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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Oh Tommy Tommy - You’re An Illegal

One thing Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, dislikes is when he believes people are not being totally honest. “You’ve been telling lies about me” was his opening gambit when he rocked up on my doorstep in the dead of night. It is so very different when the boot is firmly on the other foot, as it was yesterday evening in Canada.

The Mail, friend of right but not far right, told thatRobinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, appears to have been detained by officers outside the Carriage House Hotel and Conference Centre in Calgary. Video footage showed the far-Right activist being taken away in handcuffs by a team of police as he laughed and protested that the arrest was 'absolutely insane’”.

Do go on. “He could be heard asking an officer: 'What have I got a warrant out for?' They replied: 'You've got an outstanding immigration warrant, we'll talk about it in the vehicle.' Robinson was then put in a car and driven away. It appears the 41-year-old was later released, but he claims to have now been prevented from leaving Calgary”. Are they keeping the SOB? Good!

There was more. “The English Defence League founder later tweeted: 'OK I'm free, well sort of. None of this makes sense, I'm now detained in Calgary, prevented from leaving the city … These conditions stop me from continuing my tour of Canada and meeting with guests for podcasts. I'm not even allowed to leave to travel home’”. Cos they took his passport. Carry on.

Robinson had been speaking at an event called 'An Evening with Tommy Robinson', organised by far-Right media website Rebel News and its founder Ezra Levant … He also had a speaking event booked in Edmonton tonight, with the exact location not revealed to ticket holders until this morning - but this is now in doubt. Then this Sunday, Robinson also had a similar engagement in Toronto”. A bad case of Griftus Interruptus, it seems.

Levant could be seen in the video of Lennon’s arrest pleading with Police officers to let him know where his pal was being taken, so bail could perhaps be arranged. The Great Man confirmed later to Levant that his passport had been taken and he could therefore not leave the country.

Why he got nicked was spelled out by Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate. “Stephen Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) has been arrested in Canada on immigration violations. It appears that he entered the country claiming he had no convictions .....whereas of course he has loads. He will claim to be the victim, but the truth is he lied. Simple as that”. Telling lies, is he?

He won’t like that a bit. He might even have to drive 150 miles or so and doorstep himself loudly in the dead of night, doxxing the address as he goes. Then he can loudly blame someone else and doorstep them loudly in the dead of night, doxxing their address too. Then he can loudly start another grift from his adoring fans. By that time he will of course be telling THE TROOF.

After being released by Calgary’s finest later last night, Lennon took on an air of mild panic as he realised that being told that when he goes home is not down to him might mean he gets held in Canada for long enough to stop him attending his own celebratory event in late July. This, too, will be someone else’s fault, rather than his own doing for lying to get into Canada.

Which means that, yes, he is now an illegal immigrant. One observer of this situation musedTommy Robinson must be delighted to see how effectively Canadians deal with illegal immigrants”, and Louise Raw, who you can tell as she’s a doctor, reminded us that Lennon “has previously been caught travelling under TWO DIFFERENT FALSE PASSPORTS”. So he has.

So Lennon might miss his July event? Tough. He should have thought about that before lying to the Canadian authorities. If he doesn’t appear before the courts on the 29th, he’ll be in even deeper shit. And that appearance - linked to his facing a contempt of court charge and yet another stretch - really would put the lid on his freedom. Which would, once again, be all his own fault.

Stephen Lennon’s comeback tour got cancelled. Just rejoice at that news.

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Anonymous said...

Oh irony.

Luton's finest just got relegated.

Anonymous said...

Stop the small blokes.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Mail not friends of the far right? A famous picture of the current owners great grandfather, with his newspapers favourite Austrian midget megalomaniac, gives the lie to that one. Of course you 'could' argue, beyond the inflammatory headlines pandering to far right views, the refusal to call Hitler, to this day, anything other than (lovingly) 'the fuhrer', and running headlines as recently as the 1980's, along the lines of 'Hitler, why do we never talk about his achievements', that was all in the past, but no, really you can't. The only reason the Heil refuses to support 'tommah' or completely throw its weight behind frog chops is its enduring love of all things Tory.

Anonymous said...

‘An Evening with Tommy Robinson’!
What a wonderful title for what would clearly have heralded the rebirth of the intimate sophisticated soiree.

Flanders and Swann, Hinge and Bracket, Dame Nellie Melba, you should be living at this hour


Anonymous said...

The Canadians might send the racist fuckwit to Rwanda. And charge him for the flight.

Anonymous said...

You're not far wrong

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You can only hope...

Anonymous said...

Be impossible to stifle laughter if he ended up in the Yank torture chamber at Guantanamo. You know, the one where the gallant Yanks incarcerated innocent 13 years olds.

Following the Begum precedent he might even get stripped of his citizenship.

None of this will happen of course. Pity.

Anonymous said...

The irony meter is having a tough workout this week. Kemi Bedenoch, spreader of anti LGBT bile and riding the anti woke wave to the Tory leadership said this; "Do not let the bigots and bullies win". Self awareness clearly is not one of her strengths...

Esmond said...

Maybe they could put him in a small boat and see how he gets on in the North Atlantic

Mr Larrington said...

I have read that the criminal micromind is claiming it wasn’t his fault because his “manager”filled in the form in question. In which case it serves him right for employing someone who is a liar, a moron or – very likely – both.

James said...

An Evening WIth Tommie Robinson.


Possible contents:

Blame life on 'em Muslims.
Blame life on 'em immigrants.
Blame life on the missus.

The joys of going to nearby rural carparks at nighttime with 30 other men and a few women.

Screwdriver band dance competition.

How to gain new teeth - asking for donations for your 'journalism'.