A talent not to be sniffed at. Allegedly
However, and here we encounter a seriously sized however, back then, “Shagger” Major had already lost his majority. Today’s exodus was not, as a percentage of Tory MPs, as significant. Until the magic figure of 75 was exceeded, with the addition to the departure list of Michael “Oiky” Gove.
It was Gove, so we were told by the odious flannelled fool Master Harry Cole, who had given Rishi Sunak his rousing support at Cabinet, declaring “Who dares wins. And you have dared, PM, and will win”. Now he’s running away. Along with Andrea Leadsom, who for some reason was considered a legitimate candidate for the Tory leadership after Young Dave bungled the EU referendum and also ran away. Someone else could clear up the mess.
The news did not go down well with right-leaning pundits, not least the terminally useless Tim Montgomerie. Monty’s first effort was simply “F**k”. Then it got worse. “THE TORY CAMPAIGN IS NOW IN COMPLETE AND UTTER MELTDOWN (And, yes, I AM SHOUTING HYSTERICALLY) … + I DID WARN TORY MPs THAT SUNAK WAS USELESS AT POLITICS”.
As Sir Sean nearly said, I think we got the point. But he wasn’t finished. “Where is Crosby? Where is Fullbrook? The lunatics (and amateurs) have taken over the asylum”. Maybe Gove got a job offer from Creepy Uncle Rupe and thought it more appealing than losing to the Lib Dems.

“That is a lot of candidates for CCHQ to find before 7 June and a lot of wasted campaigning days. It does rather indicate Sunak called the election before his party was ready”. It’s almost as if Gove throwing in the towel kicked away the supports. In 1997, the Tories held their discipline almost to the end of the campaign. This time, they’ve lost it before they even get started.
Who else is going, rather than become part of multiple Portillo Moments? Sunak seems to have taken the prospect on board, with the Guardian’s Kiran Stacey telling “Sunak is going to take a day off the trail tomorrow in a highly unusual move so early in the campaign. He will spend it at home in talks with his senior aides. But the Tories insist this is NOT a campaign relaunch.”
With another poll, this time from Techne UK, showing the Tories polling so badly that they would end up with so few seats, the Lib Dems would become the official opposition, many MPs will be asking themselves Harry Callahan’s immortal question: “Do I feel … lucky?” Who will be the next big name to jump? Jacob Rees Mogg? Jeremy Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt?
Even the most slavishly Tory supporting papers are getting the jitters, with the Daily Brexit, still called the Express, howling “NOW GOVE QUITS! MINISTER’S SHOCK EXIT ROCKS TORIES”. The Mail has kept “Oiky” off the front page, but has given its main headline to Rachel Reeves, claiming an alleged “exclusive”. The Murdoch Sun has no front page politics at all.
That not-a-relaunch had better be special. Otherwise it’s Tory game over.
The balloon-faced talentless fuckwit?
That one?
Perhaps Sunak will be next to not stand
Time for the Sun to bring back a favourite headline:
The staggering ineptitude exposed from the 1st second. For the want of an umbrella... one drowned rat and a blubber faced cokehead jumping the ship.
More time to locate a Vine replacement.
Pob's standing down? Blast. I was dying to see the arsehole that single handedly ruined our education system for an entire generation, get his slack ring kicked at the polls..
I should feel sorry for the constituencies who will now find themselves struggling to put PPCs forward in six weeks' time. For some with water-tight majorities it will be a question of finding someone prepared to play the filthy game of modern politics - for others it will just be something temporary until they lose. However, I don't feel sorry for any of them. How typically cowardly of modern Tories to run away now rather than face the judgment of their constituents. Shades of the blond bloviator hiding in fridges all over again.
And a day after the Prime Miniature appears in a pub with some old soldiers comes "I'll reintroduce National Service". Does he really think that's a vote winner except amongst the gammon-faced individuals who voted for Brexit and read "Victor" comic as a child?
The rumour that the Haunted Pencil was going to join the exodus and spend more time with his money has, alas, been dispelled by a Xit from the Hon. Member for Salem Witchtrial himself.
Also: bringing back National Service? What are the odds that Sunk’s policy wonks didn’t bother to consult the Army before announcing THAT pile of steaming ordure?
Apparently the only "game of soldiers" on offer is a Colonel Blimp return to "National Service".
To think there were some "centrist" morons in self-denial that matters would get worse.
But wait! Here comes Quisling "Labour" to the "rescue". Or something.
And all this was before Bring Back National Service
(On a voluntary basis: boot blacking, square bashing and thrusting bayonets into other chaps' guts only to be undertaken after discussion and negotiation with involved colleagues and partner agencies).
Yep, there's really no difference between the only choices on offer, is there
Anonymous in Perpetuum?
But don't despair. There are still 5 weeks for a naive bonehead like you to work on snatching a late victory and give us all the relief of another 5 years of your comfort zone of embittered resentment under Tory rule.
Probably stopped offering his favourite skunk.
Tremendous fun watching the Starmer Quisling mouth his usual platitudinous tory shite, the hypocritical gett.
Truly hilarious to see Newspeak three word slogans reduced to one word. Well in keeping with Newspeak dictionary revision methods.
He's Right about one thing though. There will be "change" - from blue toryism to red toryism. But fuck all else.
Still, keeps the Alf Garnetts and Micawbers "happy", MacFilth's "right little fascists".
By the way, Tim, I bet you didn't know the Quisling's dad was a toolmaker and the Quisling himself was once a CPP clerk. Some things never change.
There isn't. Our only hope of avoiding five more years of Tory excess, whichever of the two main party's wins, is enough people voting for the alternatives, reducing their majority, and blunting the incoming govts ability to foist their sickest fantasies on us. Any hope of progressive policies that might actually solve the nations problems are non existent.
Bonehead? As far as I can tell anonymous is articulate and nuanced in his approach, but they have found a conclusion.
I am thinking Hayhurst may have been right about you. And I've seen his plays...they are dreadful.
'Articulate and nuanced', Mr B? A liittle heavy-handed on the irony, but nevertheless a humorous side of you that I hadn't hitherto been aware of.
As for your assessment of Mr Hayhurst's incoherent judgements, congratulations on your finding a way to decode them.
I don't think it takes much to decode him Bertie, just reading what he writes.
I might not agree with it at times but it is plain English.
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