Shamima Begum - as she was then
The thought entered that, had Ms Begum not been one of those Scary Muslims™, the Tories would not have been so eager to remove her citizenship. Indeed, their pals in our free and fearless press would have ensured no such removal took place. It was yet another example of how Islamophobia has, as Sayeeda Warsi put it, passed the dinner party test.
But all of that pales into insignificance when put alongside the latest revelations concerning Ms Begum’s departure from the UK and her subsequent journey to the Middle East: now, the BBC reports that “Shamima Begum, who fled the UK and joined the Islamic State group, was smuggled into Syria by an intelligence agent for Canada … Files seen by the BBC show he claimed to have shared Ms Begum's passport details with Canada, and smuggled other Britons to fight for IS”. There is more.
“At the main Istanbul bus station, the girls met Mohammed Al Rasheed, who would facilitate their journey to IS-controlled Syria. A senior intelligence officer, at an agency which is part of the global coalition against IS, has confirmed to the BBC that Rasheed was providing information to Canadian intelligence while smuggling people to IS”. And yet more.
“The BBC has obtained a dossier … that contains information gathered by law enforcement and intelligence, as well as material recovered from his hard drives, which provide extraordinary detail about how he operated. He told authorities that he had gathered information on the people he helped into Syria because he was passing it to the Canadian embassy in Jordan”.
What the Beeb is not telling, but the Guardian certainly is, is that the Metropolitan Police knew what was going on. As Battersea bedroom dweller Paul Watson likes to tell his followers, let that sink in.

That would be shortly after their security agencies’ asset facilitated Ms Begum’s travel to IS-occupied Syria. The problem she and her lawyers face is, as Sabbagh reminds us, MI5’s assessment concluded that “public sentiment is overwhelmingly hostile” to her, adding “In other words, the argument against Begum was not legal but political”.
Even though our own security agencies knew what was going on, but did not intervene, and, indeed, effectively covered it up. Because, as the Tweeter known as Otto English put it, “Shamima Begum was 15 when she was groomed, trafficked and "married". If she was a white girl the very tossers who want her to remain stateless and bullied would be rallying to her defence”. What you will not see on GB News or TalkTV.
As the BBC report says, “Ms Begum's lawyers are challenging the removal of her citizenship, arguing she was a trafficking victim”. That challenge now looks yet more justified, even though, predictably, “Canada and the UK declined to comment on security issues”. And once the right-wing press starts up, the Tories will genuflect in the general direction of the Gammonati.
Shamima Begum should have her British citizenship restored. That is all.
The goons from Vauxhall Cross strike again.
Well I never.
Rust doesn't sleep.
I usually enjoy your musings, Tim.
But begum can FUCK RIGHT OFF. And so can anybody else that opines: "But she was too young to know what she was doing".
Utter bollocks. Especially when the very same people laud Greta Thunberg as someone who knows what she's doing.
Tories: 16 is not old enough to have formed valid opinions about politics.
Also Tories: At 15, you're old enough to know exactly what you’re doing when you run off to Syria to join IS.
Not really the point though. She was trafficked with the full knowledge of the Met and MI5.
It certainly implies the Canadian spook knew what he/she was doing....
What's the secret of the 'Canada spy'?
I can't get my 15 years old out of bed, never mind out of the country and into the Middle East warzone.
Brecht said in 1935 on the problems of uttering the truth on important social questions:
Nowadays, anyone who wishes to combat lies and ignorance and to write the truth must overcome at least five difficulties. He must have the courage to write the truth when truth is everywhere opposed; the keenness to recognize it, although it is everywhere concealed; the skill to manipulate it as a weapon; the judgment to select those in whose hands it will be effective; and the cunning to spread the truth among such persons.
"The Toffee" totally missed the point. Wilfully?
It shames us all. The big loser in all this.. is democracy.
Bumper sticker, USA:
Pay rent! Buy food and clothes! Pay Taxes! Run the Military-Industrial-Media-Intelligence Complex!
Never forget that the other two girls died out there. If a white teenage girl ran away after talking to older men on line the media would be screaming about grooming. These three children had the misfortune to be born brown and Muslim to trusting parents.
Absolutely. He's called the toffee because he's soft and bad for your health and not because he wants you to suck it or anything.
And has a tendency to stick in your teeth
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