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Sunday 30 June 2024

Farage Paranoia Boils Over

As the going gets progressively more difficult for Reform UK, the limited company pretending to be a political party, so its self-appointed Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage and his pals sink deeper into a world of paranoia, conspiracy theories, and pathetic self-pity.

Mr Thirsty has already instructed Carter, Ruck (that means it will be expensive, whoever ends up paying) over a story emanating from the Northcliffe House bunker. Then came revelations by Channel 4 News that some of Reform UK’s supporters, and even candidates, had been engaging in blatant racism. Well, colour me surprised. But Nige had a get-out clause.

One of those supporters, a man called Andrew Parker, is by profession an actor. Cue Farage paranoia: “Andrew Parker was the man that made the astonishing racist comments that have given us so much negative coverage. We now learn that he is an actor by profession. His own website says he is ‘well spoken’ but from the moment he arrived in Clacton he was doing what he calls ‘rough speaking’. This whole episode does not add up”. Yeah, right.

Farage’s sidekick Richard Tice (he’s not very nice) declared “Ch4 caught fibbing again … They said they did not know Parker … he works for them”, but Richard Bartholomew corrected him: “Andrew Parker is ‘known for Channel 4 News’ because IMDb has logged his appearance as ‘Self’ on 27 June”. Also, he might just be a Reform UK supporter.

The paranoia had already been stoked up when Mr Thirsty decided that Ofcom were agin him. “Ofcom are engaging in election interference. Their new rules will only give Reform UK 8% of the coverage. They are trying to protect the cozy club and stop new challengers like us”. He’s never been an MP, but demands more coverage because he’s going to win this time. Or he will do if he has the coverage. Perhaps. Circular argument time again.

And then came BBC Question Time, where Farage has, over the years, enjoyed the equivalent of a season ticket. The audience had to represent a range of views - it was, after all, broadcast in the immediate pre-election period - and he was roundly ridiculed by many of them. So guess what?

It was a fix! It was part of the conspiracy against Reform! He would write to the Times about it! “I have just been invited to appear on Laura Kuenssberg. I’m refusing until the BBC apologises for their dishonest QT audience. Our state broadcaster has behaved like a political actor throughout this election. Reform will be campaigning vigorously to abolish the license fee”.

He would abolish the dastardly BBC for the heinous crime of giving him a platform to spout his drivel for decades. But there was something he was not being totally honest about (again). He could not have appeared on the Laura Kuenssberg show because he was already down to attend his party’s victory rally in Birmingham. Adam Bienkov of Byline Times was tiring of the circus.

Vetting websites, audience members, TV producers and even his own activists are now conspiring against him. This is rapidly turning into one of the biggest extended sulks in political history”. LBC host James O’Brien addedThe speed with which he resorts to pathetic whining & bogus victimhood whenever he’s exposed to the mildest scrutiny is extraordinary. Whenever the bullshit & bluster fail, the bleating begins”. And then another thought enters.

What happens when Reform UK wins fewer seats than The Great Man has decided they merit? One poll claimed as many as 73 seats: if the actual number turns out to be in single figures, or they win no seats at all, expect Trump-style claims of a stolen election, and refusal to accept the result.

There was derisive laughter when Farage claimed the EU had interfered in a member state’s internal elections. There won’t be any of that if he kicks off next Friday; it will be deadly serious. The Tories believed they were entitled to power, some in Labour believe they are entitled to become MPs after purging the Rotten Lefties™. But Farage entitlement is the really dangerous kind.

Reality is, for Reform UK’s leaders, a state of mind. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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Anonymous said...

Well, it doesn't matter anyway. According to a new poll commissioned by that purveyor of dodgy polls, The Toryograph, Labours lead is down to its lowest in two years (17 points!) - so there's hope for their hero's yet! Apparently. On the other side of the far/hard right coin, yes, to 'normal' people Farages pathetic excuses and tawdry whining are just that, but to his foil hat wearing fans - it's all true. Not to mention, as the Tory's keep saying, 'if the polls are right', no matter what gets (rightly) thrown at the frog faced one, Reform keep maintaining their position in said polls. It's an interesting point. If a Labour mp or candidate says 'the Israelis aren't very nice to the Palestinians are they', they're sprayed with instant anti-semite, the spray that kills all careers, and derided by all. Someone on the right attacks Muslims, Refugees, the homeless, people on benefits and any criticism is dismissed as 'woke whining', if it's by Tory's or 'concerned citizens' or a 'setup' if its Reforms. Double standards, doncha just love em?

Anonymous said...

The Murdoch Sunday Slimes supports the Quiff Quisling. Just as it supported Bliar/Brown and their mass murdering war criminality. So same old, same old incoming.

Farage?......Pffffttt.....a standard M25 head banger.

James said...

Farage is a rightwing grifter who expects everyone to turn a blind eye that he and his mob, are wannabe fascists. I am really concerned by the support these sh-t stains, are getting. And the worst thing is that they abuse the memory of my grandparents' generation, those who fought and suffered fascism to get their support! This scum have no decency, they just want to turn England into a barbaric self-hating land full of thugs and pub bores. And of course the Tommie Robinson supporting louts will still blame all their problems on Muslims, Pakistanis ,Sikhs, etc etc !

Anonymous said...

To be fair to Farage, its not him, or Braverman or Bedenoch, or Kendrick or 30p lee that are to blame, its the direct descendants of those who fought fascism who really are to blame. Even now, the polls show the boomers are still going to vote Tory in the main (not by a much as previous elections, but still...) or as a fun alternative, Nigels blackshirts. My generation has caused so much misery, done so much damage to the country they love to wave flags in support of, and is so full of bile and hate, you wonder why my Grandparents bothered?

