It has been claimed that he is reluctant to move until the USA has joined the ceasefire call. This may dismay some, but is understandable: ever since the Suez débàcle, Israel has known to which country its wagon should be hitched, and that country is not the UK or France, with whom it joined in the deception that ended the brief premiership of Anthony Eden.
Eden thought he could win over Gemayel Abdul Nasser; he learned some of the language, had done that sort of thing before. He won no-one over: Egypt seized the Suez Canal, Eden, the poshest of PMs, denounced Nasser as a “fah-sist”, and cooked up the deception with the French and Israelis, which was bust when US President Eisenhower told them all to desist.
It was a re-election year; Ike wanted to present himself as a man of peace. From that point on, the UK followed the US, sometimes managing not to look too slavish, but on occasion, as with Tony Blair backing Dubya Bush over Iraq, showing just how far, and at the expense of a serious amount of credibility, UK Governments were prepared to go to please Washington DC.
Starmer has already shown himself to be less than totally nimble when challenged on the behaviour of Binyamin Netanyahu and his pals. We are now being told that when he said Israel was within its rights to cut off power and water to Gaza, he was misrepresented. He was not. The audio is out there. Cutting off water and power to an occupied territory is a war crime.

Starmer’s latest headache has been induced by London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has demonstrated his considerable abilities by getting his own ducks in a line first. Like the Community Security Trust, who met Khan and later Tweeted approvingly “Thank you, Sadiq Khan, for challenging antisemitism and all forms of hate crime.” They could hardly denounce him after that.
And so it came to pass that the Mayor told earlier today “Thousands of innocent civilians have already been killed in Israel and Gaza. With the humanitarian crisis set to deteriorate even further, I’m calling for a ceasefire”. Full stop, no ifs, no buts. Which puts his party leader in one of those Very Difficult Positions. He can hardly suspend Khan. What does he do?
His minders can’t retrospectively redefine reality: the claim he was “misrepresented” will join other chin-stroking moments on shows like HIGNFY and be repeated relentlessly. He can’t sit this one out. On Israel and Gaza, he cannot get away with standing for nothing. 7,000 dead in Gaza, 1,000 unidentified bodies buried under the rubble, and counting. DO SOMETHING.
Remember Galbraith’s definition of leadership. “All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: it was the willingness to confront unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time. This, and not much else, is the essence of leadership”. Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar has now confronted that anxiety. He has called for a ceasefire.
Quit waiting for the USA. Get off the fence and show some leadership.
He isn't "caught in the headlights". That fraudulent, lying, far right puppet-hypocrite is HIM. He'll never be any different.
His public record of treachery and betrayal shows why. Like Bliar/Brown he and his fellow travellers are a disgusting sell-out. They too will leave a trail of dead innocents and destroyed nations. They are morally bankrupt malevolents.
I would burn my Labour Party membership card.
But the new ones have got a Union Jack on them and I could be caught by the retroactive law on 'destruction, defilement, abuse, desecration or dishonouring of national symbols' which Braverman will surely dream up soon in order to grab a front-page spread in the Sunny Mail Expressograph thus, at a stroke, cementing her front-runner status in the hearts of the Tory membership gerontocracy and aligning the UK's laws with those of such beacons of freedom and democracy as Saudi Arabia, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Russia. Turkey, Poland, Kazakhstan, Egypt and Israel.
Thank God a growing number of Labour MPs are seeking what is in fact the bare minimum of demonstrations of a hint of a whisper of humanity in the Party, a call for a ceasefire. And thank God for Sadiq Khan, Andy Burnham and Anas Sarwar and the rest. Others will follow and maybe re-learn the power of principles and solidarity.
I had no time for Sir Kid Starver before his unforgivable comment on the Gaza situation. Now I believe there is not a pitchfork in hell sharp enough for him. Saying something wrong and then denying saying it. " You are all wrong". Then tops it off with " I won't apologise ". A self righteous ballix.
Careful now, Bertie! You may find yourself open to prosecution under the We Can Do Anything We Like To You Uppity Proles Act (2022).
You old cynic, Mr L.
Next you'll be trying to convince me that that nice Mr Starmer will shortly announce that he has no plans to rescind any anti-flag defilement laws which Ms Braverman sees fit to introduce between now and the election as to do so would only give succour to those who wish to do down Britain.
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