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Wednesday 19 June 2024

Reform UK - Unfit To Govern Whelk Stall

After reading the headline “UKIP candidate also works as porn star ‘Johnny Rockard’ [Geddit?!?!?]”, Isabel Oakeshott musedBeyond parody. I thought UKIP was grown up enough to vet candidates these days?? Epic fail!” But that was back in 2015, and she is less effusive right now, after UKIP’s successor organisation Reform UK messed up in the very same area.

Another fine mess ...

The party’s self-appointed Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage had already been the subject of media cynicism over the costings behind its manifesto commitments, which he was told directly did not add up. He and his pals then lied about the figures’ veracity. which generated yet more cynicism. But worse was to come. A lot worse. It was back to candidate vetting.

And what made Reform UK and its leading lights look yet more stupid was that they openly admitted what had happened - or, as it turned out, what they claimed had happened, before they were exposed as more stupid still. You think I jest? Rob Hutton’s initial response was “How am I supposed to write anything funnier than this Reform press release?

Several Reform UK candidates had been called out for wacko, racist or downright fascist views. This, the press release told, was someone else’s fault. “Reform UK has consulted lawyers about suing the company to which it paid £144,000 to vet over 400 of its candidates in April but which failed to return a single piece of research”. Did someone see them coming?

There was more: “Vetting dot com is co-owned by Colin Bloom, a former Conservative adviser who once worked as a faith engagement adviser under Boris Johnson, who rewarded him with a CBE … Reform UK is now exploring legal action, as well as potentially involving the Police”. Do go on.

Richard Tice, the chairman of Reform UK, said: ‘They promised a deep dive, particularly on social media, and adverse press checks, received our candidate data but then delivered absolutely nothing … Suddenly, a round of stories appear in the Times and elsewhere after nominations close, including some stories that are 15 years old. Something feels very wrong, and I have instructed lawyers to pursue this matter vigorously’”. Any more claims?

... we got ourselves in to

As if you need to ask. “Mr Farage said ‘This is an establishment stitch-up. The owner of the vetting company has deep links to the Tory party, and they have some serious questions to answer’”. Reform UK may also have some serious questions to answer after what looks like potentially actionable comments from Farage (who is himself part of the establishment).

What say Vetting? “Everyone’s working assumption was that the election would be in the Autumn, giving us the Summer to complete this work. Given the explicit need for candidate consent, as well as our systems needing basic personal data like dates of birth, our automated software was not able [to] process Reform’s candidates with the data that was provided when it was provided … Mr Bloom has not had anything to do with the UK Conservative Party since 2022 and remains politically neutral”. It then got worse.

Tom Witherow concludedIn that statement they say ‘our automated software was not able process Reform’s candidates with the data that was provided when it was provided’. That suggests that Reform did not provide the data required to do checks, or the candidates' consent forms, or it did so too late”.

Also, the Vetting FAQs contain this nugget: “Q: Are you an outsourced background screening company? A: No, we provide you with the ability to complete your own background screening in house”. Which suggests this was just a means of helping Reform vet their own candidates more rapidly.

Or, as Frances Coppola told Mr Thirsty, “Nigel ... you bought a licence to use their platform to carry out YOUR OWN CHECKS”. This is shaping up to become an outstanding example of why no-one should trust Reform UK with anything - especially their vote. More stupidity than the stupid faculty at the University of Stupid in Stupid City. And all by their own admission.

Reform UK, who went to catch a toe-hold in Parliament - and dropped it.

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Anonymous said...

Almost, but not quite, as bad as this:


Anonymous said...

Anything you come up with, Tim, the Tank will come up with a Starmer Atrocity worse

Bertie en Vacances

Anonymous said...


Personally … I don’t think it is as bad. We know starmer is a duplicitous fuck - what’s new?

Whereas fart age and lice paid a shitload of money to get taken up the pooper … should have got their mate Mullins to do the vetting hehe

Steve Woods said...

All Reform candidates merit a one-way trip for vetting.

Anonymous said...

Reform are merely the boot boy wing of blue, red and yellow tories.

Meanwhile, the red version will do anything, ANYTHING, to silence truth and decency. Even to the point of threatening legal action against Martin Forde KC for the report he produced. That's the report which exposed the Starmer Quislings for the far right rotten to the core racists they are. Here's what Forde thinks of them:


But wait until the Starmer Quislings get into Downing Street. You ain't seen nothin' until this gang of free loading barrow boys and girls knuckle their foreheads, shag the flag and betray everything the Labour Party once stood for. There isn't an ounce of honesty and decency in any of them. Spivs and cowards the lot of them.

Anonymous said...

The capitalist tax, aka interest rate, stays at 5•25%, according to "independent" bankers. That'll keep screechy-voice bankers frontperson Reeves happy to let them loot more "bonuses" from the economy. Trebles all round for the Quislings!

Anonymous said...

£144,000 to vet 400? £360 each?

Several years ago a relative of mine was quoted nearly £900 per person by a 'reputable' group to vet around 100 potential local candidates on social media and other reviewable resources which, I was told, seemed a little cheap.
Mates rates, maybe?


'Ere, lye orf gud owld Reform innit.

Pound to a pincher whelks an jellied eels dey win loadsa seets more dan dat commie forrin Sewnak. Gud owld Nyjil an Keyer.

I ad dat Wez Streetn in d'backer me cab once. Worra geezer. Proper tory ee iz. A reel entryprenewer. Wonted ter pye wiv Aldi vowchers but me bank wudn av it, eurowankers.

Gawd bless Kween Camel an orl wot syle in er.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the Yanks are getting ready to start World War 3 in the Middle East:


Makes the British "election" look like the useless puppet charade it is.

World War 3, coming soon to your constituency.