Musk Junior’s attacks on the UK Government are yet another example of how this supposed genius trusts far-right disinformation, and what looks like a combination of ego, paranoia and ignorance builds on that misplaced trust to show that The Great Man not only does not know what he’s talking about, but also believes that all those bots and trolls backing him are real people.
So it was that he declared “America should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government”. What’s he proposing? Invasion? Who in the UK voted for him? Whisper it quietly, but the most recent poll asking voters their attitude to Musk brought forth a mostly negative response. Also, he had already showed UK voters what a complete clown he is.
Having previously had Reform UK Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage cosy up to him, suggesting that an unspecified number of Musk millions would be deployed in support of Nige’s limited company, sorry, party, he yesterday about turned and told his adoring followers “The Reform Party needs a new leader. Farage doesn’t have what it takes”. Yeah, right.
Reform UK is a one-man band. And that one man is Farage. None of the other Reform UK MPs would have a snowball in hell’s chance of matching the electoral performance achieved by Mr Thirsty, either as head of UKIP in days past, or the Brexit Party in the last European Parliament elections in which the UK participated, or at the last General Election with Reform UK.

Musk quotes Radio Genoa (yes, Radio Genoa) claiming that the Southport attacker was a Muslim (he wasn’t), then sneers “Prison for Starmer”. Could he get more unhinged? Don’t ask: “Am starting to wonder how anyone made it through childhood in Britain without severe trauma”. And so he comes to quoting Visegrád24. Another source of far right disinformation.
He quotes Ian Miles Cheong, who is so close to the action in the UK, as he lives in … Malaysia. And, just to be on the safe side, congenital liar and peddler of far-right disinformation Peter Imanuelsen, who claimed for some time to be in Sweden, and calls himself Peter Sweden, but in fact lives in the Not Really Swedish At All town of Northallerton. In the UK.
And now he’s back to defaming politicians. “Gordon Brown sold those little girls for votes” … “British legal system is not serving its people” [there is no “British legal system”, as Scotland has its own] … “Starmer was deeply complicit in the mass rapes in exchange for votes”. And then came the pièce de résistance, which confirms Musk as totally barking.
Once more quoting Visegrád24 on calls for a new inquiry, he declares “What an insane thing to say! The real reason is that it would show how Starmer repeatedly ignored the pleas of vast numbers of little girls and their parents, in order to secure political support. Starmer is utterly despicable”. But all those bots and trolls back him, so that’s all right then. Except it isn’t.
Elon Musk may be rich. But, sad to say, he can’t recognise reality. End of.
...and yet, despite his quoting known far right trolls and general numbnuts, social media is rife with idiots demanding a new (and fourth) inquiry into rape gangs. Pointing out that the ONS has already censured no less than 'not very Braverman', for claiming that Muslims, not as the hard facts show, white males, are behind the majority of sexual assaults on children, cuts no ice.
One could also ask, where is the EHRC, and the Police when people are making libellous claims and stirring up race hate with false claims? Of course under 'two tier policing' those responsible should be cautioned, but no. The bigger you are, the less the cops want to know. Yes, Musk is outside their jurisdiction, but hopefully Jess Phillips will launch a libel action. However, that doesn't mean the rest should get away with smearing an entire ethnic group!
As for Muskrat, 'truth is the enemy' is his go to quote.
Apparently, though, dear old Elon Muck has no problem with Starmer's guns-before-butter increase in "defence" spending, inflicted child starvation, inflicted pensioners hypothermia deaths, and war support for fascist racist regimes.
You know, outright fascism. This time in bought-for-him suits and glasses. Hitler did the same thing but in uniform. See the Rothermere history.
A long time ago, in the early days of the website Elron now owns, a certain Rupert Murdoch used to post some, shall we say, questionable observations about what he call Moslems. But somebody in his employ, or maybe one of his kids, swiftly took his account away from him lest the world got to know exactly what sort of man he was.
It appears there is nobody with the same level of common sense in Elron's orbit.
Musk is a classic US preppy. An empty knob head with too much money and absurd self entitlement. Actually a moron wrapped in $$$$$.
