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Sunday 10 June 2012

Top Six – June 10

So what’s hot, and what’s not, in the past week’s blogging? Here are the six most popular posts on Zelo Street for the past seven days, counting down in reverse order, because, well, I’ve got some washing to put out and then nip over to Asda. So there.

6 Fire Up The Argy Bargy The so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance, having experienced little more than a damp squib with their “2020 Tax Commission”, has started a hate campaign against Argentina in order to garner a bit of populism. Here’s why that country’s World Bank loans aren’t quite as they are being painted.

5 Not Such Close Protection Last weekend’s Jubilee Pageant stewarding row has rumbled on as more has been revealed about the company involved, which is also providing fire marshals for the Olympic Games. The whole thing has, sadly, become another Left versus Right scrap, with the latter defensive and all too often silent.

4 Raheem Kassam Gets Mildly Paranoid Poor Raheem took my observations on his activities (see below) rather badly. Having already promised him that there would be a follow-up post, I noted that he might not be paranoid, but perhaps they were out to get him, or maybe not.

3 Guido Fawked – Desperate Hypocrisy The Labour leadership has barred the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his tame gofer, the flannelled fool Henry Cole, from its pressers, to the great relief of many real journalists, who were rather they had done it earlier. So desperate were the Laurel and Hardy of the blogosphere to spin this that they cited Tom Watson in their support, rather than kicking him as they usually do.

2 Raheem Kassam Plays Let’s Pretend Are you famous? Do you want to be? Look no further than the example of fantasist and narcissist Raheem Kassam, and his imaginary fame, which includes a self-penned Wikipedia hagiography. He didn’t like this post at all, so I must be doing something right.

1 Jobless Exploitation – Not That They’re Partisan When the news emerged of the Jubilee Pageant stewards that were forced to sleep under London Bridge after being left in the capital at 0300 hours last Sunday, the right leaning part of the blogosphere went all quiet. And they only spoke up when there were developments that suited their particular spin.

And that’s the end of another blogtastic week, blog pickers. Not ‘arf!

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