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Tuesday 30 July 2024

Southport Stabbings - Enter The Bigots

Sometimes, the most patient and rational people have difficulty making sense of seemingly random horror. So it was in the aftermath of a multiple and indeed fatal stabbing attack yesterday in the coastal town of Southport. A dance and yoga class with a Taylor Swift theme, followed by bracelet making, for six to eleven year old girls, was interrupted by a knife-wielding attacker.

The class, held in the first week of school summer holidays, was fully booked, with 25 children attending. Some adults tried to put themselves between the attacker and the kids. Many were injured, some seriously. Two of those little girls later died in hospital. Several are in a critical condition. Police detained a 17-year-old, who has been charged with murder and attempted murder.

Inevitably, speculation about the identity of the suspect began. Any consideration for the families of the dead and injured soon went out the window, as a number of malicious and wholly untrue claims were made, mostly to satisfy the warped agendas of a deeply unappealing convocation of intolerant racist bigots. The reality was that the suspect was British.

He lived in Banks, which is up the coast towards Preston, and was originally from Cardiff. So he was not a “migrant”. He had not come here on a dinghy from France. This detail was not allowed to enter for the likes of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, managing to dispense his thoughts while out of the UK attempting to avoid justice.

After he saw the claim “My two youngest children went to holiday club in Southport for a day of fun only for a migrant to enter and murder / fatally wound multiple children”, Lennon showed that his commitment to “Journalism” did not extend to bothering to verify his chosen sources.

Nobody can say they weren't warned, I've been warning about this for years. I said this 3 days ago … We knew it was coming, our government knew it was coming, close our borders now, deport all these wrong’uns”. He later trolled the Counter Terrorism Policing feed: “Maybe you should interrogate every f*cker that's coming in on those boats! Because they keep continously [sic] murdering innocent members of the British public”. And it got worse.

Anthony Fowler, a former Olympian no less, also let his bigotry show. “Please tell me why our Government let some sick, demented feller from Syria into our country … Like he just stabbed eight children at a Taylor Swift dance class … Poor kids on a holiday camp dancing … and some Syrian feller’s walked in and stabbed kids. Horrible”. Not a migrant, not Syrian.

But typical of the speculation swirling around. Meanwhile, Lennon’s pal, amateur failed kidnapper Danny Tommo, was calling for unrest. Perhaps. Searchlight Magazine notedTommy Robinson's right hand man, Danny Tommo, real name Daniel Thomas, has posted a hate-filled video on You Tube tonight, calling for riots in British cities if the 17-year-old assailant in the Southport stabbings turns out to be a migrant”. But he wasn’t a migrant.

Someone who should have stopped and thought, but never does, was the less than crafty Darren Grimes, who wibbledToday children were murdered. Today in Parliament MPs called for more ‘refugees’ to be allowed in and to bring their families. I cannot tell you how much I detest them”.

Or as they say in Aberdeen, Whit A Twaat. Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal pointed outThe horror in Southport is heartbreaking. My only thoughts have been with the families, they are ALL that matter. As for the conspiracies - Merseyside Police confirm the suspect was born in Cardiff, not ‘a migrant who arrived by boat last year’ - 17 yr olds cannot be named by law”.

And Lizzie Dearden, someone else who Lennon maliciously lied about, and then aggressively doorstepped (welcome to the club), reminded usprofessional journalists abide by the legal restrictions in play at times like this, but the general public don't know about them and bad faith actors don't care … It’s a perfect storm for misinformation and it happens time and again. Something needs to change”. Hello Muskrat, Zuck and the rest.

The Southport stabbing was a terrible thing. Please don’t make it worse.

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Anonymous said...

The horror is bad enough. Unbearable for the survivors and families, who are now the absolute priority concern.

Make no mistake, the overtly insane bigotry is a direct descendant of poison manufactured over the years by corporate media. But you can guarantee none of them, NONE OF THEM, will have the human decency to examine their role in creating the cultural atmosphere that helps this madness exist. The same goes for their political paymasters.

Insensate beasts all of them.

iMatt said...

These are the same twits who called Rishi Sunak a P*** and non British despite being born in Southampton making him as British as Kier Starmer and David Cameron.

Anonymous said...

And so it begins. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cevwgqz0x41t

Anonymous said...

Merseyside Police are saying they suspect the EDL were behind the riot. It seems (and only seems at the moment) the suggestion it was a migrant who carried out the attack, and the false naming of someone online, came from a Reform source. It's not exactly a great leap to suggest the outbreak of racist violence since the election and Reforms success are linked.

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

This is indubitably a ' horrorshow' what can anyone do but let the noise subside after an appropriate judicial sentence for the person charged. Yes the justice system has been degraded by Chicago economics/Ayn Rand lovers, just like everything else.
I mean, I could live with some sort of "mishap" when Tommy's doing his time though

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

Insensate. True that . But have you had a riffle through Roget ? As a response to popular(ist?) demand sir ? BYE

Anonymous said...

Some poetic justice here: https://x.com/Parody_PM/status/1818403052295979224

Dave said...

Remember those riots a few years ago in (I think) Southampton because these thickos could not tell the difference between a paedophile and a paediatrician?

Mr Larrington said...

And the inevitable happened: the people who last week were calling for anyone attacking a polis to have their head kicked in are now [checks notes] attacking the polis.

Though on the plus side the Blogger comments page has reverted to its old look.

Anonymous said...

I see the frog-faced cunt has waded in: https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1818324204661420291

Mark Hayhurst said...

My thoughts and feelings are with the families. I cannot imagine what this must feel like.

Anonymous said...

If it was the EDL who caused the riot, how strange the "intelligence community" didn't help prevent it. That's the openly neonazi racist EDL.

After all, said "community" managed to infiltrate the deadly threat of environment protection groups. Even found time to seduce and impregnate a few women members.

There must be a reason for this lapse in vital protection of peaceful society. Especially in such dreadful circumstances.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Made my day.

Anonymous said...

This is called 'an own goal'.


Nicko said...

The Daily Heil is reporting that the perp's family came originally from Rwanda. Well that's alright then, the Tories' fave safe country.

Anonymous said...

There are those who suspect it was the warm beer swilling wanker that was behind the shit stirring online in the first place. That the knuckle draggers acted on it, is of course pure coincidence...

Anonymous said...

Far right morons who can't even respect victim families in despair.

If the "justice" system can give a 5 year sentence for blocking a polluting motorway, it might consider a 30 years sentence for the demented trash who organised the riot. There is enough video evidence to ensure conviction twice over.

Anonymous said...

There are some good people left in Britain.


Anonymous said...

Timmy Dimmo needs nicking whereas shitter grimes needs a good kick up the arse and an hours detention every nite for the next 6 months (school holidays included).