So it was once more last Saturday as Mr Thirsty took to Twitter, X, or whatever Muskrat is calling it this week, to howl “A man is taken away by British police for carrying a Union Jack flag whilst the hordes march for a foreign war. How have we sunk to this?” As carrying a Union Flag (note correct usage) is not an offence, everyone should have been on their guard.
But Nige’s pal Richard Tice (he’s really not very nice) was not one of them. “What an outrage” he thundered. The singularly fishy Lance Forman echoed his pal: “Absolutely disgusting”. When it was pointed out to Forman that Mr Thirsty had been lying, he kicked off. “What about the thousands calling for the death of Jews. Isn’t that racism then? The police should be arresting every one of them too. Or don’t Jews count in your eyes?”
Showing solidarity with Palestinians is now anti-Semitism, then. Meanwhile, Loz Argyle had seen it all before. “He was arrested for RACISM not for carrying the Union flag, here we go again folks, far right monsters spreading hate, fear to cause division and unrest, these people do not offer hope, they pretend too when in reality what you get is the politics of HATE”.
Another observer asked “Leader of a Political Party lying. Where’s the retraction. Leaving the tweet up is done on purpose”. It certainly is. Two days after the event, and as I type, Farage’s flat-out lie is still live. As is another bout of lying from the deeply repellant, and singularly racist, beings from Turning Point UK, whose outburst would have made Charlie Kirk proud.
“The [Metropolitan Police] have detained a man for waving the Union flag near Hamas/Pro-Palestine supporters.The police refuse to arrest the people out supporting a proscribed organisation, because they’re scared of being called ‘racist’. The Met are an embarrassment to Britain”. More lies.
Note that “Hamas” and “Pro-Palestine” are lumped together, and that it is assumed that those protesting were supporting the former. But do go on. “So the police will arrest a man for waving a Union flag, but refuse to arrest thugs who are assaulting the police. Why are the police so scared of Pro-Palestine/Hamas protestors? Why are the police afraid to enforce the law? We live in a two-tier policing system”. Who assaulted the cops? More lying.
Later, the Met put out a statement with this comment: “A man has been charged after shouting racist abuse at those gathered yesterday in Whitehall and making racist comments to a police officer. He was carrying a UK flag but this was NOT the reason for his arrest”. Confirmation that Farage was lying.

Why would Nigel Farage deflect from the facts? Would he rather rile up the mob against legitimate protest than accept what actually happened? Would he prefer not to acknowledge that a white man did a racism? Or was he just lying for the sake of it? Whatever. He should delete and say sorry.
But he won’t. Nor will the Turning Point UK bigots. That’s not good enough.
Yes, yes, Tim, that's all very well.
But he keeps happy British/US corporate media, the political class, the Gnome Counties and the Micawber Tendency.
That's all that matters in Airstrip One Britain 2023.
Can this be the same Nigel Farage who, as a fresh-faced (frog-faced?) young patriot at Dulwich College, was reportedly strangely proud of his initials being NF and got into trouble with the authorities for walking around the town singing 'Gas 'em all'?
As the ability to lie seems to be one of the main subjects taught at English public schools, why are their old boys and girls who go into politics so unconvincingly bad at it?
Meanwhile, Niggles has also weighed in on the recent referendum in Captain Cook’s Mistake:
Fartrage: This is Australia's Brexit moment. The elites have been trounced.
Parody Rishi Sunak: Not sure about that Nige - surely this is the opposite of Brexit. They have voted against allowing the true Australians to take back control and in favour of having a load of immigrants in charge. Unless Nigel means people were lied to by a bunch of self-serving bigoted grifters, then I could see the similarity with Brexit.
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