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Still, Farage does have his uses*: as a yardstick by which to judge the meaning of 'far right' as used in these columns, by the more rabid persistent offenders, as a catch-all term for 'not-like-Jeremy'.

* another quote for your infantile 'the internet never forgets' collection, Anonymous.

Mr Larrington said...

Parker was spotted campaigning for Deform's London mayoral candidate earlier this year. Can Fartrage tell us whose script he was reading on that occasion?

Anonymous said...

the whole media circus concerning actor is a distraction and I’m much more bothered by degenerate Bob and his paramilitary thug mates their comments were pure BNP and offer a much closer insight into Fartarses inner circle. I don’t get why the media aren’t hanging him on that part of the recording alone.

Anonymous said...

Not according to our Nige he isn't? He, quote, unquote, 'smashed the BNP'. Uh, huh... But, in a moment of madness, to those paying attention he gave the game away - "some BNP members gravitate to Reform". Yes nige, they do. But why, and let's tentatively put this out there, would they if your policies didn't align with their views?

Anonymous said...


Of course "Farage does have his uses" - for those, like you, who are closet far right supporters.

Because indeed the internet never forgets.... to be highlighted at suitable moments.....

Anonymous said...

This is why Farage doesn't matter. The establishment want the far right Quiff Quisling because he'll do the same job without the Farage inconvenience:


Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

QED yet again, Anonymous Useful Idiot @ 20.04. Suckered into it once more.

Enjoy your wake on Friday though. It'll be sad for you to have to say goodbye to the Tories knowing that your contribution to their exit has been absolutely fucking zero.

After they've finally been booted out and replaced by the only flawed, imperfect, compromised but electable coalition of Tory-stoppers on offer, you'll continue to scribble that 'they're all the same' while all the time longing for the days when life was simpler, when the real thing ruled the roost and you could enjoy the luxury of spittle-flecked, simplistic impotence.

Still, you've always got the French results to cheer you up. No kidding the French voters with soppy centrist popular front anti-fascist nonsense, eh?

Anonymous said...

This is why genuine socialists are sick of Starmer and nu Labour - https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/politics/disillusioned-and-dismissed-my-journey-from-labour-candidacy-to-resignation/ His experience is mirrored all over the uk, and is not unique to Starmer, Kinnock and Blair did the same thing. If someone can't even treat their own candidates with decency, what price the rest of us? What is this whole, 'not like Corbyn' thing about? The Sparts can't stand the man any more than the right. Try reading (make sure you're feeling spruce though, it's tough going) some of the 'real' hard lefts stuff - they think Corbyns a 'quisling' too. Just saying...

Gulliver said...

What's that, the man who had a toddler tantrum because he temporarily lost his metropolitan elite Coutts bank account is now spitting his dummy out because he's getting the tiniest bit of scrutiny?

Well I never.

James said...

You have a point, with Farage it's the fact he's tried to shrug off his teenage years behaviours; supporting the NF singing 'gas them all' and bullying Jewish students. That is a major red flag. If he was this gentleman as his supporters claim, he would take ownership and apologise, stating he has grown up since then and now knows better. But he hasn't.
I agree with your stance on current politicians. They are equally responsible. Whenever I see them wearing a poppy in November, I want to rip it off as they have betrayed what those generations wanted - a Britain that works for all and is a land fit for heroes. They are traitors to those generation and their descendants.

With the hierarchy in the Labour Party and the Tories and our MSM I view them as Thatcher's Childen, a generation who were 13-19 during her reign and believe that an power dressing image matters more than actual integrity, business suit wearing sharks; persons who are arrogrant, openly hypocritical and are shameless, wanting to further our nation's decline under the neoliberal ideology of "I am alright Jack". I have hope though, the young people today, because of this older barbaric mob's actions, especially in light of their support of Israel and its genocide towards people of Gaza, are well aware that our nation needs change desperately, and cannot continue like this. The barbarians have been in power since 79.

Anonymous said...

Theres a World of difference between 'flawed, imperfect, and compromised' and what Stsrmer is(n't) offering. There is no need for hyperbole when a party leader has lied, gone back on his word, and set out policies that even that great hater of the left, Private Eye, admits are hairs breadth away from full blown Thatcherite. What's needed is some sparkling, progressive, Champagne (socialist?) policies, and all Starmer is offering is the same warm beer...

Anonymous said...

Why Starmer/Reeves are every bit as corrupt as the blue faction:


Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

I have no illusions whatsoever about Starmer, Reeves, Streeting et al just as I had no illusions about Blair and his chums. I also have and had the luck of living in constituencies where I don't and didn't have to vote Labour as the most effective way of voting anti-Tory.
But after living through the Thatcher/Major years I was thankful that Blair had put together an 'offer' which was acceptable to enough of our benighted electorate that that era could be put an end to.

Starmer, using, among other things, the time-honoured political skills of hypocrisy, lying and treachery, appears to have done the same. After the shit show of greed, cruelty, corruption and incompetence of the last 14 years, I will celebrate on Friday the end of an era as tawdry and sordid as that of the earlier Tory reign.

If anyone can point me to another political grouping which, given British media bias and the political ignorance, indifference, naivety, suggestibility and conservatism of so much of the English electorate, could have achieved electorally what Starmer's operation has achieved, I would be very interested to be enlightened. I don't expect much from Starmer so I won't be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Here's a brilliant idea to make the rich cough up. But likely to make the likes of far right bankers' puppet Reeves shit herself:
