It is a truth that those running Starmer’s new-look Labour are, it seems, increasingly reluctant to take on board. For them, all that is needed is to dump all over the party’s left wing, refuse to commit to spending, well, anything over and above what the Tories are spending, spew out plenty of approved soundbites, appear competent and managerial, and they’re in.
Even Owen Jones, whose political antenna are usually well-tuned, has gone all mid-90s: “One of the many reasons the Tories are now cooked is that the media have collectively decided they’re finished. That means media outlets stop worrying they’ll lose access if they’re not deferential enough. They’ll compete over finding scandals to seal the Tories’ fate”. Except the Mail.
Dacre’s unflinching faith in his ability to bend reality to his iron will has resulted today in yet another of those text-book examples of the power of the press lying not just in what they decide to publish, but what they do not. With Birmingham City Council effectively declaring itself bankrupt, mainly over a long-standing equal pay bill of over £750 million, the Mail is off and running.
Today’s Mail editorial kicks off with “A chilling glimpse at life under Labour”. Chilling? How so? “Families have to operate within a budget, as do governments, as do businesses. So why should it be any different for local authorities?” Governments who have control of their own currencies don’t, Mail people, whatever Mrs T claimed in the early 80s. But do go on.

Stop f***ing using my photo so much, c***
There is, sadly, more: “the culprits are looking to central government for a bailout. Not every ailing council is Labour controlled, of course, but the majority are [no citation] - offering a vision of how life could be with Sir Keir Starmer in Downing Street”. Anyone remember Croydon? Thurrock?
Neither being Labour authorities. But the biggest whopper is saved for last: “Since Ken Livingstone’s profligate [no citation] Greater London Council, Labour has been synonymous with municipal waste and sky-high council taxes. The Birmingham debacle shows the party still can’t be trusted to control the public purse strings”. Synonymous mostly because havens of bias and bigotry like the Mail keep telling their readers that.
No mention from the inmates of the Northcliffe House bunker that the Tories have imposed round after round of funding cuts on local authorities, all the while having their pals in the press point the finger at Labour. That is what is behind all those potential follow-on bankruptcies. It is also the part that the Mail chooses not to publish. And it won’t get any better for Labour.
One hates to mention the presence of Peter Mandelson for the 94th time, but as soon as the flag drops for the next General Election, the Mail will mention him. And Jeffrey Epstein. And the times he was sacked by Tony Blair. They will give a prominent mention to the Hindujas, cos they’re not white and therefore not The Mail’s Kind Of People. They will shill for the Tories.
For the Dacre doggies, the Tories can be so far to the right they’re falling off the political spectrum. They can be utterly inept, intellectually and politically bankrupt. They can be irredeemably corrupt, bereft of anything but hatred and intolerance. They can get away with blaming all ills on someone else, which usually means the EU, other foreigners, and of course Labour.
That is why Starmer drifting right is pointless. The Mail will still hate him.
None of this matters much. It's a tory faction fight, blue V red. Nothing more. Britain is now politically so far to the right it's drowning in its own Dacre-type lying bullshit.
The Starmer Quiff Quisling and his Micawber McCarthyite Tendency are precisely as forecast: grubby little spiv opportunists who'd steal the pennies from the eyes of their dead mother. A useful Establishment tool waiting to be lubricated by an oily corrupt system. They fit perfectly.
So stand by for yet another war. There needs to be yet another "patriotic" diversion to justify yet more "austerity" - fifteen years of it thus far, and counting.
Great stuff in the useless yahboo of PMQs.
From Chris Law, SNP: "Labour and tories two cheeks of the same arse". When admonished by Hoyle came up with "two cheeks of the same bottom".
He should have said rock bottom.
“Since Ken Livingstone’s profligate [no citation] Greater London Council, Labour has been synonymous with municipal waste and sky-high council taxes
No citation? What about the Garden Bridge, illegal water cannon, the Thames estuary airport, new Routemaster buses; hire bikes, the Emirates Air Line cable car, etc
Sorry, my mistake. That was Bozo.
Fair doos to Starmer, he's trying to flatten the quiff. Still a Quisling though.
On one hand, Starmer going for Mail readers is bad, but on the other, he shouldn't need to at this stage.
I have 2 degrees.
You can take the quiff out of the quisling, but never the quisling out of the quisling. The treacherous gett.
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