He's even more desperate, Dan
But the discredited, sniggering Wootton just let him carry on. “Show me a single self-respecting man that would like to climb into bed with that woman”. Er, WHAT?!? “Ever. EVER. Who wasn’t an incel. Who wasn’t a cucked little incel”. Shine a light, he’s pissed. “We need powerful, strong, amazing women who make great points for themselves. We don’t need these Feminist 4.0, they’re pathetic, and embarrassing. Who’d want to shag that?”
Looking in the mirror when he said that, was he? Ben Kelly was unimpressed. “Genuinely shocked by this. Dismal. Sneering, embittered inadaquate Laurence Fox and grinning sleaze bag Wootton say a lot about GB News”. Alan White cautioned “At some point the governing party might have to give the fact its deputy chair appears on this channel some consideration”. Point.
James Ball touched on GB News’ decision not to even say boo to Wootton following multiple allegations about his behaviour. “The host of this show is still broadcasting despite multiple serious allegations against him. That he’s being allowed to do so makes a mockery of UK broadcasting regulations, especially when the content is this vile”. Vile is putting it mildly.
So what was GB News going to do, if anything, about Dear Dear Larry’s excessively mellow state and his obnoxious rant? What was it going to do about Desperate Dan Wootton smirking along with him? Was there to be the first hint of contrition from Mr Angel Cake Frangipane, or whatever the channel’s boss is called? Was someone going to actually say sorry?

Dear Larry. Dear dear Larry. Dear suspended Larry
But at least someone had prevailed upon Wootton to show regret. “I want to reiterate my regret over last night’s exchange with Laurence on GB News. Having looked at the footage, I can see how inappropriate my reaction to his totally unacceptable remarks appears to be and want to be clear that I was in no way amused by the comments”. Not amused? FUCK OFF.
There was, sadly, more of the same. “I should have intervened immediately to challenge offensive and misogynistic remarks. I apologise unreservedly for what was a very unfortunate lapse in judgement on my part under the intense pressure of a bizarre exchange. I know I should have done better. I'm devastated that I let down the team and our supportive GBN family”.
Bullshit. He loved every moment of it. But he wasn’t finished. “Dear [Ava-Santina] I think you’re brilliant. Earlier tonight I was attempting to find your tweets to read back from my iPad and couldn’t locate them. I apologise for what was said during the course of my show and should have done this immediately on air. This is not what our channel is about”. ‘Fraid it is, Dan.
He’d have looked more credible if he hadn’t restricted replies to his apologia. But enough of Desperate Dan and Dear Dear Larry. What of Ava-Santina, the target of the tirade? “Laurence Fox just did a whole speech on GB News on why men apparently won’t shag me? I feel physically sick”.
Ofcom enforcement only works for broadcasters who respect its judgment and want to play by the rules. GB News doesn’t, and doesn’t. That is all.
Good grief.
The downward downward spiral steepens.
So, will it get worse?.....Oh yes. Just wait and see.
Offcom. Offtwat. Offgen etc etc etc.
Useless ineffectual sacks of shit lot of them.
Shows how much and why the Tory nazis love the free market.
Neoliberalnomics for the masses
"incel" not "insult" (twice)
I can see why there's a need for a Ministry to have responsibility for mental health, but not one Minister for men and one for women. Different specialisms at the coalface yes, but not at the top.
Wootton's gone now too.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
I would have loved it had Ms Ava-Santina replied to Fox's insult with something like: 'And what self-respecting woman would ever want to touch that lanky streak of whats-it with a barge-pole?'
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