And what's more, Ron ...
As so often, it was the inmates of the Northcliffe House bunker who were already trying their utmost to frighten the readers, gasping in horror “Teacher who refused to use gender-neutral pronouns JAILED in Ireland”. Because using CAPITALS tells those readers what is VERY IMPORTANT, and indeed a part of WHAT THEY SHOULD BE THINKING. Morgan was incandescent.
The former editor of two national newspapers was also not bothering to do his research on why Enoch Burke (crazy name, crazy guy!?!?!) had found himself in jail. Instead, he predictably went into wind-up mode. “Jailed for not wanting to call a singular person ‘they’ - what a ridiculous farce. How can anyone believe this is right in a supposedly free, democratic society?”
How? Try reading the article first. Although it begins “A teacher who refused to use gender-neutral pronouns for a transgender student has been sent to Mountjoy prison for contempt of court”, it goes on to admit “Enoch Burke was arrested yesterday morning for breaching a court order not to teach at his Westmeath school, or be physically present there”. Contempt of court.
There was more. “After Judge Michael Quinn made his ruling, Mr Burke said: 'It is insanity that I will be led from this courtroom to a place of incarceration, but I will not give up my Christian beliefs.’” However, “The dispute began over his refusal to address a transitioning student as 'they' rather than 'he', as requested by the student and their parents in May, and agreed to by the Church of Ireland school”. It’s a church school. And there was more.
“This escalated to his suspension on the day before the start of the autumn term, pending the outcome of a disciplinary process. He had refused to remain away from the school on paid leave for that suspension, the court heard, and would sit in an empty classroom, declaring that he was there to work”. Burke had added dishonestly “I love my school, with its motto Res Non Verba, actions not words, but I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl”. But “they” is not “she”. Not that Morgan cares about that.

So Piers Morgan is lining up with a real slice of Christian fundamentalism. Maybe he forgot that occasion five years ago when he mused “Christians have waged the most violence of any religion in history”. Or that “Extreme, blindly partisan opinion is pointless”. Or when he complained later that “People can't cope with calm, rational reason on Twitter. Only hysterical partisan extremism is allowed”. And now he’s indulging in it himself.
Is he that desperate to find material for that hugely expensive TalkTV show of his? You might wish to ask that. I couldn’t possibly comment.
On not the old "religious beliefs" superstitious garbage again. As if it hasn't inflicted enough misery and terror on humanity.
Bigots gonna bigot by the looks of this one
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