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Sunday 28 July 2024

Oh Tommy Tommy - Phantom Arrest

And so it came to pass that Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, called his faithful followers to London, where those able to stay the course without falling asleep and/or drifting off to the nearest source of LAWGAH, GINNIS or maybe SMOOV were given a screening of his latest attempt to portray himself as a journalist, a documentary called SILENCED.

However, and here we encounter a significantly-sized however, there was a problem with this magnum opus: there is a High Court injunction out there, banning his or indeed anyone else’s screening of this film. This may not be unconnected with Lennon, as he presents his talking points, talking well, but lying badly. Lying very badly indeed, in fact. And there is more.

The Great Man is due at a court hearing tomorrow in connection with his allegedly having committed Contempt of Court. Should this be considered proven, he is looking at a custodial sentence of up to two years. Over at Hope not Hate, Nick Lowles was in no doubt what the result would be.

Tommy Robinson is currently screening the film Silenced in Trafalgar Square, just 48 hours before he appears in the High Court accused of breaking an injunction preventing him from releasing the film.. He’s heading to jail”. Which would be his fifth custodial sentence. In the meantime, his passport needs to be seized. Because he’s a nailed-on flight risk.

Lowles had more. “The Attorney General’s office have been made aware of Tommy Robinson screening a film he was banned from showing. Such a flagrant disregard for the law could well see him facing the maximum two-year sentence. Only himself to blame … Questions have to be asked of [the Metropolitan Police]. Did they know that Tommy Robinson was going to screen a film that contravened a High Court order? Why did officers stand by and allow a film, banned in the U.K., to be shown?”. Why indeed?

It’s possible that the cops made the judgment call on the basis that lifting Lennon yesterday may have resulted in significant unrest - because his followers, for whom The Great Man’s word is gospel truth and not a stream-of-consciousness pack of lies, would have kicked off. But now that they have all dispersed, the Rozzers have moved in and caused Lennon to be nicked.

Or so it seems: Stephen Yaxley Lennon has this morning been arrested. His Twitter feed saysWe can confirm that Tommy Robinson has been detained by Police using powers afforded to them under the Terrorism Act 2000 … Tommy is being held by Police using counter terrorism legislation”.

But then came a problem: Lennon’s Twitter feed claimed he’d been nicked, but that of Urban Scoop, which promotes the message of Himself Personally Now, had said nothing. Worse, while our free and fearless press were reporting on the alleged arrest, they were hedging their bets.

Like Mail Online, who told “MailOnline has been unable to independently confirm that Robinson has been arrested … The Metropolitan Police has told MailOnline is 'does not recognise' the claims made in the post and that if he had been taken into custody there was 'no Met involvement’”. Even GB News added the caveat “according to his social media account".

And guess what? The Lennon Twitter feed has also told his followers “ADMIN POST - PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION TO PRESSURE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO PUT A STOP TO THE POLITICAL PROSECUTION OF TOMMY ROBINSON. GO TO [truthontrial DOT co DOT uk]". What a coincidence - Lennon needs lots of signatures on his petition to the AG, Lennon gets arrested, Lennon’s useful idiots sign up in support.

But why would Lennon lie about getting nicked? Well, for starters, we don’t know if he has been lifted or not. But it’s another of those embarrassing chains of events. As Louise Raw, who you can tell as she’s a doctor, puts it, “what we call arrests, HE calls PAYDAYS!” The event to keep an eye out for is his hearing tomorrow. And what happens as a result of that hearing.

One thing you can believe about Stephen Lennon is not to believe him at all.

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Anonymous said...

He's a perfect recruit for Starmer/Reeves Quisling "Labour".

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

As someone (on here?) previously said:


Anonymous said...

I see Rupert Lowe (Reform MP) has waded in on this.

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

Couldn't happen to a more snide grifting little maggot / blob of putrescent suet. Export him to Rwanda for the duration and ensure he sees minimal sunshine.

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

@15:39. Do you contribute to any Facebook groups ? Assume there's some variation in your technique on there, at least in modded groups ? Bye bye , peace BTW

Mark Hayhurst said...

I'm 6ft 1.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, it makes you proud, it really does. Once a humble football hooligan, kicking in heads all England in the name of that glittering jewel.of a town, Luton, now an international icon. Named after the head of Lutons 'firm', adored by people with an average IQ of at least 0.1, it just goes what can happen to strivers in our fair country. Tommy, for your tireless struggle against common sense, common decency, and for your boundless grifting, sir, I salute you...

Mr Larrington said...

Curious how the Tommunists are all in favour of polis brutality when it's the filth doing a number on a helpless brown person but scream blue murder when tHaRe ,,, HeRo is arrested without a single taser or truncheon being deployed.

James said...

I saw video of the weekends mob meet up in london onYouTube and it was a living caricature:

There is the portly, balding middle aged bloke hurling abuse at the police as they try to arrest him, from the pub door.

The twats standing with the union jack, with the words We want our country back and Christ is king on it. The union jack is about 3 nation's united as one and Christ's family were refugees.

And the brush short haired, red faced twats all wearing Fred perry marching angrily in a manner that would make GB news and Talk TV presenters scared..

Anonymous said...

Its instructive to read the Twitter threads of Lowe and his fellow reform, um, 'members'. Trans and homophobia, blatant racism, hatred for anyone who disagrees with the far rights anti vax, climate denial, and anti everything else, stance. How do people regress into such hate filled, perpetually angry, spiteful individuals? Of course all wrapped up in that favourite phrase; 'just telling it as it is'.


'Ere, lye orf gud owld Tommy.

Salter de erf ee iz. Doo ennyfink f'Inglind ee wud. Luk ow ee tried t'elp ar relyshins wiv Canadder. A propper ambassedr iz wot ee iz innit. Not like orl dem forrins at de Yewenn in Noo York.

I ad dat Sweller Gryveetryne in the backer me cab de avver dye. She noze owter deal wiv forrins, bein a bit forrin like wot she iz erself, nowarrameen. A fewtcha geezr in de mykin shee iz.

Gawd bless d'memree of dear Alf Garnitt aniz mytes Jim Dyvidsn an Jimee Carr. Proper geezrs dey ar, fewtcha empeez if y'ask mee.

Arnold said...

Arrested and bailed yesterday at the Channel Tunnel under Terrorism legislation.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Surprised he didn't head for Newhaven and the Dieppe ferry. I always thought there was a bit of Oscar Wilde about our Tommy, if not sartorially then certainly in his literary style (and a touch of fleeing wife-beating murderer Lord Lucan too).

Let's hope he made it to Paris in time to see Tom Daley win Silver (I know he's a fan) and that he'll soon be back in Tenerife and enjoying a chemically-enhanced walking tour of the rugged and remote Rural Teno national park.

Anonymous said...

"Brave Sir Tommy - he ran away" (with apologies to Monty Python)


Anonymous said...

According to the Guardian: Tommy Robinson fled Britain on Sunday night to “put himself beyond the reach of authorities” in the UK, where he was due to be in court over alleged contempt proceedings, the hearing was told.