He's desperate, Dan
The Hodges problem was demonstrated superbly after the Mail pitched the misogynistic and, indeed, untrue and likely defamatory smear of Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner, claiming that she had done a “Basic Instinct” at now disgraced and former alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to put him off his stride at PMQs, which she did not.
As those working in the service of the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines at the Guido Fawkes blog noted, “The oddest thing about this row is that from Boris’s vantage point, and with Rayner sat behind her despatch box, the line of sight for Boris means it is almost certain that he was unable to see Angela’s legs”. Yet Hodges claimed to have “sources” and the “truth”.
Now has come the move by Labour leader Keir Starmer to appoint senior Civil Servant Sue Gray as his chief of staff. At least Hodges is not, this time, among those attempting to invalidate her inquiry into Partygate: his line is to attack Starmer, something which will be taking up more of his time, and that of other Northcliffe House bunker inmates, as the General Election looms.
Headlined “This grubby Sue Gray recruitment annihilates all pretence that Sir Keir Starmer is a man of principles”, Hodges rather let himself go when advertising the piece on Twitter. “Sue Gray attempted to block government over Trans-policy veto. Intervention came at time when she was believed to be negotiating with Keir Starmer to join his team”. Cue the article.
“Just before Christmas, Ministers took the fateful - and controversial - decision to block Scotland’s new Gender Recognition Bill … On December 22, Sue Gray, Second Permanent Secretary to the Cabinet Office, sent an email to those discussing the legislation … ‘I found reference to S35 [the section of the Scotland Act that allows the Scottish Secretary to exercise a veto] difficult,’ she wrote, ‘but I found even more difficult the words about stopping the Bill. But as you say, this seems to have been agreed.’”

Why's my f***ing photo here again, c***?!?!?
“A key part of Gray’s defence is that her appointment will be fully scrutinised by the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACOBA). But again, the regulations are crystal clear. The Business Appointment Rules for Crown Servants state that people leaving the Civil Service ‘should not accept or announce a new appointment or offer of employment before it has been approved’” he notes. Then comes the lack of evidence.
“But last Thursday, a Labour spokesman confirmed: ‘The Labour Party has offered Sue Gray the role of chief of staff to the Leader of the Opposition. We understand she hopes to accept the role subject to the normal procedures.’” SUBJECT TO NORMAL PROCEDURES. Like that approval. But do go on.
“Labour and Gray are self-evidently flouting these procedures. And going to increasingly desperate lengths to cover up that fact”. Bullshit. And he then doubles down: "The only logical rationale for the move is that Starmer - and Gray - want the flexibility of operating in a more overtly political way”.
Now he’s just guessing. But revealing interesting details on how the Mail titles intend to go after Starmer and his party. And go after him they will: remember, these are the papers that refused to endorse Tony Blair’s New Labour, telling voters to “hold their noses” and keep on voting Tory. The problem for the Mail and Hodges is that this kind of drivel will not seriously detain swing voters.
Because it’s just more desperate barrel scraping. But you knew that anyway.
As if any of it matters much, except to those on the Westminster revolving doors circuit.
Within days of HIS "win", Bozo and his circus (including the current Roland Rat "PM") ensured "Labour" would "win" the next election. After which, dear old Blighty will continue its decay while clinging to the USA Zimmer frame.
Hodges?.....Pfffttt......merely another empty headed gett on the Rothermere far right propaganda roundabout. Heil "news"papers are full of them.
Starmer is no fool and his comms operation is generally handled very cautiously and 'professionally'.
So why did he allow himself to get into a position which was bound to invite the rabid responses from the Johnson/Dorries/Mail/Express sewage farm which you describe here, Tim?
What was the rush? There was no need to go ahead with chatting up Gray until the Contempt report was in, was there? Or after the May elections?
Is this some super-devious stratagem from the Starmer team which I'm too dim to understand?
Is it 'tactics, Comrade!' (said Squealer hopping from foot to foot)?
Burlington Bertie from Bow. It's hard for me to get beyond your opener, "Starmer is no fool".
The verb for fool reads: trick or deceive (someone); dupe.
That sits very nicely on his shoulders.
"Yet Hodges claimed to have ...... the “truth”."
Some years ago
i s[pent some time debunking the claims made by the Flat
Earth cult and noted tha6 rather a lot of their sites and names contained "Truth" as a self description. Ever since I have viewed with distrust anyone claiming to have "the truth".
Thanks, Stan
But I said 'no fool', noun.
Any ideas on the points I was actually making before the inevitable Tankie-rant drops?
@21:34 It's hard for me to understand why you've mentioned the verb 'to fool' when the sentence is about the noun 'a fool'.
Bertie, I'm still giddy from the 7 nil yesterday, so I will give you some praise: you are quite right here.
I don't think his comms is particularly professional tbh - I certainly would advise him better- but it has steered away from obvious errors such as this.
He hasn't responded to some fairly simply questions all that well.
Not that it makes a jot of difference, the man is out next Prime Minister.
Well, Mark, as you 'would certainly advise him better', what better time than now to apply for the job?
From what I read, Mr Starmer is currently hiring. As a creator of narratives, you're surely made for the job and what you lack in perception and in self-awareness you certainly make up for in self-regard.
You could be the Bernard Ingham of the Starmer years, Mark, the Sean Spicer of the Five Missions, the Sarah Huckabee Sanders of the 'laser-targeted policies with clear, measurable outcomes'.
PS If you do make it to the interview, though, it's probably not advisable to refer to him as you do in your last line here; as far as I know Sir Keir is not 'out', though it's a modern world and anything could happen between now and the election.
I am a creative, not a comms, person Bertie, they'd be better off hiring you in all honesty.
Some random who won't even give their real name for fear of actually contributing something.
Ok, Mark.
But you have to admit it, the last 6 goals were jammy.
We won't score for another 6 games probably but loving the wit random. Loving that wit.
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