And again, it is the Telegraph and Mail being exposed as racist newspapers, after both of them launched a spiteful and petty assault on London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan, who has been knighted in the New Year’s Honours. Khan has won three terms as elected Mayor. He has helped to reduce the capital’s chronic pollution. His free school meals initiative helps the least well off.
He has also tried his best to keep a lid on public transport costs. His prospectus has won through against a variety of Tory opponents, two of whom, Zac Goldsmith and Shaun Bailey, have since been ennobled. By complete coincidence, you understand, there was no press outcry about rewarding failure by sending Tories who failed to the Lords.
But enough of that: let’s see what the Mail and Tel have ponied up for the delectation of their unfortunate readers. The inmates of the Northcliffe House bunker have howled “PM’S ‘REWARD FOR FAILURE’ AS SADIQ KHAN IS KNIGHTED … London Mayor row risks overshadowing New Year Honours”. A row which the Mail and Telegraph have concocted. So it’s their fault.
Not that they will admit that. But do go on. “SADIQ Khan has been handed a knighthood in the New Year Honours - prompting furious claims of a ‘reward for failure’ [you said that already] … Leading Tories pointed to his ‘track record of failure’ in the capital, including over tackling knife crime and dramatic hikes in council tax, congestion charges and emissions levels”.

Those quote marks are doing seriously heavy lifting. So what else is testing the Tel? He allegedly “waged war on London’s drivers with the Ultra-Low Emission Zone and capitulated to unions over Tube strikes”. He did? “He … handed Tube drivers a 5 per cent pay increase”. And ended a disruptive series of strikes, which don’t affect the Tel’s rich bosses, so they don’t care.
There is more of this tedious drivel. But one person escapes any criticism, and to no surprise, that person is the disgraced former Prime Minister and occasional former Mayor of London Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who bequeathed a mess to Sadiq Khan which he has had to sort out. And it was Bozo, let us not forget, who brought the ULEZ to London in the first place.
It was Bozo who foisted a thousand vanity buses onto TfL, for which a premium over conventional buses had to be paid. It was Bozo who shelled out tens of millions on the Garden Bridge fiasco. It was Bozo who spaffed millions up the wall (his own happy phrase) on the impractical Thames Estuary Airport study. It was Bozo who caved in to George Osborne and relinquished TfL’s subsidy from central Government. And so on.
But Bozo escapes the ritual and spiteful slagging off because he’s a Tory, he’s one of their own, and he’s white. Sadiq Khan, for all his efforts to make life better for all Londoners, will get no more than abuse, because he’s a Rotten Lefty™, he’s brown, and he’s a Muslim. The attacks are straight-up racism.
The racist and hopelessly out of touch right-wing press don’t care about ordinary Londoners. Sadiq Khan does. But you knew that already.
The hypocrisy of the Tory press really doesn't have any bounds. After Johnson and co rewarded some of the biggest, and most disastrous failures in Britain which 'somehow' slipped under their radar, they cannot hold back the wrath when it comes to Khan. Excuse me while I don't faint with shock...
More far right lies and propaganda from Rothermere Heil, Murdoch Scum, toryTelegraaf, BBC, ITN, Sky plus other minor Nazis?
So what's noo?
Probably the Thames Estuary Airport scheme was the only scheme that Boris supported that MIGHT, only very just, have been something good, for a change (™). And even still, he blew that one up. Big time.
Good to see you back, Tim!
Hilarious that the rags have gone with the 'Reward for Failure' line. That 'failure' has previously been rewarded with resounding mayoral election wins, so Londoners don't appear to be too aware yet of the 'failures' so keenly noted by the scribbling whores of Grubby Street.
On the other hand, of course, those same stupid Londoners habitually refuse to vote Conservative and even voted overwhelmingly against Brexit, the traitors. And huge numbers regularly turn out to demonstrate against Israeli genocide, so they're clearly anti-Semitic as well. Add to that the pride they showed in Khan when he was so rude to President Trump in denying that the UK was a no-go area and that London was ruled by sharia law and, well, what else would you expect from them?
So who are Londoners to question the judgement of our free and fearless press that Khan's gong is a 'Reward for Failure'? And those words were not even their own but those of a higher authority. They were handed down to them by none other than Conservative Central Office Artificial Intelligence made Pallid Flesh, Chris Philp.
And When Chris Philp Speaks, M25 ghetto-dwellers, The World Listens.
No worries. Just learn to do as your told, watch soap operas, howl football 'banter' at each other, and vote for the same liars, thieves and crooks.
Above all, love Big Brother and take your Soma.......
Oi! I said that!
I appreciate Khan is more my style than most of the blog's, with Bertie representative of the right wing, but he is a run of a mill centrist.
It is quite amazing the hatred he gets...unless it's because of, you know
Two words.
Kahn, Shmakhan. It makes miniscule difference whether it's him or Johnson running that corrupt shit hole. Mistake-on-Thames.
Suggested New Year Resolution for you, Mr H:
Get over Bertie. Set yourself free!
Since previous prospective Mayors have been gonged I suppose we should be glad that Hall has bucked that particular trend.
Small wonder press "news" and its manufacturers are well down the road to extinction. Good riddance, can't come soon enough.
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