He had dismissed concerns over the Screws’ behaviour “as ‘codswallop’ that ‘looks like a politically motivated put-up job by the Labour party’”. Hill added the ominous coda “The mayor's playing down of the phone-hacking affair comes as a number of high-profile alleged victims begin legal action against the News of the World”.
And we know how well that Bozo prediction turned out. So when The Great Man pulls the “look over there at Labour” stunt when he’s in a tight corner, it is a manoeuvre that should start alarm bells ringing. Fast forward to the run-up to the 2019 General Election, and he was at it again. This time, the subject was the Northern Ireland Protocol.
During an interview with Sophy Ridge of Sky News, she put to Bozo “Last month, you told businesses in Northern Ireland that they would face no forms, no checks, no barriers of any kind under your Brexit deal … how come, then, that this Government document that was leaked this week says that that’s not true, that there will be checks and forms”.
Bozo wasn’t having that. His deal “allows the whole of the UK to come out of the EU, and the only checks that there would be, would be if something was coming from GB via Northern Ireland and was going on to the Republic, then there might be checks … there’s no question of there being checks on goods going NI - GB, or GB - NI”.

And, once again, when Bozo says it’s a Labour stunt, he means it is in fact dead right, and he’s been caught out (again). Or, as the BBC has put it - rather well - in its latest report, “The government said border checks on goods from Great Britain it signed up to in the 2019 Brexit divorce deal had proved unsustainable”. Checks it signed up to.
Ominously, we then read “The EU said it would not agree to renegotiate the terms of the 2019 deal”. Because the people in Brussels have had enough of Bozo and Frostie talking the piss, banging on about “purism”, which actually means “sticking to the rules”. Allowing an open door to the European Single Market ain’t going to happen.
So when Bozo tells interviewers to “look over there at Labour” - he’s bang to rights.

The Bozo Circus Of Lies.
The pathology of far right thieving dishonesty promoted by Murdoch/Rothermere and the likes of Kuentssberg, Peston, Marr, Robinson and Boulton.
Suck it up, Britain. It's what you voted for.
Its going to be back to the bad ol days in N.I soon when the supermarkets have empty shelves and punters told it's too expensive to bring in food from GB due to the N.I Protocol that Bozza & Frosty signed us up for!
No empty shelves in NI supermarkets that I can see. Plenty of reports about empty shelves in GB, though. Maybe Johnson and Frost should sort out that problem first!
In another part of the forest, Tommy Robinson has lost the libel case brought against him. So its not all bad news out there.
Just read that Labour MP Dawn Butler has been ordered from the Commons for refusing to retract her statement made in the House this afternoon that Johnson lies all the time.
Pretty soon, Bozo the Clown and his dog will be denying that they ever supported Brexit in the first place along with all the idiots who were conned into voting for it.
Anyone remember the spike Milligan film …. Digby the worlds biggest serial LIAR ?
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