Dear Larry. Dear Dear Larry. Dear hopefully nicked Larry
Which means that both Fox and Twitter could be in serious trouble: as Ms Kaur has now told, “Police are involved now”. Posting material like that is potentially illegal, and potentially punishable by a custodial sentence. Fox’s recent conduct makes him eminently well-qualified for being banged up for a few weeks down The Scrubs. Even the right-wing press is unimpressed.
So it was that the Mail told readers “Broadcaster Narinder Kaur has thanked people for their support amid the ongoing police probe into Laurence Fox over an 'upskirt photo' he shared of her online … Former actor Laurence Fox posted the explicit image of Ms Kaur on X, formerly Twitter, without her consent on Wednesday evening amid a spat about their political views”.
What say the Rozzers? “A spokesperson for the Met Police told MailOnline: 'We have been made aware of a post on social media regarding an up-skirting offence and we are currently investigating the circumstances.’” Also, “There was outrage after Mr Fox posted the photo, which was taken and shared online without the consent of Good Morning Britain contributor Ms Kaur, to X. He has since deleted the post”. Mighty courageous of him.
And the potential offence? “The Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019 applies to anyone operating equipment or records an image under another person's clothing without reasonable belief of their consent, to view their genitals or buttocks. It is a criminal offence where the purpose is to obtain sexual gratification or to cause humiliation, distress or alarm. The maximum sentence if found guilty is two years in prison”. And there is more.

His next hotel stay?
Larry having to sign the Sex Offenders Register? So did those possibilities make him stop and think? Sadly, neither event occurred. Instead, Dear Dear Larry has since issued a rambling non-apologia. He’s honestly very very sorry. But he isn’t actually sorry at all. Because he’s a total shit.
Here’s his schtick. “I would like to apologise to [Narinder Kaur]. Although it’s not my fault she forgot to wear any pants with a load of paps about, I shouldn’t have sunk to her level. She doesn’t deserve mockery for being a nice woman seeking fame. And she is just that. A nice woman. Seeking fame … She gets away with it because she is a woman and she is brown. Those are the woke rules; that if you are brown or a woman, you can do no wrong”.
How very North Minehead By-Election of him: “I am not a racialist but, and this is a big but …”. On he rambled. “Her motivation seems to me to always try to say anything which will get her some attention and approval. As you may have noticed, I’m not here to seek approval or to make friends. I’m here to expose the terrible ideas and virulent hypocrisy which are wrecking the social fabric”. Disagreement is now “wrecking the social fabric”.
But enough already. At the very minimum, Fox should be given a Police Caution for what he’s done, and thereby become the owner of a criminal record. Or maybe a couple of months’ porridge. Especially as he’s signed off with the creepy suggestion that he and Ms Kaur meet for a coffee.
The time of Laurence Fox was for a time, but not for all time. Just rejoice at that news.
He's a typical ranting rightie minion. A tiny evil and vile symptom even by that "standard". A disgusting product of corrupt tory Britain since 1979. Inhuman detritus without a trace of conscience or moral sensibility.
That's how low this country has fallen. Don't kid yourself it will improve anytime soon. There's more of the same standing in the wings. Only the faces will change.
Far right Britain is a ludicrous banana monarchy. Airstrip One in a declining US Empire. The 21st century equivalent of a cringing 19th century colony. Hence lunatics like Fox: there will be others after his demise.
Christmas dinners with his family must be fun.
What did you do in 2024 ?
Started a yob riot on St George's Day.
Paid money to a trans person who I slandered.
And gave my ex even more evidence for not having access to my kids, for daring to invade another a women's privacy.
Lawrence collect your dinner and leave the table now
Common or garden nasty-minded creep. Disgusting little shit.
So, he potentially broke the law, did so because he was shown up for being the winner of 'upper class tit of the year', yet again, decided to get nasty, and its the victims fault? Lozzo logic, you'll find it buried somewhere..
Don't hold back there! Not wrong though.
There are some people like Lawrence Fox who get given incredible chances in in life (he had an acting career*, he married Billie Piper, he had regular spots as pundit on a TV channel...) and manage to squander it all. And then whine about it, blaming everyone but themselves.
The problem is not so that people like exist, but that somehow our society keep rewarding people like him.
*yes, he's not like a list celebrities, but getting a gig in a couple of TV series is better than what any aspiring actor will ever get!
Didn't his dad/uncle/grandfather go off his head a bit too, the one who was in Performance, took it all too seriously, saw Anita Pallenberg naked and went off to become a born-again missionary?
Lozza's next career move? That ex-GBNews fake vicar could give him some pastoral guidance. With the Lord's divine assistance they could become the Ant and Dec of right-wing UK televangelism.
With the news that Sadiq Khan has won the mayoral election, both Fox and Wootton have said they will leave London.
Usual comments about not letting the door hit your arse etc. apply.
'Ere, wot's orl vis abaht gud owld Laurie.
Wanuv us ee iz, anovver prapper geezer innit. Ee even wan the Perly Kween Fotogriffer Av d'Yeer Award.
Even saw im at d'Boleyn Jellied Eel Tykeawye larst week. D'wan wiv orl the Vote Tory posters, Union flags an Stop d'Muslamic Bowts banners. Can't sye bettern dat kan yew. Im an Tommy Robinson a gryte peruv pyetreeots.
I ad dat Sweller Braveyman in the backer me cab larst week. Sez orl d'ryte tings she daz, but I'm ded susspishiss sheez jass curryn fyver, nowarrameen.
Gawd bless iz an er madjisties an the prince and princesser Wyles. Long mye dye rain.
Every cloud eh?
@20:46 there is talk of crowdfunding to raise the £3000 bung to send unwanted migrant Wootton to Rwanda.
As for Looza, he initially claimed that posting the photo was OK because HE didn’t take it. This defence certainly doesn’t work when one’s PC is found to be chock-full of kiddie pr0n so why he would think is would is something of a mystery.
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