Why won't Musk campaign to free Luigi Mangione?
So Muck was acquainted with Maxwell/Epstein? That's odd, so was Bliar and "Two Mortgages" Mandelson.
The Epstein plot sickens yet again.
Rupert Lowe only makes “a lot of sense”, Elmo, if you spend all your waking hours in the K-hole.
Cheer up, chaps, Jean-Marie le Pen's died!
They don't make carrement fascistes like that anymore.
If Starmer had any guts, which of course he hasn't, he'd call out Musk by name and front him.
But that's not what a Zionist-without-qualification does. He prefers instead to participate in mass murder, genocide, 21st century apartheid, and outright fascism. An utter coward and tenth rate Gnome Counties barrow boy.
While all this bullshit "controversy" is flying around it conceals Quisling Labour's increased sell-out of the NHS to profits gouging gobshites. The same thieves who bribed Starmer, Reeves, Streeting and Milburn. All as predicted.
Musk, schmusk.
Get a load of Paul "Far Right Plant" Mason. Now outed for the treacherous wretch he has always been. Aligned with mass murdering arms manufacturers in outright fascism.
That's one nasty piece of work down, only a few hundred more to go. That's one rotten fuck the World won't miss...
This denunciation of German nazism also applies to supporters of Zionist racist mass murdering fascism. Which, through his own words, includes Starmer and his supporters - no matter how much they bullshit. Thus, outright fascism. See also Trump/Musk.
Paul Mason has gone too far this time. Not sure what happened to him.
Great speech by David Davis (whom I am no fan of on Brexit etc) on Letby in parliament. I find it utterly shameful that Labour MP's have been silent on this appalling miscarriage of justice.
Am starting to wonder how anyone made it through childhood in the USA without being gunned down at school severe trauma.
..or survives guns just left lying around for them to 'play' with (loaded of course), friends finding parents loaded guns and having fatal shoot outs etc. More children and adolescents die from shooting incidents (accidental) than any other cause.
Who needs Musk when Starmer is available for a price?
Matt Kennard's brilliant exposé of Starmer Quisling barrow boy fascism.
While most are looking conveniently at a fascist factions spat, they should be looking inconveniently THIS way at other outright fascism:
Oh no! A schism in a fascist-curious political group! How surprising!
A bunch of Yaxley-Lennon fans from Derby have defec(a)ted from Farage's Reform Party Co because he hasn't been being democratic enough and he's been mean to Tommeh.
Clearly men and women(?) of principle.
Will they now join Benyamin Naeem 'let-them-drown' Habib and the porky jailbird himself in a Musk-funded supergroup called The New Party (ring a bell, Sir Oswald?).
Or will they just embrace the new reality and sign up enthusiastically to Andrew Tate's new BRUV Party.
No really, it 'exists'.
Please, God, let Musk be right and tell us we really are all living in a simulation.
In a weird manner, Musk's interfering might led us to all unite in our hatred of him. Elon is a twat should be graffiti all over the Nation.
There is already another far right party with already elected council members, the SDP. No, not a resurgence of the old right wing Labour defectors, but a far right party with a mish mash of views similar to the early 1920's version, of the party led by the Daily Mails all time favourite Austrian.
As Reform splinters, due to its adherence to neoliberalism, and the 'business over democracy' version of the party, the danger is the likes of the SDP will pick up their ex members - and their voters.
What is so bizarre, is that the hard and far right see themselves as 'law and order' party's, usually in favour of extreme punishments, the Death penalty etc, but when it suits them they are quite happy to try and undermine the rule of law. Thus Musk tries, in his blinding ignorance and growing belief he 'is' a God, to force the release of a proven criminal.
Marvelous stuff watching assorted fascists and "centrists" (read: other fascists like Starmer/Reeves) fighting like rats in a sack. The gift that keeps giving.
But of course it's all totally irrelevant to their continuing mass murder of innocents in the Middle East and domestic attacks on our most vulnerable citizens. One war criminal shithouse is much like another war criminal shithouse, as it is with their apologists.
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