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Sunday 13 September 2020

David Vance Twitter Return FOILED

Social media platforms don’t always act swiftly against hate mongers. But last week, following a welter of complaints about racist bigot David Vance, following his smears of footballer Marcus Rashford and Labour MP David Lammy, his account was first locked, then suspended permanently, within 48 hours. Vance then claimed that Twitter was a “sewer” and that he’d never liked it anyway. He was, as usual, full of crap.

No hurrah for this Blackshirt

We know this as he has tried to come back to Twitter, if only to drum up support for his account on Parler, which is like the social media equivalent of Siberia - everyone knows where it it, but no-one wants to go there. Vance may also be aware that his AltNewsMedia Twitter feed could be the next against the wall. So back he sneaked, giving his new feed the highly imaginative name @DVATW2. Same as the old one, but with a number 2.

So, armed with this account, off he went. “Not born to lose! Wait for my video message” he Tweeted. Sure enough, next up was the video message, ensuring that there was no plausible deniability, and that Twitter support would have no problem confirming it was him - when the time came for the account to follow its predecessor into the bin.

Worse, after he confirmed “Here’s my first video message on this [DVATW2] account, to confirm the legitimacy of this account. Let’s get connected as there’s more to come”, he added “You may also want to follow me on Parler … Also, don’t forget to follow [AltNewsMedia] for Free Speech”. This ensured that those complaining about his racist bigotry would be more easily able to link him to his AltNewsMedia feed.

Justin McKenzie wondered why Vance had crawled back to Twitter so soon, and smelt a rat. "I thought Twitter was a sewer you were glad to be rid of, I seem to remember you crowing about the freedom of Parler on Parler. Did it not go well for you? Why did you come back to Twitter so quickly?” Cos he’s losing traffic without it, most likely.

The Tweeter called Dave who is Still Laughing At The Fascists decided to let others know about this new Twitter presence. “Lol! Here's the man who said he was ‘finally free from the sewer of Twitter’ and ‘happy to be free’, setting up another Twitter account two days later. Do your thing [Twitter Safety and Twitter Support]”.

OK, maybe it wouldn’t have been Vance’s first choice of tags, but beggars can’t be choosers. And so it came to pass that there was no 48-hour wait this time: David Vance’s return to Twitter has already been terminated, to the great relief of all those who wished he had never bothered. AltNewsMedia may soon follow.

The return to Twitter of David Vance was not even for a time. Just rejoice at that news.

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Anonymous said...

It seems that the AltNewsMedia account also recently tweeted details of a criminal trial which are sub judice. If so, the penalties could be severe. In those circumstances Vance, as owner of the company, would be personally liable, and could not hide behind his pathetic defence that the AltNewsMedia Twitter account is run by somebody other than himself. If they've done anything the cops decide is potentially prejudicial Vance may find himself with a lot more to worry about than getting chucked off a social media network..

Paul said...

The latest developments have been comedy gold. Yesterday Vance took to Parler where he 'parleyed' the following:

"Twitter is a fetid digital sewer, dominated by the Left, targeting any significant conservative voice that challenges the narratve. I don't remember it was always thus but it is now. I am glad to be off it BUT my thoughts will still appear on it if some supporters wish this. I don't want to pollute myself posting on it directly but I think others might want to share my opinions."

To which a user calling himself Stephen Cills replied:

"LOL. You made a new account this morning and it ended in abject humiliation and ridicule."

Vance answered:

"Lol. I didn't. But I don't waste my time on sad clowns, [waving hand emoji]"

Unfortunately for Vance, the internet never forgets. And the video he himself posted, confirming that he had set up and was in control of the briefly-active @dvatw2 account, was captured by a quick-thinking Twitter user: https://twitter.com/TDTrespass/status/1305269597336145920

The moral of the story: Vance is an inveterate liar and hypocrite and cannot be trusted.

Nick S said...

What do sewer rats like Vance do when all their public platforms are removed? Take away his seething hatred and there's nothing left - just a hollow shell.