Dazza has promised an update, but it is rapidly becoming an open secret that he has been fired. For what reason? Who knows, and, indeed, who cares? While Grimes prepared to ‘fess up, NewsThump was on the case. “Darren Grimes cancelled by ‘woke’ GB News ‘because I’m a 29-year-old white man’”. The call must be going out to the loathsome Toby Young: FREEZE PEACH!
Or maybe the Free Speech Union won’t be too fussed. Meanwhile, Andrew Quinn was less sympathetic to Grimey: “I rarely celebrate the misery of others but I am making an exception for Darren Grimes. An odious, talentless grifter, who goes out of his way to spread a hateful and divisive narrative. The chickens have come home to roost, Daz”. And he was not alone.
Another Tweeter regarded the news as “Outstanding. Darren Grimes is a horrible little bloke, and this has cheered my Monday morning right up”. Brendan May, meanwhile, asked “Devastating to see Darren Grimes deleting all his tweets and apparently still being in mourning, a week after the mourning period ended except for royals. Perhaps he is mourning his apparent dismissal by GB News?” Bio gone, photo gone, Grimes gone.
Even in its minimal state, Dazza’s Twitter profile provoked adverse comment from David Southwell: “I think Darren Grimes reverting his Twitter bio back to ‘Media personality’ makes two assumptions too far by the crusted sock. I mean, media implies being on it and personality is a lie so big Trading Standards should be involved”. He can shoot his mouth off, though.
Malcolm Wood had a topical Royal take on the news: “I’m not saying we will get an update on Darren Grimes’ future career but [Huw] Edwards is now wearing a dark suit”. Others pointed out that The Crafty One has just taken out a mortgage, which puts him in one of those Very Difficult Positions.

As Andy Parmo put it, “I see The Boy Grimes has resurfaced. He-Corcoran is now bleating that everybody is homophobic and bigoted and nobody likes him, everybody hates him, he’s going down the garden to eat worms …Nobody dislikes Darren Grimes for being gay. He’s disliked for being a complete fucking quilt. He’s the token working class patsy, eaten up and spat out by the right”. Methinks The Crafty One protests too much.
The time of Darren Grimes on GB News was for a time, but not for all time. Just rejoice at that news.
Blimey, Tim.
Even YOU are in "ideological ferment" (again).
Tsk tsk.
Grimey?.....Nobody hates him. It'd be like hating someone's pet gerbil.
Carruthers! Fetch my very tiniest violin!
Darren who? What is GB news? Never heard of either.
full CV available upon request ….
Grimes is now claiming he *hasn't* been sacked at all and will be back at the weekend.
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