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Friday 5 April 2024

Israel Out Of Excuses - And Friends

Time was when the state of Israel, its security agencies and forces, its representatives, and its advocates got a free pass from most in the UK. It was the only democracy in a region with so many hostile neighbours. Its explanations were routinely accepted, its lapses tolerated: the other lot, after all, were those ghastly brown people, and they didn’t really count.

The involvement of the Israelis in the Suez farrago did not sully their good name. Lifting Adolf Eichmann from his South American hideaway? Well, that was a Nazi, and he had it coming. Even when Mordechai Vanunu was lifted in Rome and whisked off to Israel, that too was tolerated. Little fuss was made when perhaps the Italians might have been justified kicking off about it.

Not any more. Not when we can see what the IDF is getting up to not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank and southern Lebanon. When Mark Regev rocks up to the nearest TV studio and does his panicked schtick about the baddies wanting to drive his country into the sea, when Tzipi Hotoveli slouches in her seat and sneers “Blame Hamas”, little mustard is cut.

It is no longer plausible to play the “self-defence” card when Israel is not only armed to the teeth with modern weaponry, including the nuclear kind, but is seen to have been freely loosing off that weaponry in the general direction of anything that moves in the West Bank and Gaza. Hence the country’s social media cheerleaders getting more and more hysterical of late.

Any question as to whether it is justifiable to cut off power and water to Gaza, an act which almost certainly represents collective punishment and therefore equates to a war crime, is met with howling “anti-Semitism” accusations. Those objecting to the wiping out of Gaza’s health system are instantly smeared as “Jew haters”. There is no peaceable disagreement.

At first, our leaders stood four-square behind Binyamin Netanyahu and his fellow gangsters. But then something happened: the protests at the mass slaughter, the forced starvation, the gratuitous killing of aid workers, the increasingly desperate excuses from the IDF and their cheerleaders, became greater. Those marching numbered in their hundreds of thousands.

Attempts from unappealing and unpleasant politicians like Suella Braverman, who called the overwhelmingly peaceful protests “hate marches”, had no effect, perhaps because those marches, especially in London, contained a sizeable Jewish contingent, which was enthusiastically applauded by their fellow protesters. There was no “Jew hatred”. Just peaceful protest.

So politicians began to move towards calls for a ceasefire, though in the case of Keir Starmer and the rest of the shadow cabinet, this progress came agonisingly slowly. And still the ceasefire calls contained get-out clauses, giving the Israelis sufficient nods and winks to carry on the indiscriminate slaughter. But this week the mood has changed, perhaps decisively.

When it was Palestinians being killed, there was a collective “meh”. But the killing of seven aid workers in a deliberate and targeted drone strike, including three Britons, that was different. The IDF and its apologists claimed this was a terrible mistake: they would learn from the incident. But it was not a mistake, and they will learn nothing. The aid workers were killed deliberately.

Why? Simples. This would frighten aid organisations and stop the aid reaching beleaguered Palestinians. Starvation would be made worse; more would die. The aid organisations were indeed duly frightened off, and this time, the Israeli excuses received little more than ridicule. Worse for the IDF and its apologists, the abusive denunciation of critics is not working.

Showing empathy for the Palestinians is not anti-Semitism. Recoiling in horror at the mass slaughter is not Jew hatred. Willing an end to starvation and a lack of basic healthcare is not an attempt to drive Israel into the sea. And now, at long, long last, too late for tens of thousands already dead, the US President has begun to lean on Netanyahu. He needs to lean a lot harder.

The USA, and other Governments, know they have the power to end the slaughter. They need to use it. Their people will not judge inaction kindly.

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Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Still, be fair, 2 'senior officers' have been sacked (presumably this means 'sent on Annex-your-Arab-Neighbour's-GardeningLeave').

So at this rate of appropriately proportionate accounting, with 2 Israelis being held accountable for every 35000 Palestinians dead, the IDF officer class will cease to exist around the year 2083.

Start planning your celebrations now.

Anonymous said...

A good blog, Tim. I enjoyed reading it.

Anonymous said...

So is the Starmer Quisling STILL "a Zionist without qualification"?

Anonymous said...

Was this "a grave mistake" too?:


The Toffee said...


FFS, Tim.

James said...

To suggest zionists represent Judaism is offensive backwards rubbish. They are a faction. A faction.

Anonymous said...

Netanyahu fascists have done terrible damage to global cultural memory.

Prior to this criminality Israel could rely on collective Western guilt for the Holocaust. But that generation is now almost gone. Once they have died out the current generation will have a fresh memory of this more recent war crime. The Holocaust will be mostly relegated to grainy old black and white films.

The Netanyahu gang thinks they have succeeded with mass murder methods that failed the Nazis. But they are deluded....as history will show. This is likely to be the prelude to even greater tragedy for Israel. Time is running out.

Gary said...

Netanyahu funded Hamas in order to prevent any credible Palestinian leadership emerging as that would mean the prospect of a two-state solution. He has literally stated this but right-wing media and shills conveniently avoid mentioning this.

James said...

No. Along with Rachel Currie. There should be streets named in her honour in every capital as far as I am concerned to say get lost to Zionists and their horrible lobby groups for furthering disinformation about AS and prejudice against Palastinians and Muslims in general.