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Tuesday 1 October 2024

Bozo, The Mail, And Royally Lying

While the Tories spend their conference time demonstrating just how utterly wacko the party has become, to the extent that James Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat come over as the most sane choices to succeed Rishi Sunak as leader, the deeply dishonest individual who set them off in that direction is demonstrating just what privilege and entitlement means.

To no surprise at all, that individual is disgraced former alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who now has a memoir out titled Unleashed, serialised in the Daily Mail, still overseen by the boiling lump of spiteful rage, the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre. The serialisation shows us the privilege enjoyed by both author and newspaper.

It also shows us that, had a title like the Guardian or Mirror published what the Mail did, they would have been pilloried endlessly for it, and that the Mail would have been in the vanguard of such action. But such is the climate of fear around the Northcliffe House bunker, the Mail titles can get away with it. See also under “if it had been a Labour politician, especially Corbyn”.

To see this privilege in action, let’s look at Bozo’s response to Partygate. “Without belabouring this weary business, I think I made several catastrophic mistakes in the handling of the story”. He only thinks he screwed up. Maybe he wasn’t actually there when he was snapped leading the toast.

Do go on. “I should have been far more robust at the outset. I tried to defuse public anger by a series of rather pathetic apologies, even though I zero about the events for which I was apologising”. Bullshit. He was there, and his pals at the Mail were giving him suitably robust cover, such as “The cake remained in its Tupperware container”, which was also a lie. Have another go.

My grovelling just made people even angrier - and made it look as though we were far more culpable than we were”. More bullshit. There was no grovelling. Bozo denied everything, then got caught lying. But the most obvious lying, and demonstration of entitlement, comes when Bozo gets on to the Royals, starting withBORIS: MY ‘MANLY PEP TALK’ WITH HARRY IN BID TO STOP MEGXIT”. There was no pep talk. He was lying again.

Don't f***ing mention me again or I'll doxx you, c***

Thus demonstrating that he is in the same dishonesty league as Reform UK Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage and Combover Crybaby Donald Trump. All three talked up by our free and fearless press; all three congenital liars, united in their ineptitude and lack of empathy towards anyone except for Themselves Personally Now. And then came the pièce de résistance.

Successive Prime Ministers have not let slip even the most inconsequential detail of their audiences with the Queen. Nor have Liz Truss, Sunak, or Keir Starmer said anything about their chats with Brian. And to disclose any detail concerning the monarch’s health - unless the monarch decrees that the detail be made known - is Streng Verboten. Unless it’s the Mail and Bozo.

After the unintentionally hilarious admission that Brenda actually read her briefing notes and he didn’t - and so learnt the contents from her telling him about them - comes the breaking of confidence which, had any left-leaning politician made it, and any not right wing paper reported it, would have had the press establishment screaming the house down.

I had known for a year or more that she had a form of bone cancer, and her doctors were worried that at any time she could enter a sharp decline” tells the Great Bozo, as if it were public knowledge, a kind of throwaway line. He’d already lied about having a “lack of general bitterness” about having to leave Downing Street. Chris Ship, ITV News’ Royal Editor, was unimpressed.

Given Queen Elizabeth chose not to reveal her medical condition - and her death certificate recorded the cause as ‘old age’ - it’s highly unlikely she gave Boris Johnson permission to reveal in his book, two years later, that she had, in fact, been diagnosed with bone cancer. You wonder why the former PM felt compelled to break that confidence?” Because Bozo is a total shit.

Good of him and the Dacre doggies to show the rest of the world what privilege, entitlement and the nature of being protected really means, mind.

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Anonymous said...

Once a self serving, greedy, two faced, lying scumbag, always one. That double c...... Dacre gave him the uncritical space to peddle his unapologetic bullshit surprises no-one.

It'll be fun though watching the rest of the Tory press tying itself in knots to get out of criticising one of their own breaking the golden rules over Royal disclosures.

Doubtless Brian has had a good old rant at his Rose's over it too...

Palky said...

Excellent analysis. Thoug you missed out the obvious 'old Etonian' club reference. We are governed by a very small elite both in Parliament but also the 'Premier League' of the Civil Service. A bas l'etat.

Palky said...

Excellent analysis but you missed out the well known 'old Etonian' Bullingdon Club connection that links the 'elite' within the Tory party. 'They operate within the 'Premier League' of the Civil Service too. A bas l'etat

Anonymous said...

Hardly anybody cares, Tim. Too many Micawbers. Too many wilfully ignorant. Too many cowards.

That's the essence of British "centrism" and "pragmatism".

We deserve the country we have because of that.

Anonymous said...

Fatbollok do as fatbollok does - get wad of cash - makes up a load of lies - lies serealised in print - gets further wad of cash, everybody laughs and says “oh its just how he is” - then goes on telly telling more lies - more cash follows - its what he does - be it straight bananas - or lapdancing computer sales people - or oven ready deals or russian violinists - or downing street hairdressers …. lies lies and more lies. serial liar gets serialized. que surprise.

Anonymous said...

The story they're ignoring is Labour taking £4m from an offshore hedge fund, with investments in arms and oil, and then installing a member of their board as the government's climate envoy. Oh, and they made sure they accepted the bribe in the week that it wouldn't have been declared to the Electoral Commission.

So, either way, Starmer's as bent a twat as Bozo. Take your pick as to why.

Anonymous said...

Where's the beef?

Everyone's at it.

No income tax, no VAT.......

James said...

If Boris was a gentleman the Sieg Mail portrays him as, he would just bog off.

Anonymous said...

You could have added BBC News between Bozo and the Heil.

Kuentssberg just been exposed for "accidentally" emailing pre-interview briefing notes to Bozo.

Add that to all the images of her trying to crawl up his arse.

Anonymous said...

E-mailed him the questions my furry behind. The interview was condemned as a smooch fest between two former copulaters (I nearly said lovers, but this is Boris we're talking about) from the start, and this an easy way out. Not to mention a certain royal gentleman may well have let his displeasure at Johnsons arrogant revelation known by now.