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Tuesday 4 June 2024

Farage - The Con Man Returns

As if there were not enough charlatans, spin merchants, one trick ponies, habitual liars, and other practitioners of self-aggrandisement in play during the run-up to next month’s UK General Election, yesterday brought one more con man into the mix. Reform UK’s self-appointed Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage was back in the swimming pool. As the resident turd.

The inevitable news came as Mr Thirsty told his adoring followers yesterday “I will be making an Emergency General Election announcement at 4pm today”. He would take over as head man of Reform from Richard Tice. And, as ITV News then told, he “has said he will stand as the Reform UK parliamentary candidate for Clacton, Essex, in the General Election”.

Thus performing two functions likely to move the dial: One, taking votes from the Tory right, and Two, frightening Muslim voters, and indeed many others who are not white, back to Labour, or, in some areas, the Lib Dems. The net result of all that, whether Farage is elected or not, will be to move the Tories closer to Absolute Wipeout. And probable third party status.

That, though, was not a good enough excuse to plaster Mr Thirsty all over the media, something that has carried over onto many front pages this morning, with the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph proclaiming “I’m back to lead the revolt”. What intercoursing revolt? More accurate was the Guardian’sTory alarm as Farage takes control of Reform UK”.

What a difference Combover Crybaby Donald Trump’s conviction makes: Farage was on his way to the USA to lend his backing to the increasingly incoherent orange lump; 34 unanimous Guilty verdicts later, no he isn’t. So what would his USP be? Same as before. He’s dog whistling potential voters with scare stories of Scary Muslims™. Same old racism.

Having accused British Muslims of “split loyalties” (recycling an anti-Semitic trope as Muslim bashing to make it acceptable), of their being a “fifth column”, and more recently claimed that a Muslim proclaiming “Allahu Akhbar” was something deeply sinister, rather than merely saying “God is Great”, which he wouldn’t complain about if the speaker were Christian. Or Jewish.

(c) Steve Bell 2016

By this morning, the habitual lying had kicked in, as he told Mishal Husain on the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme that there were entire streets in Oldham where no-one spoke English. But Ms Husain, like the Beeb’s Ben Thompson, was not persuaded this time round of Farage’s righteousness. Which caused The Great Man to get tetchy and even abusive. It won’t get any better for him.

Not when he is on record as sayingRichard Tice probably does want me to replace him. But do I want to be an MP? Do I want to spend every Friday for the next five years in Clacton?” As the previously best placed candidate, Labour’s Jovan Owusu Nepaul should have that one ready to roll out to any and every voter who even hints at voting for The Thirsty One.

What Reform UK’s opponents should also point out is that this is a party that still wants to dump the country’s problems on migrants, wants to leave the ECHR (why? Oh, I dunno, maybe cos it’s FORRIN), and even wants to leave the World Health Organisation, because Covid Lockdown Conspiracy Theories. What next, leaving the UN? Leaving NATO?

And why do so many media opportunities open up to someone whose party has (for instance) no MPs and just eight councillors, when (for instance) the Greens can muster a regularly re-elected MP and hundreds of councillors? Why pay attention to Farage, who has no plan, and will take responsibility for nothing? Why take any notice of this flap-mouthed con artist?

He gets to take part in the TV debates. Then he’ll most likely lose - for the eighth time - and work to use his newly heightened profile to drag the Tories even further to the right. Screwing over the UK through advocating for leaving the EU was not enough for him: now he wants to screw over UK politics as well.

Which means he needs to be held to account, and exposed for the Spiv he is, and always was. He has no solutions, no plan, and no right to shit on us all.

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Anonymous said...

Clap hands here comes Farage, here comes Farage nowww.

The Clacton End of the Keir Show.

Christ, what a circus of far right unfunny clowns. With corporate media "commentary" by bought-and-paid-for propaganda meffs.

Britain 2024.

Steve Woods said...

Farage - the UK body politic's unflushable turd.

Anonymous said...

What is the media obsession with him all about? Because he's an establishment figure? Because he says what Tory voters are thinking but the Tory party is (or used to be) wary of saying? Because of some bullshit 'all voices should be heard in a democracy' bullshit? Which clearly is bullshit as no voices from the left are regularly featured on questions time. His ceaseless whining cum attention seeking is enough to drive anyone to punch the bastard on sight. Could that be it?

Anonymous said...

He doesn’t talk about his children and their German tongue because as James O Brien reminded us ten years ago, when he was saying exactly the same, he did mention his children and he ended up soiling himself.

Anonymous said...

A woman just milkshaked him.


It should've been a bucket of piss. Would love someone to do the same to Sunak/Hunt and Starmer/Reeves. The gang of far right gobshites.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Wonder if he still uses the same pilot as in 2010.

!4 years older, failing eyesight, slower reactions?
You never know your luck.

Anonymous said...

The real test for the Gummies - always imagining he does get elected - will be how much time he spends in the Chamber, and the swelling size of his expense claims once they're coming from the public purse, rather than dickie types offshore wallet. - Oh and in other news Isobel Shitpots going to stand for Croydon West.

Anonymous said...

As I see it Tim, this is your golden opportunity. Anybody is eligible to put themselves forward in Clacton, so stand against him. It would definitely make the declaration in Clacton more interesting.

James said...

He probably saw the mob at the weekend supporting Tommah Robinson and was jealous.

Malcolm Armsteen said...

You devel Burrington

Malcolm Armsteen said...

You saucy devil Burl

Esmond said...

As a resident I of Oldham I think there are four possible explanations for this lie that he started back in the 2015 Oldham by election. 1) Being a posh Southern git he does not understand the Oldham accent, 2) Oldham people had the sense to deaf him, 3) he's just lying through his lousy crypto fascist teeth or 4) All the above

Ben Lapointe said...

Mystery indeed that a man of so little discernable talent has mustered more Question Time appearances than anyone else in the 21st Century.

Why THIS GUY gets so much media visibility?

iMatt said...

The nasty Nazi Farage turned from a swivel eyed curiosity to a clear and present danger.

Standing for election is a double-edged sword for the little bigot. He either loses for an EIGHTH TIME, perhaps coming behind a man dressed as a marine mammal AGAIN. Or he is actually elected where, unlike being an MEP in Brussels, the media may actually take an interest in his activities and scrutinise him that bit more. And actually putting the leg work in on behalf of his constituents, who he'll mostly despise, will be a considerable pain in the arse for him.

Anonymous said...

The frog faced one will be knocking back a few extra pints after YouGov's poll. Yes, YouGov's polls are as reliable as a plumbers estimate, but it certainly sent the medias pulses racing. Farage second in the polls, proving that talking shite, offering piss easy answers to complex problems, and some serious flag shagging goes a long way with far too many people.

What is it with these people anyway? I wouldn't put prats like Wilders or Milei in charge of a whelk stall never mind a country. As ever, in Hungary and Poland the flirtation with the far right saw brief improvement followed by the same problems coming back, and repression used to hide them.

In France and Germany exactly as in the 30's and 40's the failure of the centre right bizarrely leads to the view that 'only' by going even further right can exactly the same policies, only turbo charged, will the nations problems be sorted out.

And then there's Farage. A middle class tosser, masquerading as a 'man of the people's and with even less answers than his continental colleagues.

We never learn.