my children are is it fair for me to do the same to them”. Do go on.

By tomorrow I’ll have every bit of information on the journalists who wrote these lies & endangered & caused fear to my children. This is not acceptable behaviour, it’s intimidation by a corrupt & morally bankrupt media”. But it’s OK when he does it to anyone else. And if his source for that information is an actual journalist, they may well back off doxxing the Mail.

Because that would incur the Mail’s displeasure. You don’t want to go there. What Lennon should be looking at is why he got busted. And, as Jon Stewart might have said, two things here. One, the Mail isn’t exactly immune to anti-Muslim bigotry: better to shop a convenient scapegoat, so that all the attention homes in elsewhere. Which brings us to Two.

If Lennon thinks he has the backing of some important actors out there, he can think again. When the Mail dumps on you, one reason they do so is that nobody really important is going to lean on them and tell them to desist. Not only has the Mail dumped on Lennon, it’s highly likely that it’s had the green light to do so. He thought he had clout? Not any more he doesn’t.

Stephen Lennon’s little Wild West Show just ran out of road. Rejoice!

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Anonymous said...

Next on the list should be Space Karen, who posted on his toy Twatter that "civil war is inevitable"...

Anonymous said...

Far right rats biting each other in the corner of a slime box.

Britain 2024.

Jez Box said...

Great stuff Tim! Unfortunately my twitter is currently locked (because of telling Oakeshott to f off and die) so can't like and retweet (to my all of 250 followers lol) but please keep up the good work.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

It's the children I feel sorry for.........

Anonymous said...

He's a bigger tool than anything Keir's Dad made.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

'Morally bankrupt media'!
'Not accepable behaviour'!
'Quality time' with the kids!

Craig Brown proves again that he is a satirist at the height of his powers.

Anonymous said...

As forecast years ago, this country gets worse and worse. The social decay will continue because its governing class want it that way. The political record speaks for itself, entirely far right in intent and action.

Only "centrist" Mister Micawber and Mister Magoo say otherwise. But of course they aren't "centrist" at all. In fact their craven submission helps feed the sick frenzy.

Nor is there the slightest sign of a proposed reconstruction of any aspect of socioeconomic, political and cultural life. It's perfectly obvious where all this is heading.

Yaxley Lennon is but one tiny nasty symptom of it all. The central guilty parties are the political class and their supine corporate media.

So the decay will continue, even worsen yet again.

James said...

Sean is the real enemy. And the day will come when he learns the hard way, that we aren't going to take it. I hope that militant anti-racists go after him

Anonymous said...

Just seen a clip from Twitter where a woman says the Titanic sank because it had too many people on board. God, you Brits are thick.

Anonymous said...

Could well be, Anon.

Going anywhere nice this year?


James said...

Anonymous, 19.51. don't be daft.
Wherever you go there is pond life.
Tommy Robinson's mob are no different than Trump's mob.

Anonymous said...

Or Netanyahu's, or Orbans, or Putins, or the countless other right wing dickheads.

Anonymous said...

22:31, or Starmers, Reeves, Mann, McNicol, Blairs, Browns, Straws, Mandelsons, Campbells, Balls, Watsons, Coopers, Phillips and all the other apparatchiks.

Anonymous said...

This news just in - brave sir Nigel - he too ran away


Anonymous said...

Football season starts soon, Tim. That should occupy their tiny little minds then.

Anonymous said...

According to Daily Mail commenters, these riots have been staged by the security services for monitoring purposes and in a further nod to Anonymous Ad Nauseam, "we have another five years of these hard left fools". It seems stupidity is rife in England... but that comes as no surprise to me. You only have to read the comments here sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Talking of the Wail, Verity was on tv today feigning outrage over zara saying, totally correctly, that the Tory press, in particular the Mail, have helped create this situation. Some clever chap ou chappette, has done a meme of vile Verity whinging alongside a veritable smorgasbord of Heil headlines attacking migrants. It was noticable that no-one interviewing him has done this, all the while giving him a platform to spout off.

I for one though, am getting tired the excuses for this behaviour - and its timing. It has sod all to do with the tragic events in Southport, social media or 'stopping the boats'. This was pre planned thuggery, organised well in advance, and by someone with the money and power to pull it all together. Southport was not the 'catalyst for protest', it was merely the first opportunity to kick off.

I hope we see more of the Police doing what they're now doing in Leicester. Using dispersal orders to stop the rioting. These aren't protests as the media insist on calling them, they're just a way for a bunch of thugs to have a 'good day out'. If it doesn't stop soon someones going to get killed. At that point, all bets are off.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Anon, this has clearly been in the offing since AT LEAST the day after the election, if not before. And they're acting like they won that election. Musky boy has let the cat out of the bag on that front.

Anonymous said...

Ah, boneheaded false equivalence reaches its apotheosis.

(That’s another poncey Southern M25 word, Anonymous, like nuance and, you know, avocado).


Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 16:31 - an excellent, thoughtful post. Makes a change on here from the usual crybaby rantings of the Corbyn obsessive.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the far right Zionist-without-qualification, Quisling version, talks of a "standing army" to resolve this. (Despite police saying they have enough resources to deal with it.)

That should please the Starmer/Reeves fascist/apartheid mass murdering paymasters in Tel Aviv. For evidence of which see the Al Jazeera documentary The Labour Files on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

I had to check out 'Mister Magoo'. But how brilliantly appropriate.😂

Anonymous said...

Pubs and restaurants across the country empty to do just that.
YouTube crashes.
Share price tanks.


Anonymous said...

Except no sane person takes either Al-Jazeera or The Labour Files seriously. Except far-left crybabies, of course.

Anonymous said...

Interesting you should mention the muskrat. It's also time to start asking whether the balance of harm v free speech has tilted far too far in favour of the former.

Bullying, racism, bigotry in general are rampant across tik Tok, spewtube, facebook and whatever muskovite is calling twitter today.

The problem is, the owners of social media are now mega wealthy and over mighty. They see themselves as above the law, and lack of any meaningful attempt to rein them in has caused misery on a scale far out of proportion to its advantages.

While censorship is abhorrent, so is mindless thugs torching peoples businesses and homes, and kids committing suicide. The social media owners have shown themselves to be morally bankrupt, so, perhaps it's time for govts to force them to clean up their act?

Anonymous said...

Harold Wilson was the biggest Zionist ever, alongside Lloyd George. The man was a deranged zealous loon when it came to Israel.

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

Hiya. We don't have to factually disagree with Anything, WHATSOEVER that you repeat 'ad nauseam' on Zelo St (old - ish chap/chappesse). You seem to me (to use a shortish analogy) like a Viet-cong junior cadre graffiti artist or Banksy even. You are mysteriously allowed access to the Fenton Wall to do graffiti. Monetary value post your (eventual but not imminent) demise. We may get back 2u on that one sir.
Peace in our lifetime from here in the M25 ghetto to 'wherever u are'

Anonymous said...

19:45, the difference in morals between Jeremy Corbyn and Starmer.


Mr Larrington said...

The good news, at least for popcorn vendors, is that Yaxley-Lennon and Fartrage are having a public spat on Xitter. Rats in a sack.

Beddy Frenson said...

The idea of Tommy two names using his mysterious address-discovering powers on Hatemail 'journalists' is interesting. Are they and their tactics the bigger threat to the rule of law, or are Tommy and his? And is there some way they can both lose?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, while the poster may use irritating jargon, his comments about the Labour party are correct. An excellent review of politicians stirring up anti immigrant sentiments had a disturbing number of Labour mps including creepy Kier leading the way. A roundup of speeches in the commons, tv interviews, and paper articles shows no difference between Torys and Labour. After a night of peaceful counter protests in solidarity with our ethnic communities what did we hear from Starmer? Sweet fuck all, bar how brilliantly he's dealing with it. What a good job the peace marchers couldn't give a shit what he thinks.

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

A bit off topic ? What has happened to the "Nudge Unit ltd " anyone know

Anonymous said...

As his whereabouts are known, why isn't "Robinson" being extradited and tried for incitement?

Anonymous said...

Try watching the Labour files. Its aimed at people like you, not 'far left cry babies'. Although going on the fact that 'centerists' are still in full denial over Starmer and co, despite even that venerable source, the FT, casting doubt over their policy direction, it won't make a jot of difference...

Anonymous said...



U OK hun?

Anonymous said...

Still going strong with branches across the globe now. After being hammered by the right wing press for 'scaring the public' over Covid, their UK profile has been reigned in a tad. Can't have nasty nudgers trying to stop the spread of a potentially fatal disease now can we!

Anonymous said...

George has his say.


Anonymous said...

'Tommy Two Names'. Excellent. A hit, a palpable hit.

Anonymous said...

If you're happy with watching and believing a programme made by the propaganda arm of a slave state, it shows your derangement is complete.

Anonymous said...


Best description yet of Britain 2024. Well done.

Anonymous said...

And it turns out the "WEE MAN" is a plastic paddy who allegedly travels on a non-UK passport, i.e. Irish passport (cos Brexit) and may have committed YET ANOTHER IMMIGRATION OFFENCE when entering another country (no, really) by telling porkies on his immigration form (no, really) and the duly elected politicians of the Republic of Ireland are suggesting the evidence he provided when applying for said Irish passport be examined


What is the likelihood that he has indeed committed another offence?