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Wednesday 24 April 2024

St George And The Gammon

And so it came to pass that many out there on the right told anyone not yet asleep that they were no longer allowed to celebrate St George’s Day. There were claims of “two-tier policing”, and blame was ascribed to anyone that could be labelled WOKE, and of course all those Scary Muslims™. Then, those same people, er, celebrated St George’s Day anyway.

However, and here we encounter a significantly sized however, it would not be enough just to celebrate, which had not been banned. There had to be an exhibition of the Gammonati getting aled up and kicking off. This they did, in no style at all, in central London, in contravention of a series of laws, and the agreement made in order to allow them to march.

The Metropolitan Police warned beforehand “Later today, an event to mark St George’s Day is expected to take place on Richmond Terrace, off Whitehall. We believe those planning to attend include far right groups and groups linked to football clubs travelling from elsewhere in the UK”. So it proved.

Next cameThe event is not due to start for an hour and regrettably officers are already dealing with disorder.There is an area allocated for this event in Richmond Terrace. This group went past it and continued up Whitehall. When officers formed a cordon and asked the group to turn round, they reacted by violently forcing their way through. Mounted officers intervened with horses to restore the cordon”. The ale was already talking. Again.

Addressing the gathering later was Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, wearing a loud suit in a built-up area, and telling anyone who would listen that he is going to sue the Met. Like he sued Cambridgeshire Police, perhaps? He lost that one. But being of less than perfect courage, Lennon did not hang around and made a swift exit.

Not making a swift exit was already has-been political campaigner and former not very good actor Laurence Fox. Dear dear Larry, wearing the Nike trainers he would see banned (why? Who knows. And, indeed, who cares?), churned out false equivalence after false equivalence about other protests.

Oh, look, the two tiered [Metropolitan Police] have suddenly decided to get their elbows out after months of genocidal chants on Londons streets. All because they hate our country and they hate our [flag] … So it’s important to understand the nuance in the meaning of those who call for the death of Jews week after week, but anyone with a St. George’s flag is definitely far right?” With the odd pack if lies thrown in. And then came another bad faith actor.

To no surprise at all, that actor was Turning Point UK, demonstrating their sense of victimhood by whiningSo the Met Police once again provoked peaceful protestors by unreasonably kettling them. They then charged them with police horses and are now crying victim? Shame. They would never do this with a pro-Palestine protest. Two-tiered thugs”. Followed by ignorance.

Yesterday despite persecution from Khan's thugs in the Metropolitan Police, patriots from across the country united to celebrate St George's Day”. The Mayor of London does not have operational control of the Met - that power is held by the Home Secretary. But that office is held by a Tory, and so TPUK are not going to direct their ire at him. Or come clean with their followers.

The Met gave us the real story: “Four arrests have been made outside a pub in Whitehall. One on suspicion of assault and three on suspicion of assaulting an emergency worker. Officers were quickly on [the] scene and order has been restored. The southbound carriageway was briefly blocked but has now been reopened”. The real double standards were then exposed.

Louise Raw, who you can tell as she’s a doctor, musedIMAGINE IF THIS WAS A PRO PALESTINE RALLY! Imagine the political OUTRAGE. Rachel Riley and co COMBUSTING. [Suella Braverman] doing her nut. Demands to ban future rallies from the people concerned. Yet ‘for some reason’, it’s not happening”. A few thugs kicked off and the cops kept order.

What you will not find on Palestinian solidarity marches. That is all.

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Simon said...

All of this on a Tuesday afternoon? As Des Lynam once said, shouldn't you be at work?

Arnold said...




James said...

Patriotism is about courage, community, love for others and doing right by them , not " let's go into the capital, have beers, pick fights with police and blame disastrous personal life events on women, Muslims, immigrants, political correctness..' being ill lookiing monkeys that even apes would reject.

Anonymous said...


The Gnome Counties in gammon uproar.

Bet that leads to a furious increase in twitching of the Laura Ashley curtains.

Mr Larrington said...

They profess to caring deeply about Laura Norder. I'm not sure how whacking a polis horse with an umbrella fits this stance.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 07-57. Of course Gammon louts only issue forth from the gnome counties, the real enlightened people only come from ... wherever you come from.

Anonymous said...

So cool that Lozzer is out 180k but he's less irksome than our infamous anonymous (assuming that's u hon 7.57)

Anonymous said...

A brilliant Hargreaves cartoon of Burlington Binky. Great stuff. Bound to derail the old ham's digestive tract.

Anonymous said...


Absolutely. Well done.

Anonymous said...


Awwww....c'mon Bertie, don't be so SHY.....

Anonymous said...

11.15 you're absolutely Barking...... up the wrong tree. My name is John, Spartacus

Anonymous said...

18:45, He's not Spartacus. I am. And so is Bertie and his wife, if he has one. So is Mark, Andy, Arnold, The Toffee, Mr Larrington and everyone else. And you of course.

Mark Hayhurst said...

I'm not Spartacus.

But I do like oysters and snails.


I'm not Spartacus nyver innit.

Gawd bless d'Prince an Princesser Wyles. Proper geezers dey ar.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

You can't be left alone for a minute, can you, Eternal Anonymous/witless Cabbie Parody?
I go out of the blog for a couple of days and when I get back you've upset loads of Zelo regulars, not least by accusing them of being me!

Anyway, apologies to all of the people who've had to put up with the old Tankie's ire but it was heartening to see how many of us are, in fact, Spartacus. Though Mrs Bertie, who was alluded to in one post, informs me she would prefer to be thought of as a SpartacA, (pronounns: she, her).

Anonymous said...


You spelled "pronouns" wrong.

Tsk tsk.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Or 'pronouns' even.

Anonymous said...

No london cabbie I've ever met managed to hold in the bigotry and bile for a whole sentence. Therefore I call you out as a fake sir!

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know. I'm a regular on here and I'm not Spartacus nor is my wife. I'm partial to fish and chips, don't like Sunak or Starmer, and quite like most Muslims, Jews and Sikhs I've met. Snooker is a nice game, but football, rugby and golf aren't very nice. Currently reading Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill. This cold weather spasm is very odd.