Last week, this blog considered the appeal against a Stalking Prevention Order being undertaken by Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, and concluded, having listened to his schtick (so you don’t have to), that “Stephen Lennon thinks he’s on to a winner. The evidence suggests not”. And so it came to pass: the judge has delivered the verdict.

What that judge will have had to take into consideration when arriving at that judgment includes Lennon’s tendency to talk well, but lie badly. Lies like “This journalist, who has written 244 articles about me … [They’ve] written 244 news articles about me … [They’ve] implicated me in a terrorist trial which resulted in people threatening to kill my family”. And there were more lies.
“[They were] part of a group of journalists who, ‘to cause a spectacle’ in their own words, live-streamed where my family and children lived … Sent an Antifa extremist who threatened to murder my children”. All this would have counted against him, as would his decision to leave the country for Cuba, and, later, Spain. So what was handed down yesterday was no surprise.
Court News UK told that “English Defence League founder Tommy Robinson was described as a ‘bully’ by a judge after he lost a bid to overturn a stalking protection order. Robinson, 40, confronted [a] journalist … at [their] London home over a negative story [they] planned to write about his use of donations. He turned up at [their] address and began screaming abuse outside her building after [they] began working on a new article about him”.
So what say Lennon to that? “Just a quick update for everyone. I’m enjoying time with my family [you lost, didn’t you?]. I’m pissed off [yes folks, he lost], but again, no jury, and a single judge has ruled against me, not my peers [you really think the result would have been any different with a jury?]”.
There was more. “That seems to be the standard of ‘justice’ I expect these days … Still, there have been wins in this case, which are a matter of court record [and what might they be, other than your opinion?] … I was going to release a video this evening about the ruling and much more”. But you’re not. Because that might land you in a whole lot more trouble. Do go on.

“Welcome to the utopian shithole of British justice, where corporate ‘journalists’ only make ‘honest mistakes’”. No, Stephen, you mean actual real journalists. And rocking up on someone’s doorstep in the dead of night, shouting the odds, doxxing their address, making sure you wake the neighbours, and saying you’ll come back tomorrow are not honest mistakes.
Worse for The Great Man, when he arrived at court last week, there was no gathering of his supporters, no fan club, hardly any media attention, and every claim he made was added to the dossier supplied to the Judge. The appeals for money are becoming ever more desperate, and ever more difficult to achieve the target he sets. He is yesterday’s grifter.
There will be no more articles in the increasingly alt-right Spectator magazine, no more gushing meetings with James “saviour of Western civilisation” Delingpole, no more TV appearances. Not even former Murdoch editor Piers Morgan wants anything to do with him, and Morgan is in the desperate category when it comes to getting interviewees into the studio.
The time of Stephen Lennon was for a time, but not for all time.
Can't say I feel the slightest sympathy for the racist prat thug.
Quite the opposite.
He's right about Britain being a shithole. Trouble is it's his ilk that have made it so. And surely he means United Kingdom
Don’t worry GB Newts are in the process of rocking up with a lucrative job offer to cover for desperate Dan Warthole during his prolonged absence.
Btw isn’t Patrick crispy just the most sad sack of shit on the entire channel? OK I know there’s a few on there, but he is just so utterly crap, constantly badmouthing and berating people and things with relentless snide comments and debating skills to match kevin the gerbil..
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
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