Desmond Swayne
More than 100,000 UK residents have now died within 28 days of a positive test for Covid-19. The pandemic is seriously taxing health services. Many who recover will have to live with long-term conditions as a result. But now the people at Sky News have told “A senior Conservative MP urged anti-vaccination campaigners to keep going with their fight against government restrictions and told them NHS capacity figures were being ‘manipulated’ to exaggerate the scale of coronavirus”. There was more.
“Sir Desmond Swayne, who was a senior aide to former prime minister David Cameron, told Sky News he would not apologise for telling a group - who say vaccines are dangerous - to ‘persist’ with their campaign against COVID restrictions”. However, “There is no evidence of data being manipulated, and at the time of the MP's comments, deaths were 14% above the five-year average - according to the Office for National Statistics”.
Do go on. "During an interview in November with Save our Rights UK, obtained by Sky News, Sir Desmond said: ‘It seems to be a manageable risk, particularly as figures have been manipulated... We're told there is a deathly, deadly pandemic proceeding at the moment … That is difficult to reconcile with ICUs (intensive care units) actually operating at typical occupation levels for the time of year and us bouncing round at the typical level of deaths for the time of year’”. Sadly for Des, his view is not universally held.
“A Tory MP who urged anti-vaccination campaigners to keep going with their fight against coronavirus restrictions and told them NHS capacity figures were being ‘manipulated’ is ‘wrong’ and ‘completely out of order’, a senior minister has said … Michael Gove told Sky News that Sir Desmond Swayne should apologise and retract his comments”.

Will Swayne lose the Tory whip? But you know the answer to that one: in the party of alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson and his merry band, no-one is ever disciplined, no-one accepts personal responsibility, and no-one resigns.
Desmond Swayne is not yet beyond redemption. But you can see it from there.

Swayne is yet another one of those fools who think they are entitled to their own facts.
In demanding a retraction and an apology from Swayne, is the only time Gove has ever done something I agree with. Dont worry, I cant see me ever agreeing with him again. Ever.
Swayne is clearly working hard to come to the front in the race for the title of "most loony Conservative MP" which was vacated by David Tredinnick after the last election. It's a very strong field, though.
Swayne always has and always will cut a preposterous figure.
A typical spiv tory barrow boy. He'd steal the contents of a street busker's hat and giggle about it.
Did he get his knighthood for being an utter cunt or what?
Love him, a true Tory, not many left
The most the home secretary asked for was that he retract his comments and apologise. She should be demanding his resignation as an MP - but of course she hasn't the power to enforce that, even if she really wanted to.
I see you have joined the MSM wolfpack again, very independent, very liberal
The only thing to remember about Swayne and his apologists is that they are idiots and the most graphic example of wilful ignorance on the planet. Orange Faeces, [sic] sort of.
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