And the supposedly more upmarket Times tells readers “Aide warned Johnson about Covid claim”. Looks like Rupe has decided Bozo is past his use-by date. Still, the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph remains loyal, telling “Aides assured me no rules were broken, says Johnson” while putting the boot into Labour leader Keir Starmer.
While some may dislike Murdoch Père, and others merely cordially detest the SOB, he did not get where he is today without being able to correctly identify winners and losers. And although he may not yet have decided Bozo is in the latter category, he looks to be wavering. Hence the less than full-throated support from Sun and Times. Why might he waver thus? Ah well.
We need look no further than the BBC’s summary of the evidence now before the Committee. And while the press baited Bozo with “Why should the British people believe anything you tell them?” as he left his London home, what he will face when it gets serious and the cameras are rolling is of a magnitude more serious. His former Downing Street staff have shat all over him.
Like Lee “Cain advising his colleague that a drinks event in the garden of No 10 on 20 May 2020 was a ‘comms risk’ … [the document] quotes Cain as saying he went on to have a conversation with Johnson's then chief adviser Dominic Cummings, who went on to speak to the then-PM about the risk”.
However, “Johnson didn’t see meeting in the No 10 garden with a bottle of wine as a breach of the rules … ‘I would encourage people into the garden for the pandemic … I felt it would be wrong to stop people going into the garden … It is democratic and conducive to staff wellbeing - where to go to draw the line?’” You tell us, Chief, you’re the one making the rules and telling the hoi polloi to follow them in all those TV appearances, remember?
It gets worse. “Cabinet secretary says he never told Johnson all rules were followed … cabinet secretary and top civil servant Simon Case denies that he gave any assurances to the then prime minister that Covid rules or Covid guidance was obeyed at all times in No 10”. And worse still.
“Boris Johnson had the opportunity to stop the lockdown partying in Downing Street, but allowed the culture to continue - according to one No 10 official … In their evidence, the unnamed employee says that the route Johnson would take through Downing Street looked straight into the press room, so it would have been ‘impossible’ not to know they were happening”. Tell us more.

Which just makes Bozo’s grilling later that much more difficult to negotiate. He isn’t making it any easier by slagging off former Chief Downing Street polecat Dominic Cummings with comments like “He cannot be treated as a credible witness”. What colour is the pot, O Great Bozo Kettle?
All that is before he rocks up for that grilling, which, it is estimated, will take a whole four hours and be broadcast live. And even before that begins, it is becoming all too clear that there is a widening gulf between what Bozo-backing papers are telling their readers and reality - not for the first time. Moreover, two of the four Tories on the Privileges Committee may lose their seats come the next General Election. Not looking good for the former PM.
Johnson looks highly likely to be sanctioned. That means he’s toast.
Bozo sanctioned or not, it doesn't really matter.
The far right political sausage machine will turn out another with a different casing and slightly different mince ingredients.
The Murdoch Nazis might even turn the handle and squeeze out the Quiff Quisling oily variety. As it did the Bliar/Brown blood sausage.
It will still taste of rotten stuff.
The lying slob scumbag stinks of the same odour given off by Tricky Dick and upper lip impeachment sweat.
And, just as then, disposing of the slob won't rid the country of institutional and structural corruption. If anything it will get worse as the perpetrators become more desperate and venomous.
Which is why the Starmer gang will be on the end of a visceral revengeful faction fight. A soap opera for deluded mugs.
One BBC "news" propaganda clerk just described the lying scumbag as "great box office". Thus Britain 2023.
Yawn. No point asking you to change the monomaniacal tape loop. Just sayin' !!
"BULLISH BORIS UP FOR THE FIGHT" are you sure this isn't a typo? ;-)
Unlikely they'll sanction him the 10 day suspension. It would necessitate a vote in the House to support it, the gathering of enough of his constituents to force a recall and then a by election which the Tories would lose. Bad for Sunak, divisive and bad for the Tories, socially divisive (in the eyes of politicians generally) and a kind of martyrdom for Johnson which he might find helpful in the long run.
Fun watching him squirm today, though, loathsome bastard that he is. And his appeals to the audience to recognise his honesty and integrity were very moving; it would have taken a heart of stone not to laugh, as the great man said of the death of Little Nell.
As for sausages, why don't they have proper skins anymore? These days they're all made from some seaweed derivative called alginate rather than the proper sausage skin material from the intestines of beasts, which we used to get from China. Proper butchers still use the real thing but Waitrose is one of the few supermarkets holding out against the new melty, sticky crap.
I'm going to write to my friend Keir and ask him to put sausage reform into his next Mission List announcement.
'Save Our Skins!' That should secure victory in those Red Wall seats, they like a nice 3 word slogan.
The Starmer Quisling sausage: A thin skin and ingredients guaranteed to make you ill. Manufactured by Canary Wharf, Rothermere and Murdoch International Inc.
Not quite as lethal as the Bliar/Brown sausage manufactured by Powell, Gould, Mandelson and McTernan Inc. on licence from Washington Pentagon Inc......but getting there. Oven ready in about two years.
That's all very well, Anonymous, but enough of your trivia; where do you stand on the alginate-or-entrails sausage *skin* issue?
See 11:16 for Starmer Quisling entrails of the Bliar/Brown recipe. You silly old Micawber sausage you.
You'll have the opportunity to taste it soon enough. It won't be much different from the previous one. It'll still stink of treachery and cowardice.😂
Here's a foretaste of the Starmer Quisling sausage....from the Thatcher cooked books course:
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