The Mail, though, knows who is in the right, and who isn’t. “Pro-Palestinian demonstrations started almost immediately while there was a celebrity letter headed by actors Steve Coogan, Tilda Swinton [and] Charles Dance, in which the massacre of 1,400 Israelis wasn't even mentioned”. Do go on.
“But Rachel was moved by a contrasting action from Hollywood stars … She said: 'The new letter from the Hollywood stars feels in stark contrast to what we are dealing with in the UK where we have so many proud and open antisemites.’”. The Mail’s inference there, that those signing the “celebrity letter” included “proud and open anti-Semites”, is bang out of order.
She had more to say. “There are people in this country - and we've seen this conflict before - who appear to dedicate their lives to anti-Israel activism. They don't do that with facts, they don't do it calmly … And even when they have seen 1,400 innocent people brutalised in the most appalling way, they say nothing”. Something is missing here. What might that be?
It might just be that the daily rocketing, bombing and shelling of civilians across Gaza, where around 6,000 have been killed and more are buried under piles of rubble, is not getting much of a mention. And even when it does get a mention, its main purpose is to kick the BBC, an enduring obsession of the Mail’s legendarily foul mouthed editor-in-chief.

Sadly for this black-and-white open-and-shut analysis, Aric Toler has told us “Israeli and U.S. intelligence officials believe that a projectile captured on videos shortly before the Ahli Arab Hospital explosion was a Palestinian rocket. [New York Times] Visual Investigations found that this object was launched from Israel, and likely unrelated to the deadly blast”. Jury still out.
Also, the IDF has a history of falsehood and misinformation. This conflict has no Good Guys. And calling “anti-Semitism” on anyone who passes adverse comment upon the actions of the Israeli Government and its armed forces, when we know that innocent civilians are being slaughtered, their homes flattened, their food sources cut off, and aid denied, will solve nothing.
Nor will Ms Riley win friends and influence people by saying “I don't want innocent people to die, of course I don't. BUT this is something that Hamas has started with its horrific actions”. BUT nothing. Hamas is not driving the rocketing, bombing and shelling of Gaza. 24 hours ago, the death toll was 6,000. Now it will be higher. And around 2,500 of those will be children.
Nevertheless, no-one should take the bait Ms Riley’s article dangles before anyone with a Twitter feed. Going after anyone who is Jewish, or even just supports the Israeli actions, is totally out of order. It is as totally out of order as going after anyone who is Muslim, or even just wants to show solidarity with Palestine. Reaction to this conflict demands calm and clear heads.
It is a pity that Rachel Riley appears to miss that opportunity. That is all.
It's not a matter of "going after" anyone if you simply tell a shithouse that he/she is a shithouse, whatever their religion, politics or nationality.
And Riley is a shithouse.
Riley sees antisemitism everywhere - in the same manner as the toerags see prosperity being created everywhere.
Riley is merely a useful idiot for the right.
Led by Donkeys have produced an extremely effective graphic to illustrate the grotesque imbalance in the relative experiences of Palestinians and Israelis in the latest conflict and in previous ones.Sources are cited at the end.
If you haven't seen it, it's here (make sure you scroll down):
Please have a look and disseminate as widely as possible. I'm sure that Ms Riley would appreciate a copy.
Future historians will not look kindly on this period's elites in the UK and will ask how did "we" let the incoming slaughter happen in Gaza. 7000 is bad. It will be many orders of magnitude more if Netanyahu gets his way with the imminent ground assault. IF we still have historians in the future, that is. Or a future.
Numbertits is clearly cut from the same cloth as all-purpose rentagob and general halfwit Ben Shapiro, viz.
• support for Palestinian people = support for Hamas, and
• criticism of Israeli government and/or military = anti-Semitism
i diskard her.
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