Naughty step for Ms B this morning
Whoever The Great Guido has a dig at, it won’t include the Murdoch mafiosi. Zelo Street was made aware some time ago that one person to whom Staines would willingly defer was Rebekah Brooks. She says don’t run that story, it doesn’t run. Now Sky is attracting fire from the inmates at the Baby Shard bunker, the Fawkes massive are in there too.
So it was that the Fawkes faithful were treated to an alleged “Exclusive” yesterday telling of “Kay Burley’s Swanky Star Studded Sixtieth”. Ms Burley has turned 60? BTDTGTTS. But no, this was no ordinary 60th party, it was “Burley’s Glamorous Birthday Bash”. In a Covid-compliant restaurant. The Fawkes mob sets great store by there having been ten people present, but no more than six were seated together.
The Great Guido then tells that “a smaller group” went on to another restaurant before going back to Ms Burley’s place, concluding “Unfortunately for all the partygoers, the whole Rita Ora-style affair was illegal under London’s Tier 2 restrictions”. Was it? And even if it is, who cares? Well, the Fawkes rabble cares. And has returned to the subject today.
The headline is not a mere “Exclusive”, it is a “Guido Investigation”, a bit rich considering the Fawkes massive could not investigate their way out of a paper bag. Today’s headline is “Kay’s Bog Standard Apology Leaves More Questions Than Answers” and goes on to tell “Last night Kay Burley apologised for having ‘popped in’ to another restaurant after the 11pm curfew while ‘waiting for a taxi’ on her way home from the Century Club, ‘to spend a penny’. Guido suspects spending a penny is the new ‘testing my eyesight’”.

What time is it Eccles?
That’s because both yesterday’s post, and this morning’s follow-up, were authored by replacement teaboy Tom Harwood. That’s the same Tom Harwood who was living in Vauxhall (just across the river from Westminster) when lockdown started late last March, when the public were told “You must stay home”. So what did Teaboy Tom do next?
He didn’t stay home. At least, not the home in Vauxhall. Not long after, he travelled the thick end of sixty miles to his parents’ house near Cambridge, thus flagrantly breaking lockdown rules and potentially giving Covid-19 an opportunity for further transmission. He is therefore an ocean-going hypocrite of the lowest order.
Kay Burley has done something daft. But Tom Harwood is not the one to call her out for it.

Erm...I think you meant 'flagrantly'. Admittedly Harwood is a stinker of the first magnitude, but I don't think he smells like Jeffrey Archer's missus.
All far right tory gobshites together.
Der Sturmer versus Volkischer Beobachter.
None of them worth a carrot.
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